

Pokorny, Lukas K. and Franz Winter, Hg. 2025/26. New Religious Movements in Five Minutes. Sheffield and Bristol: Equinox (contracted).

—:    Hg. 2025. Religion in Austria, Volume 10. Vienna: Praesens Verlag (contracted: Herbst 2025).

—:    Rossella Ferrari, Rudiger Frank und Ina Hein, Hg. 2025. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 17. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh (contracted: Herbst 2025).

—:    Leona Mörth-Nicola und Kerstin Tretina, Hg. 2025. Blicklichter und Grenzgänge. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Religion, Gender und das Lebensende. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh.

—:    Hg. 2024. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    Laurence Cox und Ugo Dessì, Hg. 2024. East Asian Religiosities in the European Union: Globalisation, Migration, and Hybridity. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh.

—:    Rossella Ferrari, Rudiger Frank und Ina Hein, Hg. 2024. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 16. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh.

—:    und Astrid Mattes, Hg. 2024. Taking Seriously, Not Taking Sides: Challenges and Perspectives in the Study of Religions. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh.

—:    und Franz Winter, Hg. 2024. Appropriating the Dao: The Euro-American Esoteric Reception of China. London and New York: Bloomsbury.

—:    Rossella Ferrari, Rudiger Frank und Ina Hein, Hg. 2023. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 15. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh.

—:    Hg. 2023. Religion in Austria, Volume 8. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein und Agnes Schick-Chen, Hg. 2022. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 14. Berlin: De Gruyter/Sciendo.

—:    und Hans-Gerald Hödl, Hg. 2022. Religion in Austria, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein und Agnes Schick-Chen, Hg. 2021. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 13. Berlin: De Gruyter/Sciendo.

—:    Hans-Gerald Hödl und Astrid Mattes, Hg. 2021. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    und Franz Winter, Hg. 2021. The Occult Nineteenth Century: Roots, Developments, and Impact on the Modern World. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

—:    Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein und Agnes Schick-Chen, Hg. 2020. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 12. Berlin: De Gruyter/Sciendo.

—:    Hans-Gerald Hödl und Astrid Mattes, Hg. 2020. Religion in Austria, Volume 5. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein und Agnes Schick-Chen, Hg. 2019. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 11. Berlin: De Gruyter/Sciendo.

—:    Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein und Agnes Schick-Chen, Hg. 2018. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 10. Berlin: De Gruyter/Sciendo.

—:    und Hans-Gerald Hödl, Hg. 2018. Religion in Austria, Volume 4. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    und Franz Winter, Hg. 2018, Handbook of East Asian New Religious Movements. Leiden und Boston: Brill.

—:    Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein und Agnes Schick-Chen, Hg. 2017. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    und Hans-Gerald Hödl, Hg. 2016. Religion in Austria, Volume 3. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein und Agnes Schick-Chen, Hg. 2016. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 8. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.
—:    Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein und Agnes Schick-Chen, Hg. 2015. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein und Agnes Schick-Chen, Hg. 2014. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein und Agnes Schick-Chen, Hg. 2014. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 5. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    und Hans-Gerald Hödl, Hg. 2014. Religion in Austria, Volume 2. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein und Agnes Schick-Chen, Hg. 2013. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 4. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    und Hans-Gerald Hödl, Hg. 2012. Religion in Austria, Volume 1. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    Rudiger Frank, Ingrid Getreuer-Kargl und Agnes Schick-Chen, Hg. 2012. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 3. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    2011. Das Schreiben von Geschichte: Epistemologische Reflexionen. Wien und Berlin: LIT Verlag.

—:    Rudiger Frank, Ingrid Getreuer-Kargl und Agnes Schick-Chen, Hg. 2011. Vienna Graduate Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 2. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    Rudiger Frank, Ingrid Getreuer-Kargl und Agnes Schick-Chen, Hg. 2011. Vienna Graduate Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 1. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.

—:    2008. Ontologische Parallelen im Neuplatonismus und Neokonfuzianismus: Salomon ibn Gabirol und Yi Yulgok. Wien: Praesens Verlag.

Special Issues

—:    and Franz Winter, Hg. 2024. Euro-American Esoteric Readings of East Asia. NVMEN. International Review for the History of Religions (Special Issue), 71 (1).

—:    and Franz Winter, Hg. 2024. Euro-American Esoteric Perspectives on East Asia. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 16 (Special Issue).

—:    and Ugo Dessì, Hg. 2023. Exploring Asian Religions in Europe. Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society (Special Issue), 9 (1).

—:    and Ugo Dessì, Hg. 2022. Globalization and East Asian Religions. Religions (Special Issue), 13 (3–10).

—:    and Jérémy Jammes, Hg. 2020. The Funerary Traditions of East Asian New Religious Movements. Religions (Special Issue), 11 (5).


Fuchs, Stefan. 2016. "Rechtsrock in Japan? Rechte Liedtexte in Japans Musik der Gegenwart." In Rüdiger Frank und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Vienna Studies on East Asia, Volume 4. Wien: Praesens Verlag.

Leitner, Katrin Jumiko. 2014. "Leistungssport und/oder Ausbildung? Die japanische Lösung des Karrieredilemmas." In Rüdiger Frank und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Vienna Studies on East Asia, Volume 3. Wien: Praesens Verlag.

Prochaska-Meyer, Isabelle. 2013. "Kaminchu: Spirituelle Heilerinnen in Okinawa." In Rüdiger Frank und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Vienna Studies on East Asia, Volume 2. Wien: Praesens Verlag.

Schmidhofer, Claudia. 2010. "Fakt und Fantasie: Das Japanbild in deutschsprachigen Reiseberichten 1854–1900." In Rüdiger Frank und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Vienna Studies on East Asia, Volume 1. Wien: Praesens Verlag.

Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften und Sammelbänden

—:    2026. "Are New Religious Movements Founded or Led Only by Men?" In Lukas K. Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. New Religious Movements in Five Minutes. Sheffield und Bristol: Equinox (in Druck).

—:    2026. "Do All New Religious Movements Have Apocalyptic Beliefs?" In Lukas K. Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. New Religious Movements in Five Minutes. Sheffield und Bristol: Equinox (in Druck).

—:    2026. "Do New Religious Movements Exploit Their Members Financially?" In Lukas K. Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. New Religious Movements in Five Minutes. Sheffield und Bristol: Equinox (in Druck).

—:    2026. "How Big Can New Religious Movements Be?" In Lukas K. Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. New Religious Movements in Five Minutes. Sheffield und Bristol: Equinox (in Druck).

—:    2026. "How Do New Religious Movements Respond to Failed Prophecies?" In Lukas K. Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. New Religious Movements in Five Minutes. Sheffield und Bristol: Equinox (in Druck).

—:    2026. "How Many New Religious Movements Are There?" In Lukas K. Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. New Religious Movements in Five Minutes. Sheffield und Bristol: Equinox (in Druck).

—:    2026. "What Are New Religious Movements?" In Lukas K. Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. New Religious Movements in Five Minutes. Sheffield und Bristol: Equinox (in Druck).

—:    2026. "What Is the Deal with Joan of Arc, Victor Hugo, and Jesus in Caodaism?" In Lukas K. Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. New Religious Movements in Five Minutes. Sheffield und Bristol: Equinox (in Druck).

—:    2026. "Why Does the Unification Church Hold Mass Weddings in Sports Stadiums?" In Lukas K. Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. New Religious Movements in Five Minutes. Sheffield und Bristol: Equinox (in Druck).

—:    2025. "Begegnen und Einempfinden. Zur religionswissenschaftlichen Lehrveranstaltungsreihe 'Religion im Fokus' an der Universität Wien." In Verena Kozmann und Robert Wurzrainer, Hg. Interkulturelle und Interreligiöse Begegnung. Grundlage für religionswissenschaftliche und berufliche Expertise? (in Druck).

—:    2025. "'I Owe My Deeper Understanding of the Teaching Largely to Reading Your Writings': An Annotated Translation of the Correspondence between Anton Kropatsch and Nyanaponika, 1953–1963." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 10. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, (in Druck).

—:    2025. "Kōfuku no Kagaku and the Boiling Cauldron." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Leona Mörth-Nicola und Kerstin Tretina, Hg. Blicklichter und Grenzgänge. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Religion, Gender und das Lebensende. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 287–301.

—:    2025. "Korean New Religious Movements." In George D. Chryssides und Benjamin E. Zeller, Hg. Bloomsbury Handbook of New Religious Movements. London und New York: Bloomsbury, (in Vorbereitung).

—:    2025. "Millenarismus: Definition, Theorie, Systematik." In Michael Stausberg und Katharina Wilkens, Hg. Religionswissenschaft. Berlin und Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 181–191.

—:    Leona Mörth-Nicola und Kerstin Tretina. 2025. "Einleitung: Blicklichter und Grenzgänge." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Leona Mörth-Nicola und Kerstin Tretina, Hg. Blicklichter und Grenzgänge. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Religion, Gender und das Lebensende. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, ix–xxix.

—:    2024. "Austria." In Laurence Cox, Ugo Dessì und Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. 2024. East Asian Religiosities in the European Union: Globalisation, Migration, and Hybridity. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 13–29.

—:    2024. "'Austria, the Land Our Father Has Entrusted to Us': Peter Koch's Reports to the Unificationist Leadership in 1969, Introduced and Annotated." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 377–400.

—:    2024. "East Asian Religiosities in Austria." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 99–118.

—:    2024. "Master's and Doctoral Theses in Religious Studies at Austrian Universities, 2008–2012." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 601–611.

—:    2024. "Master's and Doctoral Theses in Religious Studies at Austrian Universities in 2023." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 613–619.

—:    2024. "Musok: Koreanischer Schamanismus" In Birgit Heller und Edith Franke. Religion und Geschlecht. Berlin und Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 293–298.

—:    2024. "Possession and Exorcism in Kōfuku no Kagaku." In Nicole Bauer und Andrew Doole, Hg. Ideas of Possession: Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press, 303–322.

—:    2024. "Religion in Austria: A Bibliography of 2023 Scholarship." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 621–658.

—:    2024. "Religion in Austria: Master's and Doctoral Theses Submitted at Austrian Universities in 2023." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 659–685.

—:    2024. "Shintō." In Birgit Heller und Edith Franke. Religion und Geschlecht. Berlin und Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 149–154.

—:    2024. "'Slowly but Surely, Buddhism Is Going to the Dogs': An Annotated Translation of the Correspondence between Anton Kropatsch and A. A. G. Bennett, 1961–1967." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 435–597.

—:    2024. "Sōka Gakkai." In Birgit Heller und Edith Franke. Religion und Geschlecht. Berlin und Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 321–325.

—:    2024. "The Ascended Confucius: Images of the Chinese Master in the Euro-American Esoteric Discourse." NVMEN: International Review for the History of Religions, 71 (1): 29–47.

—:    2024. "The Funerary Tradition of Kōfuku no Kagaku." In Lukas K. Pokorny und Astrid Mattes, Hg. Taking Seriously, Not Taking Sides: Challenges and Perspectives in the Study of Religions. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 193–206.

—:    2024. "The Theosophical Daodejing: The Beginnings." In Lukas K. Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. Appropriating the Dao: The Euro-American Esoteric Reception of China. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 61–82.

—:    2024. "'The Way, the Truth, and the Light': Franz Hartmann's Daodejing." Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 16: 25–49.

—:    2024. "Vereinigungsbewegung." In Birgit Heller und Edith Franke. Religion und Geschlecht. Berlin und Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 327–332.

—:    und Joseph Chadwin. 2024. "Navigating Inclusion in Fóguāngshān: Why Austrian Locals Engage and Why They Disengage." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 157–181.

—:    Laurence Cox und Ugo Dessì. 2024. "Introductory Remarks." In Laurence Cox, Ugo Dessì und Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. East Asian Religiosities in the European Union: Globalisation, Migration, and Hybridity. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 1–9.

—:    und Christoph Hammer. 2024. "Tibetan Buddhism in Austria: The Beginnings." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 267–330.

—:    und Astrid Mattes. 2024. "Introduction." In Lukas K. Pokorny und Astrid Mattes, Hg. Taking Seriously, Not Taking Sides: Challenges and Perspectives in the Study of Religions. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, ix–xix.

—:    und Franz Winter. 2024. "China in the Euro-American Esoteric Imagination: Contouring a Lacuna." In Lukas K. Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. Appropriating the Dao: The Euro-American Esoteric Reception of China. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 1–14.

—:    und Franz Winter. 2024. "Euro-American Esoteric Readings of East Asia: Introductory Remarks." NVMEN: International Review for the History of Religions, 71 (1): 1–8.

—:    und Franz Winter. 2024. "Preface to the Special Issue 'Euro-American Esoteric Perspectives on East Asia'." Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 16: 1–3.

—:    und Dominic S. Zoehrer. 2024. "'All evil spirits must be brushed off': Possession and Liberation in the Unification Movement." In Nicole Bauer and Andrew Doole, Hg. Ideas of Possession: Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press, 285–302.

—:    2023. "'Dear Master, You Don't Have to Worry about Austria': Paul Werner's Reports to the Unificationist Leadership, 1964–1969, Introduced and Annotated." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 8. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 281–303.

—:    2023. "Exploring East Asian Religiosity in Austria: Current State, Desiderata, and Challenges." Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 9 (1): 233–249.

—:    2023. "'Giving a Secure Position to the Buddha's Teaching in the West': An Annotated Translation of the Correspondence between Anton Kropatsch and A. A. G. Bennett, 1957–1960." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 8. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 305–500.

—:    2023. "Japanese Buddhism in Austria." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 8. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 77–100.

—:    2023. "Les millénarismes en Asie de l'Est." In Ludivine Bantigny, Quentin Deluermoz, Boris Gobille, Laurent Jeanpierre und Eugénia Palieraki, Hg. Une histoire globale des révolutions. Paris: Editions La Découverte, 877–881.

—:    2023. "Master's and Doctoral Theses in Religious Studies at Austrian Universities, 2013–2022." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 8. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 503–536.

—:    2023. "Religion in Austria: A Bibliography of 2022 Scholarship." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 8. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 537–570.

—:    2023. "Religion in Austria: Master's and Doctoral Theses Submitted at Austrian Universities 2022." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 8. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 571–595.

—:    und Ugo Dessì. 2023. "Exploring Asian Religions in Europe: An Introduction." Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 9 (1): 1–7.

—:    und Grzegorz Frąszczak. 2023. "Yiguandao in Vietnam: A Preliminary Exploration." Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 15: 310–334.

—:    und Franz Winter. 2023. "Religious Studies Scholars in Austria and the Issue of Religion. Approaches, Approximations, and Definitions." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 8. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 189–209.

—:    2022. "Ostasiatische Traditionen." In Karsten Lehmann und Wolfram Reiss, Hg. Religiöse Vielfalt in Österreich. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 355–369.

—:    2022. "Religion in Austria: An Annotated Bibliography of 2021 Scholarship." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 377–468.

—:    2022. "Religion in Austria: Master's and Doctoral Theses Submitted at Austrian Universities 2021." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 469–492.

—:    und Joseph Chadwin. 2022. "'A Shared Passion and Love for the Light of the Buddha': A History of Fóguāngshān in Austria." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 3–36.

—:    und Joseph Chadwin. 2022. "Shàolín Buddhism in Austria: The Case of Shaolin Chan Wu Chi." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 179–207.

—:    und Martina Anissa Strommer. 2022. "Buddhist Religious Education at Schools in Austria." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 37–100.

—:    und Gabriella Voss. 2022. "'Coming Home to Oneself through the Body': The Holistic Dance Institute in Austria." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 101–137.

—:    mit Hubert Weitensfelder. 2022. "'To Preserve the Teachings in their Original Simplicity and Purity': An Annotated Translation of the Correspondence between Anton Kropatsch and A. A. G. Bennett, 1955–1956." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 233–373.

—:    und Patricia Sophie Mayer. 2022. "'Like Armageddon': Kōfuku no Kagaku and the COVID-19 Pandemic." Religions, 13 (5): 1–13.

—:    und Dominic S. Zoehrer. 2022. "'Kingdom-building' through Global Diplomatic and Interfaith Agency: The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and Unificationist Millenarianism." Religions, 13 (5): 1–14.

—:    and Dominic S. Zoehrer. 2022. "The Universal Peace Federation (UPF): Origins, Development, and Challenges of the Unificationist 'Abel United Nations'." Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 14: 205–247.

—:    2021. "East Asian UFO Religiosity." In Benjamin Zeller, Hg. Handbook of UFO Religions. Leiden und Boston: Brill, 513–528.

—:    2021. "Japanese Buddhism in Austria." Journal of Religion in Japan, 10 (2–3): 222–242.

—:    2021. "Maitreya, Crop Circles, and the Age of Light: Benjamin Creme's UFO Thought." In Benjamin Zeller, Hg. Handbook of UFO Religions. Leiden und Boston: Brill, 295–311.

—:    2021. "Naikan aus religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive." In Sabine Kaspari, Margit Lendawitsch und Franz Ritter, Hg. Naikan. Eintauchen ins Sein. 40 Jahre Naikan in Europa. Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 26–56.

—:    2021. "Naikan in Austria. Background and Early Years, 1980–1986." In Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 161–218.

—:    2021. "Religion in Austria: An Annotated Bibliography of 2020 Scholarship." In Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 245–309.

—:    2021. "Religion in Austria: Master's and Doctoral Theses Submitted at Austrian Universities 2020." In Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 311–324.

—:    2021. "The Theosophical Maitreya: On Benjamin Creme's Millenarianism." In Lukas Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. The Occult Nineteenth Century: Roots, Developments, and Impact on the Modern World. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 195–220.

—:    und Joseph Chadwin. 2021. "Chinese Buddhism in Austria." In Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 113–160.

—:    und Franz Winter. 2021. "Introductory Remarks." In Lukas Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. The Occult Nineteenth Century: Roots, Developments, and Impact on the Modern World. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 1–12.

—:    2020. "Religion in Austria: A Bibliography of 2018 and 2019 Scholarship." In Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 5. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 281–336.

—:    2020. "The Millenarian Myth Ethnocentrized: The Case of East Asian New Religious Movements." In Nickolas P. Roubekas und Thomas Ryba, Hg. Explaining, Interpreting, and Theorizing Religion and Myth: Contributions in Honor of Robert A. Segal, Leiden und Boston: Brill, 299–316.

—:    2020. "The Unificationist Funerary Tradition." Religions, 11 (5): 1–14.

—:    2018. "Austrian Unificationists Meet Their Messiah: The 1969 European Blessing, Its Context, and Aftermath." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 4. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 1–51.

—:    2018. "Korean New Religious Movements: An Introduction." In Lukas Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. Handbook of East Asian New Religious Movements. Leiden und Boston: Brill, 231–254.

—:    2018. "Unification Movement." In Lukas Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. Handbook of East Asian New Religious Movements. Leiden und Boston: Brill, 321–342.

—:    und Sara Kuehn. 2018. "On Inayati Female Visions in Austria: Female Leadership in the Western Sufi Tradition." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 4. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 53–114.

—:    und Sang-Yeon Loise Sung. 2018. "'Today Vienna, Tomorrow All of Europe': The History of the Vienna Korean Church." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 4. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 161–204.

—:    und Franz Winter. 2018. "East Asian New Religious Movements: Introductory Remarks." In Lukas Pokorny und Franz Winter, Hg. Handbook of East Asian New Religious Movements. Leiden und Boston: Brill, 3–13.

—:    und Dominic Zoehrer. 2018. "Austrian Unificationist Perspectives vis-à-vis the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, with an Annotated Bilingual Translation of the Text." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 4. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 205–288.

—:    2017. "A Feminising Revolution: The Unification Movement and the 'Age of Women'." Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 5: 214–234.

—:    2017. "'Nusiel Unbound': The Archangel and the Fall in Unification Thought." In Zohar Hadromi-Allouche und Áine Larkin, Hg. Fall Narratives: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. London und New York: Routledge, 90–104.

—:    2016. "Naikan aus religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive." In Wolfram Reiss, Hg. Selbstbetrachtung hinter Gittern. Naikan im Strafvollzug in Deutschland und Österreich. Marburg: Tectum Verlag, 25–54.

—:    2016. "The Unificationist Conversion Narrative: Current Perspectives on Past Experiences in the Austrian Unification Movement." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 3. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 215–260.

—:    and Wonsuk Chang. 2015. "'Gazing at the White Clouds': An Annotated Translation of Yulgok’s Sŏnbi haengjang." The Review of Korean Studies, 18 (2): 185–198.

—:    2014. "'A Grand Stage for kōsen rufu in the Future': Sōka Gakkai in Austria, 1961–1981." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 2. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 1–47.

—:    2014. "Millenarian Retrospects and Prospects: The Post-Mun Unification Movement in Austria." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 2. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 127–179.

—:    und Simon Steinbeiss. 2014. "'Pioneers of the Heavenly Kingdom': The Austrian Unification Movement, 1966–1969." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 2. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 181–216.

—:    2013. "Das Streben nach Unsterblichkeit: Neokonfuzianische Betrachtungen." In Karl Baier und Franz Winter, Hg. Altern in den Religionen. Münster: LIT Verlag, 103–121.

—:    2013. "The Millenarian Dimension of Unification Thought." In Rüdiger Frank, James E. Hoare, Patrick Köllner und Susan Pares, Hg. Korea 2013: Politics, Economy and Society. Boston und Leiden: Brill, 161–189.

—:    2013. "‘The Millenarian Dream Continued': Foundation Day, Vision 2020 and the Post-Mun Unification Movement." Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 4: 123–157.

—:    und Franz Winter. 2012. "'Creating Utopia': The History of Kōfuku no Kagaku in Austria, 1989–2012 with an Introduction to Its General History and Doctrine." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 1. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 31–79.

—:    und Simon Steinbeiss. 2012. "‘To Restore This Nation': The Unification Movement in Austria. Background and Early Years, 1965–1966." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 1. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 161–192.

—:    2011. "Neue religiöse Bewegungen in Japan heute: ein Überblick." In Hans Gerald Hödl und Veronika Futterknecht, Hg. Religionen nach der Säkularisierung: Festschrift für Johann Figl zum 65. Geburtstag. Wien: LIT Verlag, 177–199.

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