—: Dionigi Albera und Manoël Pénicaud, Hg. Lieux saints en Méditerranée. Entre partage et partition (im Druck).
—: Stefan Leder und Hans-Peter Pökel, Hg. Angels and Humankind: Nature, Role and Function of Celestial Beings in Near Eastern and Islamic Traditions. Beiruter Texte und Studien (BTS). Würzburg: Ergon-Verlag (im Druck).
—: 2017. Monsters or Bearers of Life-Giving Powers? Trans-Religious Migrations of Ancient Western Asian Symbolism. With a Foreword by Lokesh Chandra. New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Co-Published: D. K. Printworld.
—: 2011. The Dragon in Medieval East Christian and Islamic Art. With a Foreword by Robert Hillenbrand. Islamic History and Civilization: Studies and Texts 86, Leiden und Boston: Brill.
Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften und Sammelbänden
—: 2017. "Pilgrimage as Muslim Religious Commemoration: The Case of Ajvatovica in Bosnia-Herzegovina." In: Ingvild Flaskerud und R. J. Natvig, Hg. Muslim Pilgrimage in Europe, New York: Routledge, 98–117.
—: "Variations of the Airborne Theme of 'Ganymede and the Eagle': Modes of Rendition of Spiritual Ascent in the Greater Persian World." In: Yuka Kadoi, Hg. The Visual World of Persianate Culture, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (im Druck).
—: "The Interplay of the Angels and the Prophet Muḥammad in the Earliest Images of the Prophet in Islamic Art." In: June-Ann Greeley, Hg. Comparative Medieval Angelology, Turnhout: Brepols (im Druck).
—: "Bektāshi Visual Culture in the Western Balkans: On the Agency and Affectivity of Figurative Paintings and Prints." Acta Orientalia, 69 (im Druck).
—: "Suhrawardī Maqtūl's Allegory of Beauty." In: Sabine Dorpmüller, Ines Weinrich, Max Stille und Jan Scholz, eds. Aesthetics of the Sublime: Religious Texts and Rhetorical Theory, Heidelberg: Springer (im Druck).
—: "Symbolic Characteristics of the Practice of Spiritual Retreat (Khalwa) in the Teachings of Sayyid Yaḥyā al-Shirwānī al-Bākūbī and His Spiritual Lineage." In: Thierry Zarcone, Hg. The Khalwatiyya Soufi Order - L'Ordre soufi Khalwatiyya, Journal d'Histoire du Soufisme (JHS), 7 (im Druck).
—: "Oneiric Horizons and Cross-Cultural Convergences? Ṣarī Ṣaltūq Once More." In: Dionigi Albera, Sara Kuehn und Manoël Pénicaud, Hg. Lieux saints en Méditerranée. Entre partage et partition (im Druck).
—: "Footprints and Miraculous Journeys: The Archetypal Missionary Dervish-Warrior." In: Andreas Görke und Mattia Guidetti, Hg. Constructing and Contesting Holy Places in Medieval Islam and Beyond, Leiden: Brill (im Druck).
—: "The Primordial Cycle Revisited: Adam, Eve and the Angels." In: Stefan Leder, Sara Kuehn und Hans-Peter Pökel, Hg. Angels and Mankind: Nature, Role and Function of Celestial Beings in Near Eastern and Islamic Traditions, Beiruter Texte und Studien (BTS), Würzburg: Ergon-Verlag (im Druck).
—: "Material Culture of the Sufi Orders of Islam in the Western Balkans." In: Suzanna Ivanič, Mary Laven und Andrew Morrall, Hg. Religious Materiality in the Early Modern World: Visual and Material Culture, 1300-1700, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press (im Druck).
—: "'The Ignorance of Where the Body Really Was Would Produce Everywhere a Pilgrimage of Muslims': The Performed Representations of the Archetypal Missionary Dervish‐Warrior Ṣarī Ṣaltūq in the Balkans." In: Daphna Ephrat, Ethel Sara Wolper und Paulo G. Pinto, Hg. Saintly Spheres and Islamic Landscapes, Brill Handbook of Oriental Studies, Leiden: Brill (im Druck).
—: "Traces of the Asrār al-tawḥīd on the Architectural Decoration of the Mausoleum of Abū Sa‛īd ibn Abī 'l-Khair Maihanī." und "The Legacy of the Great Shaykh Abū Sa‛īd ibn Abī 'l-Khair Maihanī." In: Muhammad Mamedov, The Architectural Complex of Abū Sa‛īd ibn Abī 'l-Khair Maihanī in Northern Khurasan, Tim Williams, Hg. University College London: Institute of Archaeology, London (im Druck).
—: 2016. "The Eclipse Demons Rāhu and Ketu in Islamic Astral Sciences." In: Dmitriy Antonov und Olga Khristoforova, Hg. In Umbra: Demonology as a Semiotic System, 5, Moscow: Indrik, 211–244.
—: "An Unusual Large Circular Compartmented 'Stamp Seal' of the Goddess with Animals: Some Thoughts on the Religious Symbol System of the Central Asian Bronze Age Culture of Bactria-Margiana." In: Nadezhda Dubova, Hg. Transactions of the Margiana Archaeological Expedition: In Memory of Professor Victor Sarianidi 6, Moscow, 305–322.
—: "Vestiges of the Ourobóros in Medieval Islamic Visual Tradition." In: Rolf A. von Stucky, Oskar Kaelin und Hans-Peter Mathys, Hg. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 169–182.
—: 2015. "Twelver Shīʿī Components in Contemporary Bektāši Visual Piety in the Western Balkans? A Note on Bektāši Visual Culture." In: Irina Vainovski‑Mihai, Hg. NEC Institute for Advanced Study Yearbook 2013–2014, Bucharest 2015, 289–334.
—: 2014. "Engel im Islam." In: Maria Theisen, Hg. Engel – himmlische Boten in alten Handschriften: Begleitbuch zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, November 2014 – Januar 2015 , Darmstadt: Lambert Schneider, 138–171.
—: "The Dragon Fighter: The Influence of Zoroastrian Ideas on Judaeo-Christian and Islamic Iconography." Zoroastrianism in the Levant, ARAM Periodical (ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies), 26 (1 und 2), Leuven: Peeters, 65–101.
—: "Ungeheuer als Träger lebensspendender Macht? Transreligiöse Migrationen einer alten Symbolik im Vorderen Orient (9.–14. Jh.)." EOTHEN, 4, 168–188.
—: "'Escaping the Jaws of Death': Some Visual Conceptualisations in Late Medieval Islamic and Eastern Christian Art." In: Dmitriy Antonov und Olga Khristoforova, Hg. In Umbra: Demonology as a Semiotic System, 3, Moscow: Indrik, 133–164.
—: "The Dragon in Transcultural Skies: Its Celestial Aspect in the Medieval Islamic World." In: Niels Gutschow und Katharina Weiler, Hg. Spirits in Transcultural Skies, Transcultural Research – Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context, Heidelberg: Springer, 71–97.