Echo Chambers of Malevolence: Erdoğan's AKP and Anti-Semitic Propaganda on X in the Aftermath of the Hamas Attacks
In contemporary society, we are witnessing a growing dynamic in which ideological and political narratives are deliberately shaped and amplified in digital spaces. Authoritarian contexts, in particular, provide fertile ground for the use of such mechanisms to pursue political goals that exacerbate social tensions.
The research project "Echo Chambers of Malevolence: Erdoğan's AKP and Anti-Semitic Propaganda on X in the Aftermath of the Hamas Attacks" examines these developments through the case study of Turkish anti-Semitism. It focuses on tweets published between October 7 2023 — the date of the attack on Israeli civilians — and April 1 2024. This specific timeframe was chosen based on the assumption that the Turkish government's stance, alongside manifestations of anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, and anti-Israel sentiment, will remain consistent as the conflict continues and elections approach (local elections took place on March 31, 2024). The project aims to highlight the specific characteristics of Turkish anti-Semitism by analysing its development and dynamics within political discourses, as well as its impact on German-speaking societies.
By linking anti-Semitic discourses, political agendas and digital communication strategies, this interdisciplinary project highlights how these elements shape public opinion and deepen societal polarisation.