The Department of Religious Studies is dedicated in producing high quality research outputs, which places it among the most research intensive and productive units in the University. Covering a wide range of topics and traditions, the Department is committed to continue the dissemination of knowledge in the vast field of Religious Studies through academic monographs, edited volumes, research articles, conference proceedings, book reviews, and shorter pieces of scholarship for a wider audience through various media platforms.
For a complete list of publications, you can check the individual webpages of the staff members.
Baier, Karl. 2025. "Katholische Seherinnen der frühen Moderne [Catholic female seers of the early modern era]." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Leona Mörth-Nicola and Kerstin Tretina, eds. Blicklichter und Grenzgänge. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Religion, Gender und das Lebensende [Illuminations and Border Walks/Crossings: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Religion, Gender, and the End of Life]. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 111–137.
—: 2025. "Ariosophie – Walther Paapes Buch über Adolf Josef Lanz und das Neutempler-Priorat Staufen in Dietfurt im Spiegel der Forschungsgeschichte [Ariosophy – Walther Paape's book about Adolf Josef Lanz and the Priory of the New Templars at Staufen in Dietfurt as reflected in the history of research]." In Zeitschrift für Hohenzollerische Geschichte, 189–208.
Figl, Johann. 2025. "Säkulares Todesverständnis als Alternative zur religiösen Jenseitsorientierung. Motive der Kritik Nietzsches und Irvin D. Yaloms Rezeption [A Secular Understanding of Death as an Alternative to a Religious Orientation Towards the Afterlife. Motives of Criticism of Nietzsche and Irvin D. Yalom's Reception]." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Leona Mörth-Nicola and Kerstin Tretina, eds. Blicklichter und Grenzgänge. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Religion, Gender und das Lebensende [Illuminations and Border Walks/Crossings: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Religion, Gender, and the End of Life]. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 349–367.
Hödl, Hans Gerald. 2025. "Queens and Mothers. Knappe Bemerkungen zur Rolle von Frauen in New Orleans Voodoo und Spiritual Churches [Queens and Mothers: Some brief remarks on the role of women in New Orleans Voodoo and Spiritual Churches]." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Leona Mörth-Nicola und Kerstin Tretina, Hg. Blicklichter und Grenzgänge. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Religion, Gender und das Lebensende [Illuminations and Border Walks/Crossings: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Religion, Gender, and the End of Life]. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 157–176.
Makeef, Tao Thykier. 2025. "Dantians and Dragons: Paracorporeality and the Euro-American Reception of Chinese Martial Arts Spiritualities." In Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 16: 223–254.
Davide Marino. 2025. "The Path to Gnosis: a Microhistory." In Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 16: 83–110.
—: 2025. "The Tao of Julius Evola." In Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 16: 111–141.
Pokorny, Lukas K. and Leona Mörth-Nicola, and Kerstin Tretina, eds. 2025. Blicklichter und Grenzgänge: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Religion, Gender und das Lebensende [Illuminations and Border Walks/Crossings: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Religion, Gender, and the End of Life]. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh.
—: Rossella Ferrari, Rudiger Frank, and Ina Hein, eds. 2024. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 16. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh.
—: and Franz Winter, eds. 2024. Euro-American Esoteric Perspectives on East Asia. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 16 (Special Issue).
—: 2024. "'The Way, the Truth, and the Light': Franz Hartmann's Daodejing." Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 16: 25–49.
—: and Franz Winter. 2024. "Preface to the Special Issue 'Euro-American Esoteric Perspectives on East Asia'." Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 16: 1–3.
—: and Leona Mörth-Nicola, and Kerstin Tretina. 2025. "Einleitung: Blicklichter und Grenzgänge [Introduction: Illuminations and Border Walks/Crossings]." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Leona Mörth-Nicola and Kerstin Tretina, eds. Blicklichter und Grenzgänge: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Religion, Gender und das Lebensende [Illuminations and Border Walks/Crossings: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Religion, Gender, and the End of Life].Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, IX–XXIX.
—: "Kōfuku no Kagaku and the Boiling Cauldron." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Leona Mörth-Nicola and Kerstin Tretina, eds. 2025. Blicklichter und Grenzgänge. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Religion, Gender und das Lebensende [Illuminations and Border Walks/Crossings: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Religion, Gender, and the End of Life]. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 287–301.
Unterrainer, Human-Friedrich et al. 2025. "Affects, dissociative symptoms and addictive behaviours: Insights from clinical and non-clinical samples. In Journal of Affective Disorders, Volume 370: 481–488.
—: et al. 2025. "Effects of insecure attachment on fMRI resting state functional connectivity in poly drug use disorder." In PLoS ONE, 20(2): e0318505.
—: et al. 2025. "Specific and common therapeutic factors in psychodynamic psychotherapy for children and adolescents: an overview." In Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 16: 1525849.
—: et al. 2025. "The German version of the Bergen Yale Sex Addiction Scale (BYSAS): psychometric properties and initial steps of validation." In BMC Psychology, Volume 13, 109.
Baier, Karl. 2024. "Die magnetische Isis: Natur im Denken Franz Anton Mesmers [The Magnetic Isis: Nature in the Thought of Franz Anton Mesmer]." In: Thomas Ruhland and Friedemann Stengel, eds. Von der Physikotheologie zum Vitalismus?: Transformationen des Verhältnisses von Naturforschung und Religion im späten 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 545–591.
—: "Intentionality and Non-Intentionality in Jung's Active Imaginaton." In: Sarah Perez, Bastiaan van Rijn and Jens Schlieter, eds. Intentional Transformative Experiences: Theorizing Self-Cultivation in Religion and Philosophy. Berlin: De Gruyter, 243–270.
—: "Phallizismus, Ehereform und ritualisierter Sex: Eine alternativreligiöse Konstellation des 19. Jahrhunderts [Phallicism, Marriage Reform and Ritualized Sex: An Alternative Religious Constellation of the 19th Century]." In: Lukas K. Pokorny and Astrid Mattes, eds. Taking Seriously, Not Taking Sides: Challenges and Perspectives in the Study of Religions. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 207–243.
—: "The Archetypal Dao: A Look at C. G. Jung's Reception of Chinese Thought." In: Lukas K. Pokorny and Franz Winter, eds. Appropriating the Dao: The Euro-American Esoteric Reception of China. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 163–200.
Chadwin, Joseph. Review of Bianchi, Alice and Lyce Jankowski, eds. The Social Lives of Chinese Objects. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 823.
—: Review of Brown, Tristan G. 2023. Laws of the Land: Fengshui and the State in Qing Dynasty China. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 820–821.
—: Review of Hung, Ruyu, ed. 2020. Cultivation of Self in East Asian Philosophy of Education. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 819–820.
—: Review of Minister, M. Cooper and Sarah J. Bloesch, eds. Cultural Approaches to Studying Religion:
An Introduction to Theories and Methods. London and New York: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 765.
—: Review of Schumann, Matthias and Elena Valussi, eds. 2023. Communicating with the Gods: Spirit-Writing in Chinese History and Society. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 816.
—: Review of Ahiwa, Yoshika and David L. Wank. 2023. The Space of Religion. Temple, State, and Buddhist Communities in Modern China. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 402.
—: Review of Porter, Deborah Lynn. 2022. The Evolution of Chinese Filiality. Insights from the Neurosciences. New York and London: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 393-394.
—: Review of Sha, Zongping and Shuchen Xiang, eds. 2023. The Islamic-Confucian Synthesis in China. Lanham: Lexington Books. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 392-393.
—: Review of Shi, Wei. 2024. Universal and Particular. Ideological Developments in the Contemporary Chinese Confucian Revival Movement (2000–2020). Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 394.
—: Review of Ching, Kwong Chuen. 2023. A Chinese Paradigm of the Jingtu Famen: The Buddhist Thought and Practice of Sheng’an Shixian (1686–1734) and Other Patriarchs. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 208.
—: Review of Clar, Philip and Christian Meyer, eds. 2023. From Trustworthiness to Secular Beliefs: Changing Concepts of xin 信 from Traditional to Modern Chinese. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 204.
—: Review of He, Liqun. 2022. Space and Function: Buddhist State Monasteries in Early Medieval China and their Impact on East Asia. Oxford: Bar. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 210.
—: Review of Silk, Jonathan A. and Stefano Zacchetti, eds. 2022. Chinese Buddhism and the Scholarship of Erik Zürcher. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 207-208.
Çiçek, Hüseyin. 2024. "The Reach of Faith: Diyanet's Publications in Turkish Bookstores and Online Markets in Austria and German-Speaking Europe." In Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 239–266.
—: and Rauf Ceylan. 2024. "Alevitische Identität in der Diaspora: Erfahrungen von Exklusion und soziale Integration im deutschsprachigen Raum." In: Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik.
—: 2024. "Alevis and Turkish-Muslims in Austria: History and Current Developments." In: Rauf Ceylan und Marvin Mücke, eds. Muslims in Europe. Historical developments, present issues, and future challenges. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 113–130.
Dessì, Ugo. 2024. "Italian Zen and the Ways of Globalization." In: Lionel Obadia and Enzo Pace, eds. The Sociology of Yoga, Meditation, and Asian Asceticism. Leiden: Brill, 15‒40.
—: Review of Irizarry, Joshua A. 2022. Sojiji: Discipline, Compassion, and Enlightenment at a Japanese Zen Temple. Michigan: University of Michigan Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 815.
—: Review of Licha, Stephan Kigensan. 2023. Esoteric Zen: Zen and the Tantric Teachings in Premodern Japan. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 659.
—: Review of Licha, Stephan Kigensan and Hans-Martin Krämer, eds. 2023. Learning from the West, Learning from the East: The Emergence of the Study of Buddhism in Japan and Europe before 1900. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 392.
—: Review of Bhalla, Madhu, ed. 2021. Culture as Power: Buddhist Heritage and the Indo-Japanese Dialogue. New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 203.
El-Ashry, Lulie. REview of Hermansen, Marcia K. and Saeed Zarrabi-Zadeh, eds. 2023. Sufism in Western Contexts. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 642.
Endler, Johannes. 2024. "Holistisches Milieu [Holistic Milieu]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke, eds. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 451–466.
Figl, Johann. 2024. "Kritik und 'Selbstaufhebung' der Religion. Perspektiven des genealogischen und komparativen Methodik Nietzsches [Critique and 'Self-abrogation' of Religion. Perspectives on Nietzsche's genealogical and comparative methodology]." In: Lukas K. Pokorny and Astrid Mattes, eds. 2024. Taking Seriously, Not Taking Sides. Challenges and Perspectives in the Study of Religions, Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 307–326.
—: 2024. "Der neue Mensch in der Philosophie Nietzsches [The new human being in Nietzsche's philosophy]." In: Mariano Delgado und Klaus Vellguth, eds. Der bessere Mensch. Religionswissenschaftliche, ethische und theologische Perspektiven, Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag, 67–84.
Frąszczak, Grzegorz. Review of High, Holly, ed. 2022. Stone Masters: Power Encounters in Mainland Southeast Asia. Singapure: NUS Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 827.
—: Review of O'Brien-Kop, Karen. 2022. Rethinking 'Classical Yoga' and Buddhism Meditation, Metaphors and Materiality. London: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 814–815.
—: Review of Esler, Dylan. 2022. The Lamp for the Eye of Contemplation: The Samten Migdron by Nubchen Sangye Yeshe, a 10th-century Tibetan Buddhist Text on Meditation. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 653.
—: Review of Sommers, Susan Mitchell. 2018. The Siblys of London: A Family on the Esoteric Fringes of Georgian England. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 190.
Hammer, Christoph. Review of Rückamp, Veronika. 2021. Alltag in der Moschee. Eine Feldforschung jenseits von Integrationsfragen. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. In: Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. 2024. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 689–693.
—: Review of Mason, Patrick Q. 2017. What is Mormonism? A Student's Introduction. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 806.
—: Review of Zimmermann, Andrea. 2023. Träume, Tränen und Tempel: Thai-buddhistische Religiosität im Alltag thailändischer Heiratsmigrantinnen in der Schweiz. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 816.
—: Review of Arizaga, Mara Lisa. 2022. When Tibetan Meditation Goes Global: A Study of the Adaptation of Bon Religious Practices in the West. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 194.
Heller, Birgit. "Bilder vom Leben danach. Jenseitsvorstellungen und Nahtoderfahrungen [Images of the Afterlife. Ideas of the hereafter and near-death experiences]. In: Lukas K. Pokorny and Astrid Mattes, eds. Taking Seriously, Not Taking Sides: Challenges and Perspectives in the Study of Religions. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 65–84.
—: and Edith Franke. 2024. Religionen und Geschlecht [Religion and Gender], Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
—: 2024. "Gerechtigkeit [Justice]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 459–476.
—: 2024. "Geschlechterstereotype [Gender Stereotypes]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 375–390.
—: 2024. "Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der Religiosität [Gender-specific Differences in Religiosity]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 441–455.
—: 2024. "Gewalt [Violence]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 477–491.
—: 2024. "Gottheit und Geschlecht [Deity and Gender]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 425–439.
—: 2024. "Hindu-Religionen [Hindu-Religions]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 89–111.
—: 2024. "Sexualität [Sexuality]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 407–424.
—: and Edith Franke. 2024. "Androzentrismus der Religionen und ihrer Erforschung [Androcentrism of Religions and their Examination]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 23–27.
—: and Edith Franke. 2024. "Feminismus und geschlechtersensible Religionswissenschaft [Feminism and Gender-Sensitive Religious Studies]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 559–562.
—: and Edith Franke. 2024. "Forschungsgeschichte und Forschungsansätze: von der Frauenforschung zu Transgender Studies [Research History and Research Approaches: from Women's Studies to Transgender Studies]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 37–42.
—: and Edith Franke. 2024."Geschlechterrollen und religiöse Autorität [Gender Roles and Religious Authority]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 359–373.
—: and Edith Franke. 2024. "Grundbegriffe [Basic Terminology]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 17–22.
—: and Edith Franke. 2024. "Impulse des Feminismus für die Religionswissenschaft [Impulses of Feminism for the Study of Religion]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 29–36.
—: and Edith Franke. 2024. "Körper [Body]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 391–406.
—: and Edith Franke. 2024. "Leitkategorien [Central Categories]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 555–558.
—: and Edith Franke. 2024. "Materialität, Religion und Geschlecht [Materiality, Religion and Gender]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 49–53.
—: and Edith Franke. 2024. "Offizielle Religion und Alltagsreligion/gelebte Religion [Official Religion and Everyday Religion/Lived Religion]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 55–64.
—: and Edith Franke. 2024. "Paradigmenwechsel und Forschungspostulate [Paradigm Shifts and Research Postulates]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 553–561.
—: and Edith Franke. 2024. "Religion und Geschlecht: Verflechtungen und Wechselwirkungen [Religion and Gender: Entanglements and Interactions]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 1–13.
—: and Edith Franke. 2024. "Religion und Geschlechterordnungen [Religion and Gender Structures]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religionen und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 43–47.
Hendrischke, Barbara. Review of Chai, David, ed. 2024. A Collated and Critical Study of the Xiang’er Commentary to the Laozi 老子想爾注校證.Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 818.
—: Review of Sokolova, Anna. 2024. The Awakening of the Hinterland: The Formation of Regional Vinaya Traditions in Tang China. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 656.
—: Review of Ames, Roger T. 2022. A Conceptual Lexicon for Classical Confucian Philosophy. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 199-200.
Hödl, Hans Gerald. Review of Ogundiran, Akinwumi. 2020. The Yoruba. A New History. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 380-381.
Horák, Pavel and Karolina Maria Kotkowska, eds. 2024. Occultism and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe. The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series 17 (1).
—: and Karolina Maria Kotkowska. 2024. "Introduction: Studying the Complex Histories of the Occult and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe." In: The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series 17 (1), 7-11.
—: Review of Boaz, Danielle N. 2024. Voodoo: The History of a Racial Slur. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 809.
—: Review of Cook, Joanna. 2023. Making a Mindful Nation: Mental Health and Governance in the Twenty-First Century. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 809.
—: Review of Piraino, Francesco, Marco Pasi, and Egil Asprem, eds. 2023. Religious Dimensions of Conspiracy Theories: Comparing and Connecting Old and New Trends. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 193.
Huỳnh, Cao Nhựt Quang. Review of Arghirescu, Diana. 2022. Building Bridges between Chan Buddhism and Confucianism: A Comparative Hermeneutics of Qisong's "Essays on Assisting the Teaching". Bloomington: Indiana University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 825–826.
—: Review of Oldstone-Moore, Jennifer, ed. 2023. The Oxford Handbook of Confucianism. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 663.
—: Review of Gómez, Luis and Paul Harisson. 2022. Vimalakīrtinirdeśa. The Teaching of Vimalakīrti. Translated with the Mangalam Translation Group. Berkeley: Mangalam Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 405-406.
—: Review of Heim, Maria. 2022. Words for the Heart: A Treasury of Emotions from Classical India. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 390.
—: Review of Sasson, Vanessa R. and Kristin Scheible, eds. 2024. The Buddha. A Storied Life. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 406-407.
—: Review of Rotman, Andy. 2021. Hungry Ghosts. Somerville: Wisdom Publications. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 211.
Marino, Davide. 2024. "The Daoist Who Wasn't: Albert de Pouvourville, Matgioi, Nguyễn Văn Cang and the Problem of Indochinese Masters in fin de siècle Occultism." In: Lukas K. Pokorny and Franz Winter, eds. Appropriating the Dao: The Euro-American Esoteric Reception of China. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 83–108.
—: Review of Borup, Jørn. 2024. Decolonising the Study of Religion: Who Owns Buddhism? London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 819.
—: Review of Farley, Helen. 2019. A Cultural History of Tarot: From Entertainment to Esotericism. London and New York: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 812.
—: Review of Previato, Tommaso, ed. 2024. Fear, Heterodoxy, and Crime in Traditional China: Toward an Anthropological History of Emotion and Its Social Management. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 824–825.
—: Review of Faxneld, Per and Johan Nilsson, eds. 2023. Satanism: A Reader New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 643.
—: Review of Massicotte, Claudie. 2023. Hélène Smith: Occultism and the Discovery of the Unconscious. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 647-648.
—: Review of Taira, Teemu. 2022. Taking "Religion" Seriously: Essays on the Discursive Study of Religion. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 640-641.
—: Review of Wiebe, Donald. 2023. The Western Epistemic Tradition and the Scientific Study of Religion. Sheffield and Bristol: Equinox Publishing. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 579-580.
—: Review of Wiebe, Donald. 2021. An Argument in Defence of a Strictly Scientific Study of Religion. The Controversy at Delphi. Toronto: Institute for the Advanced Study of Religion. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 580.
—: Review of Azize, Josephe. 2020. Gurdjieff: Mysticism, Contemplation, and Exercises. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 381-382.
—: Review of Everingham Nelson, Jane. 2022. Shakespeare and religio mentis. A Study of Christian Hermetism in Four Plays. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 385.
—: Review of Fischer, Paul. 2023. The Annotated Laozi 老子: A New Translation of the Daodejing 道德經. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 398-399.
—: Review of Kahn, Didier and Hiro Hirai, eds. 2022. Pseudo-Paracelsus. Forgery and Early Modern Alchemy, Medicine and Natural Philosophy. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 386.
—: Review of François, Stéphane. 2023. Nazi Occultism: Between the SS and Esotericism. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 191.
—: Review of Penman, Leigh T.I. 2023. Prophecy, Madness, and Holy War in Early Modern Europe: A Life of Ludwig Friedrich Gifftheil. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 192-193.
—: Review of Stewart, John. 2023. A History of Nihilism in the Nineteenth Century: Confrontations with Nothingness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 192.
—: Review of Wang, Xiaona. 2023. Handling "Occult Qualities" in the Scientific Revolution: Disciplines and New Approaches to Natural Philosophy, from John Dee to Isaac Newton. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 192.
Maurer, Moritz. 2024. "Conspirituality and meme culture: transgressive dynamics in right-wing esoteric social media discourse." In: Religion 55 (1), 43–66.
—: "Eine neue Religion für Europäer [A new Religion for Europeans]." In: Jungle World 2024 (51), 14–15.
Nguyen, Trang T. D. Review of Payne, Richard K. and Fabio Rambelli, eds. 2022. Buddhism under Capitalism. London and New York: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 824.
—: Review of Mitchell, Scott A. 2023. The Making of American Buddhism. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 660-661.
—: Review of Wong, Dorothy C., ed. 2022. Dynamics of Interregional Exchange in East Asian Buddhist Art, 5th–13th Century. Wilmington and Malaga: Vernon Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 656-657.
Pokorny, Lukas K., ed. 2024. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag.
—: 2024. "'Austria, the Land Our Father Has Entrusted to Us': Peter Koch's Reports to the Unificationist Leadership in 1969, Introduced and Annotated." In Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 377–400.
—: 2024. "East Asian Religiosities in Austria." In Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 99–118.
—: 2024. "Master's and Doctoral Theses in Religious Studies at Austrian Universities, 2008–2012." In Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 601–611.
—: 2024. "Master's and Doctoral Theses in Religious Studies at Austrian Universities in 2023." In Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 613–619.
—: 2024. "Religion in Austria: A Bibliography of 2023 Scholarship." In Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 621–658.
—: 2024. "Religion in Austria: Master's and Doctoral Theses Submitted at Austrian Universities in 2023." In Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 659–685.
—: 2024. "'Slowly but Surely, Buddhism Is Going to the Dogs': An Annotated Translation of the Correspondence between Anton Kropatsch and A. A. G. Bennett, 1961–1967." In Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 435–597.
—: and Joseph Chadwin. 2024. "Navigating Inclusion in Fóguāngshān: Why Austrian Locals Engage and Why They Disengage." In Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 157–181.
—: and Christoph Hammer. 2024. "Tibetan Buddhism in Austria: The Beginnings." In Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 267–330.
—: and Laurence Cox, and Ugo Dessì, eds. 2024. East Asian Religiosities in the European Union: Globalisation, Migration, and Hybridity. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh.
—: and Astrid Mattes, eds. 2024. Taking Seriously, Not Taking Sides: Challenges and Perspectives in the Study of Religions. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh.
—: 2024. "The Funerary Tradition of Kōfuku no Kagaku." In: Lukas K. Pokorny and Astrid Mattes, eds. Taking Seriously, Not Taking Sides: Challenges and Perspectives in the Study of Religions. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 193–206.
—: and Astrid Mattes. 2024. "Introduction." In: Lukas K. Pokorny and Astrid Mattes, eds. Taking Seriously, Not Taking Sides: Challenges and Perspectives in the Study of Religions. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, ix–xix.
—: 2024. "Possession and Exorcism in Kōfuku no Kagaku." In: Nicole M. Bauer and J. Andrew Doole, eds. Ideas of Possession: Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press, 303–322.
—: and Dominic S. Zoehrer. 2024. "'All evil spirits must be brushed off': Possession and Liberation in the Unification Movement." In: Nicole M. Bauer and J. Andrew Doole, eds. Ideas of Possession: Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press, 285–302.
—: 2024. "Austria." In: Laurence Cox, Ugo Dessì, and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds. 2024. East Asian Religiosities in the European Union: Globalisation, Migration, and Hybridity. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 13–29.
—: and Laurence Cox and Ugo Dessì. 2024. "Introductory Remarks." In: Laurence Cox, Ugo Dessì, and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds. East Asian Religiosities in the European Union: Globalisation, Migration, and Hybridity. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 1–9.
—: 2024. "Musok: Koreanischer Schamanismus [Musok: Korean Shamanism]." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religion und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 293–298.
—: 2024. "Shintō." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religion und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 149–154.
—: 2024. "Sōka Gakkai." In: Birgit Heller and Edith Franke. Religion und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 321–325.
—: 2024. "The Ascended Confucius: Images of the Chinese Master in the Euro-American Esoteric Discourse." In: NVMEN: International Review for the History of Religions, 71 (1), 29–47.
—: 2024. "The Theosophical Daodejing: The Beginnings." In: Lukas K. Pokorny and Franz Winter, eds. Appropriating the Dao: The Euro-American Esoteric Reception of China. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 61–82.
—: 2024. "Vereinigungsbewegung [Unification Movement]." In: Edith Franke and Birgit Heller. Religion und Geschlecht, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 327–332.
—: and Franz Winter, eds. 2024. Appropriating the Dao: The Euro-American Esoteric Reception of China. London and New York: Bloomsbury
—: and Franz Winter. 2024. "China in the Euro-American Esoteric Imagination: Contouring a Lacuna." In: Lukas K. Pokorny und Franz Winter, eds. Appropriating the Dao: The Euro-American Esoteric Reception of China. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 1–14.
—: and Franz Winter, eds. 2024. Euro-American Esoteric Readings of East Asia. NVMEN. International Review for the History of Religions (Special Issue), 71 (1).
—: and Franz Winter. 2024. "Euro-American Esoteric Readings of East Asia: Introductory Remarks." In: NVMEN: International Review for the History of Religions, 71 (1), 1–8.
—: Review of Distelberger, Toni. 2022. Magie aus dem Mostviertel. Wender, Hexenbanner und Beinbruchheiler. Weitra: Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz. In: Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. 2024. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 811–816.
—: Review of Pak, Chong-su 박종수. 2019. Han'guk tamunhwa sahoe'wa chonggyo 한국 다문화사회와 종교 [Multicultural Society and Religion in Korea]. P'aju 파주: Han'guk Haksul Chŏngbo 한국학술정보. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 822–823.
—: Review of Smithrosser, Elizabeth. 2023. The Misadventures of Master Mugwort: A Joke Book Trilogy from Imperial China. 艾子雜說 艾子後語 艾子外語. Shu Shi Lu Cai Tu Benjun. 蘇軾 陆采 屠本畯. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 815.
—: Review of Grant, Beata. 2023. An Anthology of Poetry by Buddhist Nuns of Late Imperial China. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 650.
—: Review of Kawabata, Akira and Keishin Inaba. 2023. "Many in Body, One in Mind": The Journey of Soka Gakkai in America. Osaka: Osaka University Press. In: Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review, 85 (4), 2024: 517–519.
—: Review of Kim, Hongkyung. 2023. The Analects of Dasan, Volume 5: A Korean Syncretic Reading. Translated with Commentary. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 661.
—: Review of Kornicki, Peter Francis. 2018. Languages, Scripts, and Chinese Texts in East Asia. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 650–651.
—: Review of Maxwell-Stuart, Peter and José Manuel García Valverde. 2023. Investigations into Magic, an Edition and Translation of Martín Del Río's Disquisitionum magicarum libri sex, Volume 4. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 640.
—: Review of Ommerborn, Wolfgang. 2020. Neo-Konfuzianisches Herrscherideal und politische Wirklichkeit in der Südlichen Song-Dynastie (1127–1279): Moral und Macht. Zhu Xis Memoranden aus dem Jahr 1194 und die Politik am Kaiserhof [Neo-Confucian Ideal of Rulership and Political Reality in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127–1279): Morality and Power. Zhu Xi's Memoranda from 1194 and Politics at the Imperial Court]. Bochum and Freiburg: projekt Verlag. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 655.
—: Review of Pye, Michael. 2022. Religionsgeschichte Japans. Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer. In: Religionen unterwegs, 30 (2), 2024: 33–34.
—: Review of Wittkamp, Robert F. 2018. Arbeit am Text: Zur postmodernen Erforschung der Kojiki-Mythen [Working on the Text: On the Postmodern Research on Kojiki Myths]. Gossenberg: OSTASIEN Verlag. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 656.
—: Review of de Meyer, Jan. 2023. Master Incapable 无能子: A Medieval Daoist on the Liberation of the Mind. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 393.
—: Review of Heine, Steven. 2024. Xuedou's 100 Odes to Old Cases: A Translation with Commentary. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 401.
—: Review of Makeham, John. 2023. Xiong Shili's Treatise on Reality and Function. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 401.
—: Review of Maxwell-Stuart, Peter and José Manuel García Valverde. 2023. Investigations into Magic, an Edition and Translation of Martín Del Río's Disquisitionum magicarum libri sex, Volume 3. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 387.
—: Review of An, Pyŏng-jik 安秉直. 2017. Kyŏngse yup'yo kwanhan yŏn'gu 經世遺表에 관한 硏究 [A Study of the Kyŏngse yup'yo]. P'aju 파주: Kyŏngin Munhwasa 景仁文化社. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 200.
—: Review of Chan, Leo Tak-hung and Zong-qi Cai, eds. 2022. History Retold: Premodern Chinese Texts in Western Translation. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 210.
—: Review of Gimm, Martin. 2021. P. Johann Adam Schall von Bell S.J. und die Geheimakten zum Gerichtsprozeß der Jahre 1664–1665 in China. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 201.
—: Review of Kim, Ho-dŏk 김호덕, Chang Sŏng-man 장석만, Cho Hyŏn-bŏm 조현범, Yi Chin-gu 이진구, Chŏn Ch'ŏl 전철, Min Sun-ŭi 민순의, Pak Sang-ŏn 박상언, Kim T'ae-yŏn 김태연, To T'ae-su 도태수, and Pang Wŏn-il 방원일. 2019. Han'guk'ŭi kwahak'kwa chonggyo 한국의 과학과 종교 [Science and Religion in Korea]. P'aju 파주: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Tŭllyŏk 도서출판 들녘. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 200.
—: Review of Lo, Vivienne and Penelope Barrett, eds. 2018. Imagining Chinese Medicine. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 209–210.
—: Review of Mallett, Alexander, Catherine Rider, and Dionisius A. Agius, eds. 2022. Magic in Malta: Sellem Bin al-Sheikh Mansur and the Roman Inquisition, 1605. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 193.
—: Review of Maxwell-Stuart, Peter and José Manuel García Valverde. 2023. Investigations into Magic, an Edition and Translation of Martín Del Río's Disquisitionum magicarum libri sex, Volume 2. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 190–191.
—: Review of Pflug, Laura. 2022. Chroniken des Blütenberges. Ordnung, Moral und Staatskunst in qingzeitlichen Beschreibungen des Huashan 華山 [Chronicles of the Flowery Mountain: Order, Morality, and Statecraft in Qing-era Descriptions of Huashan 華山]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 190.
—: Review of von Collani, Claudia. 2023. Der ursprüngliche Sinn der Himmelslehre (Tianxue benyi). Joachim Bouvets (1656–1730) frühe Missionstheologie in China. Analyse, Transkription und Übersetzung der lateinischen Fassungen [The Original Meaning of the Doctrine of Heaven (Tianxue benyi). Joachim Bouvet's (1656–1730) Early Missionary Theology in China: Analysis, Transcription, and Translation of the Latin Versions]. Sankt Augustin: Monumenta Serica Institute. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 205.
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—: Review of Willumsen, Liv Helene. 2022. The Voices of Women in Witchcraft Trials: Northern Europe. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (4), 2024: 812–813.
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—: Review of Aubinet, Stéphane. 2023. Why Sámi Sing. Knowing through Melodies in Northern Norway. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 388.
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Roubekas, Nickolas P. 2024. "Οι Ισλαμικές Σπουδές τον 21ο Αιώνα: Το Έργο του Aaron Hughes και το Χάσμα Μεταξύ Παραδοσιακών και Κριτικών Προσεγγίσεων [Islamic Studies in the 21st Century: Aaron Hughes on the Chasm Between Traditionalist and Critical Approaches]." In: Christos Tsironis, Niki Papageorgious, Stylianos Tsobanidis and Panayotis Pachis, eds. Κοινωνία και Αξίες: Τιμητικό Αφιέρωμα στον Ομότιμο Καθηγητή Ιωάννη Σ. Πέτρου [Society and Values: Essays in Honor of Prof. Emeritus Ioannis S. Petrou]. Thessaloniki: Barbounakis, 423–440.
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—: Review of Wiebe, Donald. 2023. The Western Epistemic Tradition and the Scientific Study of Religion. Sheffield: Equinox. In: Religion, 54 (3), 2024: 629–631.
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—: "Yrjö von Grönhagen und die ›Pflegstätte für indogermanisch-finnische Kulturbeziehungen‹. Forschung und Propaganda im SS-›Ahnenerbe‹ [Yrjö von Grönhagen and the 'Care Center for Indo-Germanic-Finnish Cultural Relations'. Research and propaganda in the SS 'Ahnenerbe']." In: Ralph Tuchtenhagen and Laura Hirvi, eds. Helsinki, Berlin und zwischendrin. Aspekte deutsch-finnischer Verflechtungen im 20. Jahrhundert. Berlin: Nordeuropa-Institut, 55–77.
—: Review of Eichinger, Reinhold. 2018. Auf den Spuren der Täufer in Niederösterreich und im Burgenland. Wien and Nürnberg: VTR (Ver-lag für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft). In: Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. 2024. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 709–714.
—: Review of Hinkelmann, Frank. 2017. Von Österreich in alle Welt. Geschichte der österreichischen protestantischen Weltmission. Bonn: Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft. In: Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. 2024. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 847–852.
—: Review of Hinkelmann, Frank. 2009. Konfessionskunde. Handbuch der Kirchen, Freikirchen und christlichen Gemeinschaften in Österreich. Mosbach: OM Books and Hinkelmann, Frank. 2016. Kirchen, Freikirchen und christliche Gemeinschaften in Österreich. Handbuch der Konfessionskunde. In: Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. 2024. Religion in Austria, Volume 9. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 799–804.
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—: Review of Aldhouse-Green, Miranda. 2021. Rethinking the Ancient Druids: An Archaeological Perspective Cardiff: University of Wales Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (3), 2024: 641-642.
—: Review of John-Stucke, Kirsten and Daniela Siepe, eds. 2022. Myths of Wewelsburg Castle. Facts and Fiction. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (2), 2024: 382.
—: Review of Price, Neil. 2019. The Viking Way: Magic and Mind in Late Iron Age Scandinavia. Oxford and Philadelphia: Oxbow Books. In: Religious Studies Review, 50 (1), 2024: 194.
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—: Review of Aria, Paula and Trainor, Kevin, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Buddhist Practice. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 701.
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—: Review of Billioud, Sébastien. 2020. Reclaiming the Wilderness: Contemporary Dynamics of the Yiguandao. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 414.
—: Review of Choo, Jessey J. C. 2022. Inscribing Death: Burials, Representations, and Remembrance in Tang China. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 432-433.
—: Review of Clark, Kelly James and Winslett, Justin. 2023. A Spiritual Geography of Early Chinese Thought: Gods, Ancestors, and Afterlife. London and New York: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 686-687.
—: Review of Esler, Joshua. 2020. Tibetan Buddhism among Han Chinese: Meditation and Superscription of the Tibetan Tradition in Contemporary Chinese Society. Lanham: Lexington Books. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 254.
—: Review of Faure, Bernard. 2022. The Thousand and One Lives of the Budda. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 422.
—: Review of Ha, Guangtian. 2022. The Sound of Salvation: Voice, Gender, and the Sufi Mediascape in China. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 92–93.
—: Review of Hellerstein, Kathryn and Song Lihong. 2022. China and Ashkenazic Jewry: Transcultural Encounters. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 92.
—: Review of Kasai, Yukiyo and Henrik H. Sørensen, eds. 2022. Buddhism in Central Asia II: Practices, Rituals, Visual and Material Transfer. Dynamics in the History of Religions, 12. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 433.
—: Review of King, Matthew W. 2022. In The Forest of The Blind: The Eurasian Journey of Faxian's Record of Buddhist Kingdoms. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 93.
—: Review of Murray, Julia K. 2021. The Aura of Confucius: Relics and Representations of the Sage at the Kongzhai Shrine in Shanghai. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 255.
—: Review of Nichols, Brian J. 2023. Lotus Blossoms and Purple Clouds: Monastic Buddhism in Post-Mao China. Contemporary Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 431-432.
—: Review of Nichols, Michael D. 2019. Malleable Māra: Transformations of a Buddhist Symbol of Evil. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 436.
—: Review of Stroup, David R. 2022. Pure and True: The Everyday Politics of Ethnicity for China's Hui Muslims. Seattle: University of Washington Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 91–92.
—: Review of Wei, Yinzong. 2022. Scholars and Their Marginalia in Late Imperial China. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 254–255.
—: Review of Yu, Jimmy. 2022. Reimagining Chan Buddhism: Sheng Yen and the Creation of the Dharma Drum Lineage of Chan. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 247.
Çiçek, Hüseyin "René Girard’s Mimetic Theory and Its Value in Understanding Sura Maryam: A Mimetic Analysis of Mythical, Biblical, and Apocryphal Transformations." Religions, 14 (7): 1–9.
—: "Alevi narratives on Authority, Genealogy and Law". Istoricheskaya Etnologiya [Historical Ethnology], 8 (1), 47–62.
Dessì, Ugo. and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds. 2023. Exploring Asian Religions in Europe. Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society (Special Issue), 9 (1).
—: "Globalization and Asian Religions in the Scuola di Meditazione." Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 9 (1), 213–232.
—: and Lukas K. Pokorny. 2023. "Exploring Asian Religions in Europe: An Introduction." Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 9 (1), 1–7.
—: Review of Bornet, Philippe, ed. 2021. Translocal Lives and Religion: Connections between Asia and Europe in the Late Modern World. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 255–256.
—: Review of Moerman, D. Max. 2022. The Japanese Buddhist World Map: Religious Vision and the Cartographic Imagination. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 687.
—: Review of Prebish, Charles S. and On-cho Ng, ed. 2022. The Theory and Practice of Zen Buddhism: A Festschrift in Honor of Steven Heine. Singapore: Springer. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 96.
El-Ashry, Lulie. Review of Bishara, Azmi. 2022. On Salafism: Concepts and Contexts. Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Societies and Cultures. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 414-415.
—: Review of Chen, Carolyn. 2022. Work Pray Code: When Work Becomes Religion in Silicon Valley. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 88–89.
—: Review of Hale, Amy, ed. 2021. Essays on Women in Esotericism: Beyond Seeresses and Sea Priestesses. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 249–250.
—: Review of Price, Charles. 2022. Rastafari: The Evolution of a People and Their Identity. New York: New York University Press. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 683.
Figl, Johann. In the Center of Religions: Belief and Practice of Universal Religious Movements. Suresnes: Nekbakht Foundation. (English revised Edition of Die Mitte der Religionen, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1993).
—: "Perspektiven im Verhältnis zwischen monotheistischen Religionen und nicht-theistischem Buddhismus." In: Verantwortung leben. Betrachtungen aus Wissenschaft und Religion: Festschrift zum ÖBR Jubiläumsjahr 2023. 40 Jahre staatliche Anerkennung des Buddhismus in Österreich. Wien: Verlag Mediendesign Hanten und Hauptfeld OG, 46–50.
Frąszczak, Grzegorz. Review of Anczyk, Adam. 2020. Czarownice, Czarownicy, Czary: Obrazy Kulturowe, Literackie, Artystysczne [Witches, Sorcereres, Witchcraft: Cultural, Literary and Artistic Images]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Ignatianum. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 677-678.
—: Review of Austin, Michael. 2021. Vardis Fisher: A Mormon Novelist. Urbana, Chicago, and Springfield: University of Illinois Press. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (2), 2023: 249.
—: Review of Bourdeaux, Pascal, Eddy Dufourment, André Laliberté, and Rémy Madinier, eds. 2022. Asia and the Secular: Francophone Perspectives in a Global Age. Religion and Its Other Studies in Religion, Nonreligion and Secularity. Berlin / Boston: Walter de Gruyter. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 432.
—: Review of Dorman, Jacob S. 2020. The Princess and the Prophet: The Secret History of Magic, Race, and Moorish Muslims in America. Boston: Beacon Press. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (2), 2023: 250.
—: Review of Garrett, Don, ed. 2022. The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza, Second Edition. Cambridge Companions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 376.
—: Review of Haglund, Kristine L. 2021. Eugene England: A Mormon Liberal. Urbana, Chicago, and Springfield: University of Illinois Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 87–88.
—: Review of Koper, Sławomir and Tomasz Stańczyk. 2022. Mistycy, prorocy, szarlatani [Mystics, Prophets, Charlatans]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Harde. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (2), 2023: 250.
—: Review of Malita-Król, Joanna. 2021. Polscy Wiccanie: Studium religii przeżywanej [Polish Wiccans: A Study of Lived Religion]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 678.
—: Review of Trần Bão Định. Phật tính dân gian nam bộ - đôi điều suy ngẫm [The Popular Perception of Buddha Nature in Southern Vietnam: Some Considerations]. TP Hồ Chí Minh: NXB Tổng Hợp Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 95.
Hendrischke, Barbara. Review of Goldin, Paul Rakita. 2020. The Art of Chinese Philosophy: Eight Classical Texts and How to Read Them. Princeton: Princeton University Press. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 697.
—: Review of Kieschnick, John. 2022. Buddhist Historiography in China. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 257.
—: Review of Krijgsman, Rens. 2023. Early Chinese Manuscript Collections: Sayings, Memory, Verse, and Knowledge. Studies in the History of Chines Texts, 14. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 421.
—: Review of Perkins, Franklin. 2022. Doing What You Really Want: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mengzi. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 103.
—: Review of Raphals, Lisa. 2023. A Tripartite Self Mind, Body, and Spirit in Early China. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 695.
—: Review of Shaughnessy, Edward L. 2022. The Origin and Early Development of the Zhou Changes. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 95.
Holder, Eva. Review of Kissel, Stephen T. 2021. America's Religious Crossroads: Faith and Community in the Emerging Midwest. Champaign, Il: University of Illinois Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 90.
Horák, Pavel. Review of Rathouse, Will. 2021. Contested Heritage: Relations between Contemporary Pagan Groups and the Archaeological and Heritage Professions in Britain in the Early 21st Century. Oxford: BAR Publishing. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 678.
Huỳnh, Cao Nhựt Quang. Review of Bucknell, Roderick S. 2022. Reconstructing Early Buddhism. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 267.
—: Review of Collett, Alice, ed. 2021. Translating Buddhism: Historical and Contextual Perspectives. Albany: State University of New York. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 700.
—: Review of Dalton, Jacob P. 2023. Conjuring the Buddha: Ritual Manuals in Early Tantric Buddhism. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 698.
—: Review of Emmanuel, Steven M., ed. 2021. Philosophy's Big Questions: Comparing Buddhist and Western Approaches. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 266.
—: Review of Garfield, Jay L. 2022. Buddhist Ethics: A Philosophical Exploration. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 104.
—: Review of Garfield, Jay L. 2022. Losing Ourselves: Learning to Live without a Self. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 698.
—: Review of Geismar, Haidy, Ton Otto, and Cameron David Warner. 2022. Impermanence: Exploring Continuous Change Across Cultures. London: UCL Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 68.
—: Review of Groner, Paul. 2022. Precepts, Ordinations, and Practice in Medieval Japanese Tendai. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 696.
—: Review of Gummer, Natalie, ed. 2021. The Language of the Sūtras: Essays in Honor of Luis Gómez. Berkeley: Mangalam Press. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 699-700.
—: Review of Sheehy, Michael R. and Mathes, Klaus-Dieter, eds. 2019. The Other Emptiness: Rethinking the Zhentong Buddhist Discourse in Tibet. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 698-699.
—: Review of Stoltz, Jonathan. 2021. Illuminating the Mind: An Introduction to Buddhist Epistemology. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 700-701.
—: Review of Welter, Albert, Steven Heine, and Jin Y. Park, ed. Approaches to Chan, Sŏn, and Zen Studies: Chinese Chan Buddhism and Its Spread througheast East Asia. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 260–261.
Marino, Davide. Review of Callow, John. 2022. The Last Witches of England. A Tragedy of Sorcery and Superstition. London and New York: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 681-682.
—: Review of Palmisano, Stefania and Nicola Pannofino, eds. 2023. Damanhur: An Esoteric Community Open to the World. Palgrave Studies in New Religions and Alternative Spiritualities. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. In: Religious Studies Review, 49(3), 2023: 419.
—: Review of Mueller, Michelle. 2022. New Religions and the Mediation of Non-Monogamy Polyamory, Polygamy, and Reality Television. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 679.
—: Review of Ó Maoilearca, John. 2023. Vestiges of a Philosophy: Matter, the Meta-Spiritual, and the Forgotten Bergson. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 681.
—: Review of Raia, Courtney. 2019. The New Prometheans: Faith, Science, and the Supernatural Mind in the Victorian Fin de Siècle. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 416.
—: Review of Willard, Thomas. 2022. Thomas Vaughan and the Rosicrucian Revival in Britain 1648–1666. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 679-680.
Pokorny, Lukas K. ed. 2023. Religion in Austria, Volume 8, Vienna: Praesens Verlag.
—: and Ugo Dessì, eds. 2023. Exploring Asian Religions in Europe. Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society (Special Issue), 9 (1).
—: "40 Jahre ÖBR: Ein Blick von Seiten der Wissenschaft." In: Verantwortung leben. Betrachtungen aus Wissenschaft und Religion: Festschrift zum ÖBR Jubiläumsjahr 2023. 40 Jahre staatliche Anerkennung des Buddhismus in Österreich. Wien: Verlag Mediendesign Hanten und Hauptfeld OG, 96–97.
—: Rossella Ferrari, Rudiger Frank, and Ina Hein, eds. 2023. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 15. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh.
—: and Grzegorz Frąszczak. 2023. "Yiguandao in Vietnam: A Preliminary Exploration." Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 15: 310–334.
—: "'Dear Master, You Don't Have to Worry about Austria': Paul Werner's Reports to the Unificationist Leadership, 1964–1969, Introduced and Annotated." In: Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 8, Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 281–303.
—: "Exploring East Asian Religiosity in Austria: Current State, Desiderata, and Challenges." Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 9 (1), 233–249.
—: "Giving a Secure Position to the Buddha's Teaching in the West": An Annotated Translation of the Correspondence between Anton Kropatsch and A. A. G. Bennett, 1957–1960. In: Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 8. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 305–500.
—: "Japanese Buddhism in Austria." In: Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 8, Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 77–100.
—: "Les millénarismes en Asie de l'Est [Millenarianisms in East Asia]." In: Ludivine Bantigny, Quentin Deluermoz, Boris Gobille, Laurent Jeanpierre, and Eugénia Palieraki, eds. Une histoire globale des révolutions. Paris: Editions La Découverte, 877–881.
—: "Master's and Doctoral Theses in Religious Studies at Austrian Universities, 2013–2022." In: Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 8, Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 503–536.
—: "Religion in Austria: A Bibliography of 2022 Scholarship." In: Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 8, Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 537–570.
—: "Religion in Austria: Master's and Doctoral Theses Submitted at Austrian Universities 2022." In: Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 8, Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 571–595.
—: and Ugo Dessì. 2023. "Exploring Asian Religions in Europe: An Introduction." Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 9 (1), 1–7.
—: and Franz Winter. 2023. "Religious Studies Scholars in Austria and the Issue of Religion. Approaches, Approximations, and Definitions." In: Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 8, Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 189–209.
—: Review of Chŏng, Ŭl-gyŏng 정을경. 2021. Ilche kangjŏmgi Ch'ungnam chiyŏk Ch'ŏndogyo'ŭi minjok undong 일제강점기 충남지역. 천도교의 민족운동 [The Ethnic Nationalist Movement Ch'ŏndogyo in the Ch'ungnam Region During the Era of Japanese Occupation]. Sŏul서울: Yŏksa Konggan 역사공간. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 418.
—: Review of Broughton, Jeffrey L. with Elise Yoko Watanabe. 2023. The Recorded Sayings of Chan Master Zhongfeng Mingben. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (4), 2023: 690.
—: Review of Chŏng, Pyŏng-sam 정병삼. 2020. Han'guk pulgyosa 한국 불교사 [A History of Korean Buddhism]. Sŏul 서울: Tosŏ Ch’ulp’an P’urŭn Yŏksa 도서출판 푸른역사. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (4), 2023: 697.
—: Review of Clark, Anthony E. 2021. A Chinese Jesuit Catechism: Giulio Aleni's Four Character Classic 四字經文. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 103–104.
—: Review of Craig, Christopher, Enrico Fongaro, Luca Milasi, and James Tink, eds. 2022. Yonaoshi: Visions of a Better World. Milan: Mimesis International. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 260.
—: Review of Gardner, Daniel K. 2022. Zhu Xi: Basic Teachings. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 91.
—: Review of Heine, Steven. 2022. Wisdom within Words: An Annotated Translation of Dōgen's Chinese-Style Poetry. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 259–260.
—: Review of Ivanhoe, Philip J. and Hwa Yeong Wang. 2023. Korean Women Philosophers and the Ideal of a Female Sage: Essential Writings of Im Yungjidang and Gang Jeongildang. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (4), 2023: 690.
—: Review of Kang, Mun-jong 강문종, Kim Pong-gon 김봉곤, Kim Tŏk-su 김덕수, Sŏng Kwang-dong 성광동, An Chang-ni 안장리, Yi Hyŏn-ju 이현주, and Cho Mi-ŭn 조미은. 2019. Kyullim sŏwŏn 귤림서원 [Kyullim Academy]. Sŏngnam 성남: Han'gukhak Chungang Yŏn'guwŏn Ch'ulp'anbu 한국학중앙연구원 출판부. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (4), 2023: 689.
—: Review of Kang, Ton-gu 강돈구, Ko Pyŏng-ch’ŏl 고병철, Cho Hyŏn-bŏm 조현범, and Yi Hye-jŏng 이혜정. 2020. Han'guk chonggyo kyodan yŏn'gu XII: Yŏn'gusa p'yŏn 한국 종교교단 연구 XII: 연구사 편 [Studies on Korean Religious Denominations XII: A Research History]. Sŏngnam 성남: Han'gukhak Chungang Yŏn'guwŏn Ch'ulp'anbu 한국학중앙연구원출판부. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 423.
—: Review of Kim, Pang-nyong 김방룡 et al. 2017. Ilche kangjŏmgi Poch'ŏn'gyo'ŭi minjok undong 일제강점기 보천교의 민족운동 [The Ethnic Nationalist Movement Poch'ŏn'gyo during the Era of Japanese Occupation]. Sŏul 서울: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Kiyŏk 도서출판 기역. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 417.
—: Review of Kim, Sam-ung 김삼웅. 2020. Suun Ch'oe Che-u p'yŏngjŏn: Minjok chonggyo Tonghag'ŭi kyojo 수운 최제우 평전: 민족종교 동학의 교조 [A Critical Biography of Suun Ch'oe Che-u: The Tenets of the Ethno-National Religion Tonghak]. Sŏul 서울: Tosŏ Ch’ulp’an Ture 도서출판 두레. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (4), 2023: 684.
—: Review of Kyemyŏng Taehakkyo Han'gukhak Yŏn'guwŏn 계명대학교 한국학연구원, ed. 2020. Han'guk sasangsa'ŭi sahoehak'chŏk chomyŏng 한국 사상사의 사회학적 조명 [A Sociological Illumination of the History of Korean Thought]. Taegu 대구: Kyemyŏng Taehakkyo Ch’ulp’anbu 계명대학교 출판부. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 259.
—: Review of Lynn, Richard John. 2022. Zhuangzi: A New Translation of the Saying of Master Zhuang as Interpreted by Guo Xiang. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 260.
—: Review of Matsuo, Kenji 松尾剛次. 2022. Nihon bukkyōshi nyūmon: Shaka no oshie kara shinshūkyō made 日本仏教史入門: 釈迦の教えから新宗教まで [An Introduction to the History of Japanese Buddhism: From Buddha's Teachings to New Religions]. Tōkyō 東京: Heibonsha 平凡社. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 261.
—: Review of O, Kyŏng-hu 오경후. 2018. Saji'wa sŭngjŏn'ŭro pon Chosŏn hugi pulgyo sahaksa 寺誌와 僧傳으로 본 조선후기 불교사학사 [A History of Buddhism of the Late Chosŏn Dynasty Seen through Temple Gazettes and Monk Biographies]. Sŏul 서울: Munhyŏn Ch'ulp'an 문현출판. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (4), 2023: 694.
—: Review of Pang, Wŏn-il 방원일. 2021. Kŭndae chŏnhwan konggan'ŭi Han'guk chonggyo 1 (1879–1900): Kaesin'gyo sŏn'gyo'dŭri pon 근대전환공간의 한국종교 1 (1879~1900): 개신교 선교사들이 본 [Korean Religions during the Transition to Modernity, Volume 1 (1879–1900): As Seen By Protestant Missionaries]. P'aju 파주: Pogosa 보고사. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 423–424.
—: Review of Reichel-Neuwirth, Philipp. 2021. Herrschaft und Protest in Wiener Sagen. Wahrzeichen und ihre religionspolitische Propagandafunktion. Wien: Böhlau Verlag. In: Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 8. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 649–653.
—: Review of Shimazono, Susumu 島薗進. 2020. Shinshūkyō o tou: kindai nihonjin to sukui no shinkō 新宗教を問う―近代日本人と救いの信仰 [Questioning New Religions: Modern Japanese and the Belief in Salvation]. Tōkyō 東京: Chikuma Shobō 筑摩書房. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 89.
—: Review of Sŏul Sinhak Taehakkyo Hyŏndae Kidokkyosa Yŏn'guso 서울신학대학교 현대기독교역사연구소, ed. 2019. Haebang hu Han'guk chŏngch'i'hwa kidokkyoin 해방 후 한국정치와 기독교인 [Korean Politics and Christians After Liberation]. Sŏul 서울: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Sŏnin 도서출판선인. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 421–422.
—: Review of Strassberg, Richard E. 2022. Wandering Spirits: Chen Shiyuan's Encyclopedia of Dreams. Oakland: University of California Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 91.
—: Review of Tongguk Yŏksa Munhwa Yŏn'guso 동국역사문화연구소, ed. 2020. Chosŏn sidae Sŏhak kwallyŏn charyo chipsŏng mit ponyŏk·haeje 3 조선시대 서학 관련 자료 집성 및 번역·해제 3 [Collection, Translation, and Bibliographical Notes of Materials Related to Sŏhak in the Chosŏn Dynasty, 3]. P'aju 파주: Kyŏngin Munhwasa 경인문화사. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 102.
—: Review of Wŏn'gwang Taehakkyo Wŏnbulgo Sasang Yŏn'guwŏn 원광대학교 원불교사상연구원. ed. 2018. Kŭndae Han'guk kaebyŏk chonggyo'rŭl konggong hada 근대 한국 개벽종교를 공공하다 [Publicizing Modern Korean Kaebyŏk Religion]. Sŏul 서울: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Mosi'nŭn Saram'dŭl 도서출판 모시는사람들. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 251.
—: Review of Wŏn'gwang Taehakkyo Wŏnbulgo Sasang Yŏn'guwŏn 원광대학교 원불교사상연구원. ed. 2020. Kŭndae Han'guk kaebyŏk undong'ŭl tasi ikta 근대한국 개벽운동을 다시읽다 [Rereading Modern Korean Kaebyŏk Movements]. Sŏul 서울: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Mosi'nŭn Saram'dŭl 도서출판 모시는사람들. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 416.
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—: Review of Yi, Chin-gu 이진구. 2018. Han'guk kaesin'gyo'ŭi t'aja insik 한국 개신교의 타자인식 [Korean Protestantism's Sense of Otherness]. Sŏul 서울: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Mosi'nŭn Saram'dŭl 도서출판 모시는사람들. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 422.
Popov, Elena. Review of Nergård, Jens-Ivar. 2022. The Sámi Narrative Tradition Cosmopolitans on the Arctic Tundra. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 676-677.
Roubekas, Nickolas. "Historicizing and Deconstructing 'Religion': A Short Overview of a Persisting Problem". In: Christianz Danz and Jakob Helmut Deibl, eds., Transformation of Religion: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 19–33.
—: Review of Bremmer, Jan N. 2021. Greek Religion, 2nd ed. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (3): 384.
—: Review of Suk Fong Jim, Theodora. 2022. Saviour Gods and Soteria in Ancient Greece. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (3): 385.
—: Review of Mazurek, Lindsay A. 2022. Global Empire: Greek Identity Through Egyptian Religion in Roman Greece. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (3): 383.
—: Review of Rutherford, Ian. 2020. Hittite Texts and Greek Religion: Contact, Interaction, and Comparison. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (3): 385.
—: Review of Ward, Julie K. 2022. Searching for the Divine in Plato and Aristotle: Philosophical Theoria and Traditional Practice. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (3): 384.
—: Review of Mackay, Jacob L. 2022. Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion. In: Religion & Theology 30 (3-4): 419-422.
Saikia, Alisha. Review of Bortolini, Matteo. 2021. A Jofully Serious Man: The Life of Robert Bellah. Princeton: Princeton University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 87.
—: Review of Cowan, Douglas E. 2019. Magic, Monsters, and Make-Believe Heroes: How Myth and Religion Shape Fantasy Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 253–254.
—: Review of Donaldson, Brianne and Ana Bajželj. 2021. Insistent Life: Principles for Bioethics in the Jain Tradition. Oakland: University of California Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (2), 2023: 248.
—: Review of Goldberg, Ellen, Aditi Sen, and Brian Collins. 2021. Bollywood Horrors: Religion, Violence and CinematicFears in India. London: Bloomsbury Academic. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 68–69.
—: Review of Gough, Ellen. 2021. Making a Mantra: Tantric Ritual and Renunciation on the Jain Path to Liberation. Class 200: New Studies in Religion. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 420-421.
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Voss, Gabriella. Review of Harvey, Graham and Opinderjit Kaur Takhar. 2021. Religion and Senses of Place. Sheffield and Bristol: Equinox. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (1), 2023: 67–68.
—: Review of Kilde, Jeanne Halgren, ed. 2022. The Oxford Handbook of Religious Space. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 49 (3), 2023: 379.
—: Review of Walz, Heike, ed. 2022. Dance as Third Space. Interreligious, Intercultural, and Interdisciplinary Debates on Dance and Religion(s). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 651.
Wurzrainer, Robert. Review of Alberts, Wanda, Junginger, Horst, Neef, Katharina and Wöstemeyer, Christina, eds. 2023. Handbuch Religionskunde in Deutschland [Handbook of Religious Education in Germany]. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter. In: Religious Studies Review 49 (4), 2023: 650.
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—: Review of Mann, Erwin. 2018. Ein Leben für die Schule: Der katholische Reformpädagoge Johann Rittenr von Hermann (1800–1890) [A Life for the School: The Catholic Reform Pedagogue Johann Ritter von Hermann (1800-1890)]. In: Lukas K. Pokorny, ed. 2023. Religion in Austria Volume 8, Wien: Praesens, 619-630.
Alteno, Marzia. Review of Dobbins, James C. 2020. Behold the Buddha: Religious Meanings of Japanese Buddhist Icons. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 155.
—: Review of Köck, Stefan, Brigitte Pickl-Kolaczia and Bernhard Scheid. 2021. Religion, Power, and the Rise of Shinto in Early Modern Japan. London and New York: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 297.
–: Review of Kuah, Khun Eng. 2022. The Social Production of Buddhist Compassion in Chinese Societies. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 428.
–: Review of Rambelli, Fabio, ed. 2018. The Sea and the Sacred in Japan: Aspects of Maritime Religion. London: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 438.
—: Review of Lyons, Adam J. 2021. Karma and Punishment: Prison Chaplaincy in Japan. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 595–596.
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—: Review of Omori, Hisako. 2020. From Situated Selves to the Self: Conversion and Personhood among Roman Catholics in Tokyo. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 608.
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Baier, Karl. "Mit langem Atem. Ein Streifzug durch die Geschichte des Begriffs 'Spiritualität'." In: zeitzeichen. Evangelische Kommentare zu Religion und Gesellschaft, 23 (3) (März): 29–31.
Bauer, Nicole Maria. "The Devil and the Doctor: The (De)Medicalization of Exorcism in the Roman Catholic Church." In: Religions, 2022 (1): 1–15.
—: and J. Andrew Doole. "The (Re)Invention of Biblical Exorcism in Contemporary Roman Catholic Discourses." In: Religion and Theology, 29, 1–33.
—: "Speaking with the Dead in Early America (2019). Erik R. Seeman. Early American Studies. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press." In: Religious Studies Review (RSR), 48 (1), 144.
—: "Fictional Practice: Magic, Narration, and the Power of Imagination (2021). Ed. by Bernd-Christian Otto and Dirk Johannsen. Aries Book Series, 30. Leiden and Boston: Brill." In: Religious Studies Review (RSR), 48 (2).
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—: "Kabbalah and Sex Magic (2021). Marla Segol. The Magic in History Series. University Park: University of Pennsylvania Press." In: Religious Studies Review (RSR), 48 (1), 144—145.
—: "Passing Orders Demonology and Sovereignty in American Spiritual Warfare (2021). Jonathon O’Donnell. New York: Fordham University Press." In: Religious Studies Review (RSR), 48 (1), 144.
—: "Magic, Science, and Religion in Early Modern Europe (2021) Mark A. Waddell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press." In: Religious Studies Review (RSR), 48 (1), 142.
—: "Geheimnis und Verborgenes im Mittelalter. Funktion, Wirkung und Spannungsfelder von okkultem Wissen, verborgenen Räumen und magischen Gegenständen (2021). Ed by Stephan Conermann, Harald Wolter-von dem Knesebeck, and Miriam Quiering. Das Mittelalter Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung, Band 15. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Oldenburg." In: Religious Studies Review (RSR), 48 (1), 143.
—: "Mystik und Magie im Frühparacelsismus. Erkundungen um Alexander von Suchtens Traktat (2021). Simon Brandl. Studien und Dokumente zur deutschen Literatur und Kultur im europäischen Kontext, Band 239. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Oldenburg." In: Religious Studies Review (RSR), 48 (1), 143—144.
–: Review of Cates, James A. 2020. Serpent in the Garden: Amish Sexuality in a Changing World. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 416–417.
–: Review of Richter, Roxane et al. 2017. Witchcraft as Social Diagnosis: Traditional Ghanaian Beliefs and Global Health. Lanham: Lexington Books. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 417.
Chadwin, Joseph. Review of Harris, Rachel, Guangtian Ha, and Maria Jaschok, ed. 2021. Ethnographies of Islam in China. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 150.
–: Review of Hughes, April D. 2021. Worldly Saviors and Imperial Authority in Medieval Chinese Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 151.
–: Review of Vovin, Alexander. 2021. The Footprints of the Buddha: The Text and the Language. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 148–149.
–: Review of Willock, Nicole. 2021. Lineages of the Literary: Tibetan Buddhist Polymaths of Socialist China. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 149.
–: Review of Wang, Meimei, Bas van Leeuwen, and Jieli Li. 2021. Education in China, ca. 1840-Present. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 149–150.
–: Review of Yang, Fenggang, Jonathan Pettit, and Chris White, ed. 2021. Shades of Gray in the Changing Religious Markets of China. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 150–151.
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–: Review of Balkwill, Stephanie and James A. Benn. 2022. Buddhist Statecraft in East Asia. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 299–300.
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–: Review of Salguero, C. Pierce. 2022. A Global History of Buddhism and Medicine. New York: Columbia University Press. In Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 439.
–: Review of Yeung, Jerf W. K. 2021. Religion, Family, and Chinese Youth Development: An Empirical View. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 426.
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–: Review of Chow, Alexander, ed. 2022. Scottish Missions to China: Commemorating the Legacy of James Legge (1815-1897). Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 427.
–: Review of Mak, Bill M. and Eric Huntington, eds. 2022. Overlapping Cosmologies in Asia: Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Approaches. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 427–428.
–: Review of Naquin, Susan. 2022. Gods of Mount Tai: Familiarity and the Naterial Culture of North China, 1000-2000. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 428–429.
–: "Religiously Apathetic, Hybrid Christians, and Traditional Converts: An Ethnographic Study of How Chinese Immigrant Children in Vienna Engage with Christianity." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria Volume 7. Wien: Praesens, 139–178.
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—: Review of Feuchtwang, Stephan. 2020. Handbook on Religion in China. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 599–600.
—: Review of Zhang, Cong Ellen. 2020. Performing Filial Piety in Northern Song China: Family, State, and Native Place. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 601–602.
—: Review of Cheng, Hsiao-Wen. 2021. Divine, Demonic, and Disordered: Women without Men in Song Dynasty China. Seattle: University of Washington Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 603–604.
—: Review of Gilgan, Sandra. 2022. Utopia in the Revival of Confucian Education: An Ethnography of the Classics-Reading Movement in Contemporary China. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 605–606.
—: Review of Eber, Irene. 2020. Jews in China: Cultural Conversations, Changing Perceptions. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 606.
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–: "Glocalization and the Religious Field." In: Victor Roudometof and Ugo Dessì, eds., Handbook of Culture and Glocalization. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 138–155.
–: and Elisabetta Porcu. "Shinnyoen." In: Courtney Bruntz, ed., Oxford Bibliographies in Buddhism. New York: Oxford University Press.
–: and Christoph Kleine, eds. Secularities in Japan. Leiden and Boston: Brill.
–: and Christoph Kleine. "Introduction: Secularities in Japan." In: Ugo Dessì and Christoph Kleine, eds., Secularities in Japan, 1–8. Leiden and Boston: Brill.
–: Review of Pacey, Scott. 2020. Buddhist Responses to Christianity in Postwar Taiwan: Awakening the World. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 299.
–: Review of Laliberté, André. 2021. China in a Secular Age: Coping with the Legacy of a Religious State. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 297–298.
–: "Trajectories of East Asian Buddhism in South Africa: A Comparative Perspective." In: Journal of Contemporary Religion, DOI: 10.1080/13537903.2022.2124684.
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–: Review of Rambelli, Fabio, ed. 2019. Spirits and Animism in Contemporary Japan: The Invisible Empire. London and New York: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 431.
–: "Globalization and Asian Religions in the Scuola di Meditazione." In: Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 2022, 1–20.
—: Review of Baffelli, Erica, Fabio Rambelli, and Andrea Castiglioni. 2021. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Japanese Religions. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 603.
Dominguez Diaz, Marta. "Gender Reconfigurations and Family Ideology in Abdul Rauf Felpete’s Latin American Haqqaniyya." In: Religions 13 (3): 238.
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El-Ashry, Lulie. Review of Ziad, Waleed. 2021. Hidden Caliphate: Sufi Saints beyond the Oxus and Indus. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 584–585.
Endler, Johannes. "Alternativreligiöse Zugänge zur Schwangerschaft: Die harmonistischen Reformerinnen und Reformer, USA ca. 1840–1865." In: Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 74 (2): 110–131.
Figl, Johann. "Buddhistische Traditionen." In: Karsten Lehmann and Wolfram Reiss, Hg., Religiöse Vielfalt in Österreich, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 337–354.
–: "Buddhistische 'Mission' in Begegnung und Dialog mit dem Christentum." In: Mariano Delgado, Margit Eckhalt, and Klaus Vellguth, eds., Evangelisierung und Geschwisterlichkeit in der pluralen Welt. St.Ottilien: EOS Verlag, 251–258.
–: "Gebet (und Meditation) im Buddhismus und im Neo-Sufismus." In: Mariano Delgado and Volker Leppin, eds., Homo orans. Ds Gebet im Christentum und in anderen Religionen. Basel and Stuttgart: Schwabe Verlag/Kohlhammer, 403–424.
Frąszczak, Grzegorz. Review of Huang, Chun-chieh. 2020. The Debate and Confluence between Confucianism and Buddhism in East Asia: A Historical Overview. Göttingen: V&R unipress. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 148.
–: Review of Black, Monica. 2020. A Demon-Haunted Land: Witches, Wonder Doctors, and the Ghosts of the Past in Post-WWII Germany. New York: Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt and Company. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 286.
–: Review of Ronowska, Bozena. 2019. Czarownice Himmlera: Z Niemieckiej Kartoteki Procesów O Czary [Himmler's Witches: From the German Archive of Witchcraft Trials]. Gdánsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdánskiego [Gdánsk University Press]. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 287.
–: Review of Johnson, Andrew Alan. 2020. Mekong Dreaming: Life and Death Along a Changing River. Durham and London: Duke University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 301.
–: Review of Ng, Benjamin Wai-ming. 2021. The Making of the Global Yijing in the Modern World: Cross-Cultural Interpretations and Interactions. Singapore: Springer. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 289.
—: Review of Jortner, Adam. 2021. No Place for Saints: Mobs and Mormons in Jacksonian America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 590.
Heller, Birgit. "Göttinnen und ihre Beziehungen zu Frauen. Ein ambivalentes Verhältnis konkretisiert am Beispiel der hinduistischen Religionsgeschichte." In: L’Homme. Europäische Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft, 33 (1): 39–56.
–: and Andreas Heller. "Sterbende spirituell begleiten." In: Geriatrie up2date, 4 (2): 135–140.
–: "Jenseitsreisen und Grenz-(überschreitende) Erfahrungen in Todesnähe: Systematisch-religionswissenschaftliche Zugangsperspektiven." In: Stephanie Gripentrog-Schedel, Jens Kugele and Enno Edzard Popkes, eds., Grenzarbeiten auf der Nulllinie: Nahotoderfahrungen in interdisziplinärer Perspektive, Kiel: Universitätsverlag Kiel, 69–87.
–: "Religionen und Geschlecht." In: Andreas Beitin, Katharina Koch, and Uta Ruhkamp, eds., Empowerment: Kunst und Feminismen. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 404–407.
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Hendrischke, Barbara. Review of Cawthorne, Jacob. 2021 Letters Without Capitals. Text and Practice in Kim Mun (Yao) Culture. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 147.
–: Review of Greene, Eric M. 2021. The Secrets of Buddhist Meditation: Visionary Meditation Texts from Early Medieval China. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 146.
–: Review of Pettit, J. E. E. and Chao-jan Chang. 2020. A Library of Clouds: The Scripture of the Immaculate Numen and the Rewriting of Daoist Texts. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 147.
–: Review of Madsen, Richard. 2021. The Sinicization of Chinese Religions: From Above and Below. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 291-292.
–: Review of Hunter, Michael. 2017. Confucius Beyond the Analects. Leiden and Bosten: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 439.
–: Review of Goossaert, Vincent. 2022. Heavenly Masters: Two Thousand Years of the Daoist State. Hong Kong/Honolulu: The Chinese University of Hong Kong/University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 424.
–: Review of Lackner, Michael and Zhao Lu, eds. 2022. Handbook of Divination and Prognostication in China. Part 1: Introduction to the Field of Chinese Prognostication. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 431.
–: Review of Poo, Mu-chou. 2022. Ghosts and Religious Life in Early China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 431–432.
–: Review of Mozina, David J. 2021. Knotting the Banner: Ritual and Relationship in Daoist Practice. Honolulu and Hong Kong: University of Hawai'i Press and The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 438.
—: Review of Galambos, Imre. 2020. Dunhuang Manuscript Culture: End of the First Millennium. Boston and Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 594–595.
—: Review of Tian, Xiaofei. 2021. Family Instructions for the Yan Clan and Other Works by Yan Zhitui (531-590s). Boston and Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 595.
Hödl, Hans Gerald. Review of Kirche, Religion und Politik in Österreich und in der Tschechoslowakei im 20. Jahrhundert. Edited by Miroslav Kunštát, Jaroslav Šebek, and Hildegard Schmoller. Schriftenreihe der Ständigen Konferenz österreichischer und tschechischer Historiker zum gemeinsamen kulturellen Erbe, 3. Wien: LIT Verlag, 2019. Pp. 374. ISBN: 978-3-643-50812-6. Paperback, €30.70. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria Volume 7. Wien: Praesens, 577–589.
—: Review of Postmoderne Freikirche in Österreich heute. Exemplarische wissenschaftliche Untersuchung. By Hella Hagspiel-Keller. Nürnberg: VTR, 2017. Pp. 125. ISBN: 978-3-95776-075-3. Paperback, €15.00. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria Volume 7. Wien: Praesens, 609–614.
—: Review of DDDDr. Johannes Ude (1874–1965). Pazifist – Lebensreformer – Priesterpolitiker. Anstoß damals wie heute? Edited by Michaela Sohn-Kronthaler and Leopold Neuhold. Grazer Universitätsverlag. Allgemeine wissenschaftliche Reihe, 56. Graz and Wien: Leykam Verlag. Pp. 170. ISBN: 978-3-7011-0434-5. Paperback, €19.90. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria Volume 7. Wien: Praesens, 521–526.
Holder, Eva. Review of Evans, Simon M. 2021. A Geography of the Hutterites in North America. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 422.
–: Review of Die Evangelikale Bewegung in Österreich. Grundzüge ihrer historischen und theologischen Entwicklung (1945–1998). By Frank Hinkelmann. Studien zur Geschichte christlicher Bewegungen reformatorischer Tradition in Österreich, 8. Bonn: Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft, 2014. Pp. xii+725. ISBN: 978-3-86269-100-5. Paperback, €40.00. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria Volume 7. Wien: Praesens, 527–535.
—: Review of Rogers Healey, Robynne. 2021. Quakerism in the Atlantic World, 1690–1830. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 588.
Huỳnh, Cao Nhựt Quang. Review of Heim, Maria. 2020. Buddhist Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 607.
—: Review of Wright, Dale S. 2021. Living Skillfully: Buddhist Philosophy of Life from the Vimalakirti Sutra. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 600.
Katz-Wilfing, Yuval. and Gerhard Langer. "Jüdische Traditionen [Jewish Traditions]." In: Karsten Lehmann and Wolfram Reiss, eds. Religiöse Vielfalt in Österreich, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 221–237.
–: "Sh'ma Israel." Dein Wort mein Weg 2 (22), March–May 2022: 35–36.
–: Review of Die vierte Gemeinde. Die Geschichte der Wiener Juden von 1945 bis heute. By Evelyn Adunka. Geschichte der Juden in Wien, 6. Berlin and Wien: Philo Verlagsgesellschaft, 2000. Pp. 568. ISBN: 3-8257-0163-8. €65.53. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria Volume 7. Wien: Praesens, 555–560.
Mayer, Patricia Sophie. and Lukas K. Pokorny. "'Like Armageddon': Kōfuku no Kagaku and the COVID-19 Pandemic." Religions, 13 (5): 1–13.
–: Review of Yoneyama, Shoko. 2019. Animism in Contemporary Japan: Voices for the Anthropocene from post-Fukushima. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 155–156.
–: Review of König, Julia. 2021. Die Körper-Geist-Beziehung im Vajrayana-Buddhismus [The Body-Mind Relationship in Vajrayana Buddhism]. Baden-Baden: Tectum Verlag. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 304.
–: Review of Crockford, Susannah. 2021. Ripples of the Universe: Spirituality in Sedona, Arizona. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 420.
–: Review of Ten, Victoria (Jeon Yeon Hwa). 2020. Body and Ki in GiCheon: Practices of Self-Cultivation in Contemporary Korea. Baden-Baden: Ergon Verlag. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 417.
–: Review of Hedenborg White, Manon. 2020. The Eloquent Blood: The Goddess Babalon and the Construction of Femininities in Western Esotericism. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 416.
—: Review of Klaassen, Frank and Sharon Hubbs. 2021. The Magic of Rogues: Necromancers in Early Tudor England. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 590.
Pokorny, Lukas K. "Ostasiatische Traditionen [East Asian Traditions]." In: Karsten Lehmann and Wolfram Reiss, eds. Religiöse Vielfalt in Österreich, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 355–369.
–: "Religion in Austria: An Annotated Bibliography of 2021 Scholarship." In: Hans Gerald Hödl und Lukas K. Pokorny, Hg. Religion in Austria, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 377–468.
–: "Religion in Austria: Master's and Doctoral Theses Submitted at Austrian Universities 2021." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 469–492.
–: and Joseph Chadwin. "'A Shared Passion and Love for the Light of the Buddha': A History of Fóguāngshān in Austria." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 3–36.
–: and Joseph Chadwin. "Shàolín Buddhism in Austria: The Case of Shaolin Chan Wu Chi." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 179–207.
–: and Patricia Sophie Mayer. "'Like Armageddon': Kōfuku no Kagaku and the COVID-19 Pandemic." Religions, 13 (5): 1–13.
–: and Martina Anissa Strommer. "Buddhist Religious Education at Schools in Austria." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 37–100.
–: and Gabriella Voss. "'Coming Home to Oneself through the Body': The Holistic Dance Institute in Austria." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 101–137.
–: and with Hubert Weitensfelder. "'To Preserve the Teachings in their Original Simplicity and Purity': An Annotated Translation of the Correspondence between Anton Kropatsch and A. A. G. Bennett, 1955–1956." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 7. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 233–373.
–: and Dominic S. Zoehrer. "'Kingdom-building' through Global Diplomatic and Interfaith Agency: The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and Unificationist Millenarianism." Religions, 13 (5): 1–14.
–: and Dominic S. Zoehrer. "The Universal Peace Federation (UPF): Origins, Development, and Challenges of the Unificationist 'Abel United Nations'." Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, 14: 205–247.
–: and Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein, and Agnes Schick-Chen, eds. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, 14. Berlin: De Gruyter/Sciendo.
–: Review of Ch'oe Yŏng-jin 최영진. 2018. Han'guk sŏngnihag'ŭi paljŏn'gwa simhakchŏk/sirhakchŏk pyŏnyong 한국성리학의 발전과 심학적·실학적 변용 [The Development of Korean Neo-Confucianism and the Transformation of the Study of the Mind-Heart and Practical Learning]. Sŏul 서울: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Munsach'ŏl 도서출판 문사철. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 596–597.
–: Review of Halperin, Mark. 2022. A Ming Confucian's World: Selections from Miscellaneous Records from the Bean Garden by Lu Rong. Seattle: University of Washington Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 597.
–: Review of Maxwell-Stuart, Peter and José Manuel García Valverde. 2022. Investigations into Magic, an Edition and Translation of Martín Del Río's Disquisitionum magicarum libri sex, Volume 1. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 589.
–: Review of Ryu, Sŏng-t'ae 류성태. 2018. Pulgyo'wa Wŏnbulgyo 불교와 원불교 [Buddhism and Wŏn Buddhism]. Koyang 고양: Hakkobang 學古房. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 589.
–: Review of Tongguk Yŏksa Munhwa Yŏn'guso 동국역사문화연구소, ed. 2020. Chosŏn sidae Sŏhak kwallyŏn charyo chipsŏng mit ponyŏk·haeje 2 조선시대 서학 관련 자료 집성 및 번역·해제 2 [Collection, Translation, and Bibliographical Notes of Materials Related to Sŏhak in the Chosŏn Dynasty, 2]. P'aju 파주: Kyŏngin Munhwasa 경인문화사. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 597.
–: Review of Yi, Chin-gu 이진구. 2019. Han'guk kŭnhyŏndaesa'wa chonggyo chayu 한국 근현대사와 종교자유 [Modern/Contemporary Korean History and Freedom of Religion]. Sŏul 서울: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Mosi'nŭn Saram'dŭl 도서출판 모시는사람들. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 597–598.
–: Review of Assandri, Friederike. 2015. Dispute zwischen Daoisten und Buddhisten im Fo Dao lunheng des Daoxuan (596-667). Gossenberg: OSTASIEN Verlag. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 294.
–: Review of Assandri, Friederike. 2021. The Daode jing Commentary of Cheng Xuanying: Daoism, Buddhism, and the Laozi in the Tang Dynasty. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 154.
–: Review of Collinet, Benedikt J., Ludger Hiepel, Martina Veselá, and Michael Weigl, eds. 2020. Alois Musil. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf eine vielschichtige Persönlichkeit. Münster: Zaphon. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds. 2022. Religion in Austria, Volume 7, Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 495–508.
–: Review of Dehn, Ulrich. 2022. Sōka Gakkai. Geschichte und Gegenwart einer buddhistischen Laienbewegung. Berlin: EB-Verlag Dr. Brandt. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 296–297.
–: Review of Franklin, J. Jeffrey. 2018. Spirit Matters: Occult Beliefs, Alternative Religions, and the Crisis of Faith in Victorian Britain. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 284.
–: Review of Fraser, Chris. 2020. The Essential Mòzǐ: Ethical, Political, and Dialectical Writings. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 155.
–: Review of Hutter, Manfred. ed. 2018. Der Buddhismus III. Ostasiatischer Buddhismus und Buddhismus im Westen. Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 154.
–: Review of Jones, Charles B. 2021. Taixu's 'On the Establishment of the Pure Land in the Human Realm': A Translation and Study. London and New York: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 294–295.
–: Review of Lehner, Hans-Christian. 2021. The End(s) of Time(s): Apocalypticism, Messianism, and Utopianism through the Ages. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 283–284.
–: Review of Pettid, Michael J. and Kil Cha. 2021. The Encyclopedia of Daily Life: A Woman's Guide to Living in Late-Chŏson Korea. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 295.
–: Review of Turner, Alicia et al. 2020. The Irish Buddhist: The Forgotten Monk who Faced Down the British Empire. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 440.
–: Review of Olson, Carl. 2021. Historical Dictionary of Buddhism, Second Edition. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 437–438.
–: Review of Meyer, Dirk and Adam Craig Schwartz. 2022. Songs of the Royal Zhōu and the Royal Shào: Shī 詩 of the Ānhuī University Manuscripts. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 438.
–: Review of Foulk, T. Griffith, ed. 2021. Record of the Transmission of Illumination, Volume 1: An Annotated Translation of Zen Master Keizan's Denkōroku. Tokyo: Sōtōshū Shūmuchō/Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 436–437.
–: Review of Peterle, Astrid, Adina Seeger, Domagoj Akrap, and Daniella Spera. eds. 2021. Our Medieval City! The First Jewish Community in Vienna. Wien: Böhlau Verlag. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds. 2022. Religion in Austria, Volume 7, Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 637–641.
–: Review of Potz, Richard. 2021. Annotated Legal Documents on Islam in Europe: Austria. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds. 2022. Religion in Austria, Volume 7, Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 509–514.
–: Review of Sasse, Werner. 2022. Records of the Seasonal Customs of Korea: Tongguk sesigi by Toae Hong Sŏk-mo. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 436.
–: Review of Scheutz, Martin, ed. 2021. Predigt, Beichte und Soldaten. Die Kapuzinermission im Salzburger Pongau 1613–1616 im Bericht von Johann Stainhauser (1570–1625). Salzburg: Verein "Freunde der Salzburger Geschichte". In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds. 2022. Religion in Austria, Volume 7, Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 621–626.
–: Review of Tuna, Mehmet Hilmi and Maria Juen, eds. 2021. Praxis für die Zukunft. Erfahrungen, Beispiele und Modelle kooperativen Religionsunterrichts. Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds. 2022. Religion in Austria, Volume 7, Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 615–619.
–: Review of Unterberger, Ursula. 2013. Religion – die letzte Freiheit. Religionsausübung im Strafvollzug. Marburg: Tectum Verlag. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds. 2022. Religion in Austria, Volume 7, Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 627–632.
–: Review of Kim, Yŏng-sik 김영식. 2019. Yuga ch'ŏnt'ong'esŏŭi chayŏn segye'hwa kwahak 유가 전통에서의 자연세계와 과학 [The Natural World and Science in the Confucian Tradition]. Sŏul 서울: Sŏul Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'an Munhwawŏn 서울대학교출판문화원. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 436.
–: Review of Kwak, Sin-hwan 곽신환. 2019. 1583nyŏn'ŭi Yulgok Yi I 1583년의 율곡 이이 [Yulgok Yi I of the Year 1583]. P'aju 파주: Sŏgwangsa 서광사. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 435.
–: Review of Kang, Ton-gu 강돈구, Yun Yong-bok 윤용복, Hŏ Nam-jin 허남진, and Ko Pyŏng-ch'ŏl 고병철. 2021. Han'gug'ŭi sinjonggyo sŏngji 한국의 신종교 성지 [The Sacred Sites of Korean New Religions]. Sŏngnam 성남: Han'gukhak Chungang Yŏn'guwŏn Ch'ulp'anbu 한국학중앙연구원출판부. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 435.
–: Review of Sŏul Sinhak Taehakkyo Hyŏndae Kidokkyosa Yŏn'guso 서울신학대학교 현대기독교역사연구소, ed. 2020. Han'guk chiyŏk sahoe'hwa kidokkyo 한국 지역사회와 기독교 [Korean Local Community and Christianity]. Sŏul 서울: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Sŏnin 도서출판선인. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 435–436.
–: Review of Durrant, Stephen, Wai-yee Li, and David Schaberg. 2020. The Zuo Tradition / Zuozhuan Reader: Selections from China's Earliest Narrative History. Seattle: University of Washington Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 434–435.
–: Review of Deeg, Max. 2018. Die Strahlende Lehre. Die Stele von Xi'an. Wien: LIT Verlag. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 434.
–: Review of Chŏng, Kye-jun 정계준. 2019. Han'gug'ŭi pult'ap 한국의 불탑 [Korean Pagodas]. Sŏul 서울: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Aurum 도서출판아우룸. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 433.
–: Review of DeLapp, Kevin. 2022. Portraits of Confucius: The Reception of Confucianism from 1560 to 1960 (Two Volumes). London and New York: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 433.
–: Review of Henry, Eric. 2021. Garden of Eloquence, Shuoyuan 說苑. Seattle: University of Washington Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 433–434.
–: Review of Will, Pierre-Étienne. 2020. Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography (Two Volumes). Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 432–433.
–: Review of Tongguk Yŏksa Munhwa Yŏn'guso 동국역사문화연구소, ed. 2020. Chosŏn sidae Sŏhak kwallyŏn charyo chipsŏng mit ponyŏk·haeje 1 조선시대 서학 관련 자료 집성 및 번역·해제 1 [Collection, Translation, and Bibliographical Notes of Materials Related to Sŏhak in the Chosŏn Dynasty, 1]. P'aju 파주: Kyŏngin Munhwasa 경인문화사. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 432.
–: Review of Dijkstra, Trude. 2022. Printing and Publishing Chinese Religion and Philosophy in the Dutch Republic, 1595–1700: The Chinese Imprint. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 429.
–: Review of Meynard, Thierry and Dawei Pan. 2020. A Brief Introduction to the Study of Human Nature by Giulio Aleni. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 424.
–: Review of Takeuchi, Lone. 2020. Transgression and Transmission: A Tenth-Century Kanabun Discourse and Its Esoteric Buddhist Templates. Gossenberg: OSTASIEN Verlag. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 425.
–: Review of Guggenmos, Esther-Maria and Li Wei. 2019. Wahrsagende Mönche im chinesischen Buddhismus. Biographien aus dem Shenseng zhuan [Divining Monks in Chinese Buddhism: Biographies from the Shenseng zhuan]. Gossenberg: OSTASIEN Verlag. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 425.
–: Review of Ommerborn, Wolfgang. 2021. Konfuzianisches Selbstverständnis und die Rezeption des Konfuzianismus in Europa bis zum Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts. Bochum and Freiburg: projekt verlag. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 425–426.
–: Review of Li, Chunqing. 2020. Zhong and Zhongyong in Confucian Classics. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 426.
–: Review of Li, Xuetao. 2019. Die Übertragung buddhistischer Sūtras ins Chinesische. Theorie und Praxis am Beispiel von Zanning (919–1001) [The Translation of Buddhist Sūtras into Chinese: Theory and Practice Using the Example of Zanning (919–1001)]. Gossenberg: OSTASIEN Verlag. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 423.
–: Review of Gallagher, Eugene V. and Lydia Willsky-Ciollo. 2021. New Religions. Emerging Faiths and Religious Cultures in the Modern World, Volume 1: A–L. Santa Barbara and Denver: ABC-Clio. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 421.
–: Review of Gallagher, Eugene V. and Lydia Willsky-Ciollo. 2021. New Religions. Emerging Faiths and Religious Cultures in the Modern World, Volume 2: M–Z. Santa Barbara and Denver: ABC-Clio. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 416.
–: Review of Yun, Yong-bok 윤용복, Ryu Sŏng-min 류성민, Ko Pyŏng-ch'ŏl 고병철, Kang Ton-gu 강돈구, and Cho Hyŏn-bŏm 조현범. 2018. Han'guk chonggyo kyodan yŏn'gu 10: ŭirye p'yŏn 한국 종교교단 연구 10: 의례 편 [Studies on Korean Religious Organizations 10: Ritual]. Sŏngnam 성남: Han’gukhak Chungang Yŏn’guwŏn Ch’ulp’anbu 한국학중앙연구원출판부. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 419.
–: Review of Cho, Hyŏn-bŏm 조현범, Ko Pyŏng-chŏl 고병철, Hŏ Nam-jin 허남진, Yun Yong-bok 윤용복, and Yi Yu-na 이유나. 2020. Han'guk chonggyo kyodan yŏn'gu 11: suryŏn munhwa p'yŏn 한국 종교교단 연구 11: 수련문화 편 [Studies on Korean Religious Organizations 11: Training Culture]. Sŏngnam 성남: Han'gukhak Chungang Yŏn'guwŏn Ch'ulp'anbu 한국학중앙연구원출판부. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 419.
–: Review of Wŏn'gwang Taehakkyo Wŏnbulgo Sasang Yŏn'guwŏn 원광대학교 원불교사상연구원. ed. 2019. Kŭndae Han'guk kaebyŏk sasang'ŭl silch'ŏn hada 근대한국 개벽사상을 실천하다 [Modern Korean Kaebyŏk Thought in Practice]. Sŏul 서울: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Mosi'nŭn Saram'dŭl 도서출판 모시는사람들. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 418.
–: Review of Yi, Yŏng-ho 이영호. 2020. Tonghak·Ch'ŏndogyo'wa Kidokkyo'ŭi kaltŭng'gwa yŏndae, 1893–1919 동학·천도교와 기독교의 갈등과 연대, 1893~1919 [Discord and Solidarity between Tonghak/Ch'ŏndogyo and Christianity, 1893–1919]. Sŏul 서울: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an P'urŭn Yŏksa 도서출판 푸른역사. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 417–418.
Roubekas, Nickolas P. The Study of Greek and Roman Religions: Insularity and Assimilation. London and New York: Bloomsbury.
–: et al., eds., Studying the Religious Mind: Methodology in the Cognitive Science of Religion. Sheffield, UK and Bristol, CT: Equinox.
–: "Doubt's Polysemy: Atheism, Skepticism, and Theorizing Religion in Greek Antiquity." Archiv für Religionsgeschichte, 23: 47–60.
–: "Asking Old Questions Anew: On the 'History' of 'Religions'." Journal of Religious History, 46 (4): 632–641.
–: Review of Michael Lipka. 2022. Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and ‘Reality’ from Homer to Heliodorus. Berlin and Boston, MA: De Gruyter. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 263–264.
–: Review of Jörg Rüpke and Greg Woolf, eds. 2021. Religion in the Roman Empire. Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 263.
Saikia, Alisha. Review of Vemsani, Lavanya. 2018. Modern Hinduism in Text and Context. London and New York: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 145.
–: Review of Birkenholtz, Jessica Vantine. 2018. Reciting the Goddess: Narratives of Place and the Making of Hinduism in Nepal. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 289–290.
–: Review of Moodie, Deonnie. 2019. The Making of a Modern Temple and a Hindu City: Kalighat and Kolkata. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 288.
–: Review of Duquette, Jonathan. 2021. Defending God in Sixteenth-Century India: The Saiva Oeuvre of Appaya Diksita. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 422.
–: Review of Holt, John Clifford. 2019. Myanmar's Buddhist-Muslim Crisis: Rohingya, Arakanese, and Burmese Narratives of Siege and Fear. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 440.
—: Review of Barbour, John D. 2022. Journeys of Transformation: Searching for No-Self in Western Buddhist Travel Narratives. New York: Cambridge University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 598.
—: Review of Hüsken, Ute, Vasudha Narayanan, and Astrid Zotter. 2021. Nine Nights of Power: Durga, Dolls, and Darbars. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (4), 2022: 593–594.
Schuster, Dirk. Review of Lyle, Emily. 2021. Myth and History in Celtic and Scandinavian Traditions. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 260.
–: and Ulrich A. Wien. Die Protokolle des Landeskonsistoriums der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Rumänien 1919–1944, vol. 4/1–4/2 (= Urkundenbuch der evangelischen Landeskirche A.B. in Rumänien). Sibiu-Hermannstadt: Honterus.
–: and Ulrich A. Wien. Die Protokolle des Landeskonsistoriums der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Rumänien 1919–1944, vol. 4/3–4/4 (= Urkundenbuch der evangelischen Landeskirche A.B. in Rumänien). Sibiu-Hermannstadt: Honterus.
–: Review of Hausleitner, Mariana. 2021. Selbstbehauptung gegen staatliche Zwangsmaßnahmen. Juden und Deutsche in Rumänien seit 1830. Berlin: Frank & Timme. In: Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 74 (4), 2022: 364–366.
–: and Rocco Leuzzi. "The Popular Piety Display of the Lower Austria Museum’s Haus der Geschichte and Its Classification in Cultural Studies." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria Volume 7. Wien: Praesens, 209–230.
Strube, Julian. Global Tantra: Religion, Science, and Nationalism in Colonial Modernity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
–: "(Anti-)Colonialism, Religion and Science in Bengal from the Perspective of Global Religious History." Journal of Global History.
–: Review of Barua, Ankur. 2021. The Brahmo Samaj and its Vaisnava Milieus: Intersections of Hindu Knowledge and Love in Nineteenth Century Bengal. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 284.
–: Review of Doing mandir, doing kōvil. Eine empirische Rekonstruktion hinduistischer Tempelpraktiken in der Schweiz und in Österreich. By Katharina Limacher. Religionen aktuell, 32. Baden-Baden: Tectum, 2021. Pp. 350. ISBN: 978-3-8288-4683-8. Paperback, €70.00. ISBN: 978-3-8288-7766-5; E-Book, open access. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria Volume 7. Wien: Praesens, 561–566.
Thaler, Marleen. "How Modern is Technology? The Link Between Prehistoric UFOs and Modern Traditionalism." In: Religio: Revue pro Religionistiku, 30 (1): 7–24.
Unterrainer, Human-Friedrich. et al. "Attachment Styles, Personality Organization and Substance Use as Predictors of Emotion Regulation Strategies 'Suppression' and 'Reappraisal' in Young Adults." In: Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 786045.
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Voss, Gabriella. Review of Lucia, Amanda J. 2020. White Utopias: The Religious Exoticism of Transformational Festivals. Oakland: University of California Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (1), 2022: 142–143.
–: Review of Tan, Lee Ooi. 2020. Buddhist Revitalization and Chinese Religions in Malaysia. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (2), 2022: 303.
–: Review of Welch, Christina and Amy R. Whitehead, eds. 2021. Religion and Touch. Sheffield and Bristol: Equinox. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 390.
–: Review of LaMothe, Kimerer L. 2018. A History of Theory and Method in the Study of Religion and Dance: Past, Present, and Future. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 48 (3), 2022: 420.
–: Review of Islamistische Radikalisierung. Biografische Verläufe im Kontext der religiösen Sozialisation und des radikalen Milieu. By Ednan Aslan, Evrim Erşan Akkılıç, and Maximilian Hämmerle. Wiener Beiträge zur Islamforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2018. Pp. 308. ISBN 978-3-658-18983-9. Paperback, 66.81€. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria Volume 7. Wien: Praesens, 567–576.
—: Review of Das Leben deuten. Eine praktisch-theologische Studie zu Freier Ritualbegleitung. By Teresa Schweighofer. Studien zur Theologie und Praxis der Seelsorge, 109. Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2019. Pp. 344. ISBN 978-3-429-05405-2. Paperback, €37.10. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria Volume 7. Wien: Praesens, 515–519.
—: and Lukas K. Pokorny. "'Coming Home to Oneself through the Body': The Holistic Dance Institute in Austria." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria Volume 7. Wien: Praesens, 101–137.
Wurzrainer, Robert. Review of Muratovic, Kevser. 2018. Wenn Bildung mehr sein muss. Der Beitrag muslimischer Jugendorganisationen zur Bildungsarbeit. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria Volume 7. Wien: Praesens, 643–652.
Zoehrer, Dominic S. and Lukas K. Pokorny. "'Kingdom-building' through Global Diplomatic and Interfaith Agency: The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and Unificationist Millenarianism." Religions, 13 (5): 1–14.
–: and Lukas K. Pokorny. "The Universal Peace Federation (UPF): Origins, Development, and Challenges of the Unificationist 'Abel United Nations'." Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, 14: 205–247.
Alteno, Marzia. Review of Klautau, Orion and Hans Martin Krämer, ed. 2021. Buddhism and Modernity: Sources from Nineteenth-Century Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 558.
–: Review of Malá, Zuzana. 2019. Religious Practices in the Japanese Mountains: From Fleeing the Hells towards the Healthy, Sustainable and Spiritual Practices of the Consumer Society. Brno: Masaryk University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 558.
–: Review of Roldán-Figueroa, Rady. 2021. The Martyrs of Japan: Publication History and Catholic Missions in the Spanish World (Spain, New Spain, and the Philippines, 1597–1700). Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 560.
Baier, Karl. "Esotericism." In: Robert A. Segal and Nickolas P. Roubekas, eds., The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Study of Religion, 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ and Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 229–240.
–: "High Mysticism: On the Interplay between the Psychedelic Movement and Academic Study of Mysticism.“ In: Annette Wilke, Robert Stephanus, and Robert Suckro, eds. Constructions of Mysticism as a Universal: Roots and Interactions Across Borders. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 363–393.
–: "Rousselle, Erwin (1890-1949.)." In: Yves Mühlematter and Helmut Zander, eds. Occult Roots of Religious Studies: On the Influence of Non-Hegemonic Currents on Academia around 1900. Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, 257–259.
–: Review of Paape, Walther. 2018. Im Wahn des Auserwähltseins. Die Rassereligion des Lanz von Liebenfels, der Neutemplerorden und das Erzpriorat Staufen in Dietfurt – Eine österreichisch-deutsche Geschichte. Meßkirch: Gmeiner Verlag. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 423–441.
Bauer, Nicole Maria. Review of Asprem, Egil. 2018. The Problem of Disenchantment: Scientific Naturalism and Esoteric Discourse, 1900–1939. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 547.
–: Review of Troy, Kathryn. 2017. The Specter of the Indian: Race, Gender, and Ghosts in American Seances, 1848–1890. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 549.
Chadwin, Joseph. "An Ethnographic Study of How Chinese University Students in Vienna Observed Spring Festival during Covid-19." In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 33–66.
–: "'Because I am Chinese, I do not believe in religion': An Ethnographic Study of the Lived Religious Experience of Chinese Immigrant Children in Vienna." In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 1–31.
–: "Parental Popular Religion and Filiality: An Ethnographic Study of the Religiosity of Chinese Parents in Vienna." In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 67–112.
–: and Lukas Pokorny. "Chinese Buddhism in Austria." In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 113–160.
–: Review of Anderl, Christoph and Christian Wittern. ed. 2021. Chán Buddhism in Dūnhuáng and Beyond: A Study of Manuscripts, Texts, and Contexts in Memory of John R. McRae. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 248–249.
–: Review of Andrews, Susan, Jinhua Chen, and Guang Kuan. ed. 2021. The Transnational Cult of Mount Wutai Historical and Comparative Perspectives. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 248.
–: Review of Aviv, Eyal. 2020. Differentiating the Pearl from the Fish-Eye: Ouyang Jingwu and the Revival of Scholastic Buddhism. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 249.
–: Review of Bianchi, Ester and Weirong Shen, ed. 2021. Sino-Tibetan Buddhism across the Ages. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 552.
–: Review of Chard, Robert L. 2021. Creating Confucian Authority: The Field of Ritual Learning in Early China to 9 CE. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 551.
–: Review of Chau, Adam Yuet. 2019. Religion in China: Ties that Bind. Cambridge: Polity Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 118–119.
–: Review of Chia, Jack Meng-Tat. 2020. Monks in Motion: Buddhism and Modernity Across the South China Sea. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 250.
–: Review of Dotson, Brandon, Constance A. Cook, and Zhao Lu. 2021. Dice and Gods on the Silk Road: Chinese Buddhist Dice Divination in Transcultural Context. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 554–555.
–: Review of Gamble, Ruth. 2018. Reincarnation in Tibetan Buddhism: The Third Karmapa and the Invention of a Tradition. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 564.
–: Review of Ge, Zhaoguang and translated by Josephine Chiu-Duke. 2018. An Intellectual History of China, Volume Two: Knowledge, Thought, and Belief from the Sevent through the Nineteenth Century. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 119.
–: Review of Geaney, Jane. 2018. Language as Bodily Practice in Early China. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 119–120.
–: Review of Goble, Geoffrey C. 2019. Chinese Esoteric Buddhism: Amoghavajra, the Ruling Elite, and the Emergence of a Tradition. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 120.
–: Review of Greene, Eric M. 2021. Chan Before Chan: Meditation, Repentance, and Visionary Experience in Chinese Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 555.
–: Review of Hammerstrom, Erik J. 2020. The Huayan University Network: The Teaching and Practice of Avataṃsaka Buddhism in Twentieth-Century China. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 399.
–: Review of Harris, Lane J. 2018. The Peking Gazette: A Reader in Nineteenth-Century Chinese History. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 121.
–: Review of Heirman, Ann, Carmen Meinert, and Christoph Anderl. ed. 2018. Buddhist Encounters and Identities across East Asia. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 121.
–: Review of Ho, Chiew Hui. 2019. Diamond Sutra Narratives: Textual Production and Lay Religiosity in Medieval China. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 400.
–: Review of Jagou, Fabienne. 2021. Gongga Laoren (1903–1997): Her Role in the Spread of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 555–556.
–: Review of Jones, Charles B. 2019. Chinese Pure Land Buddhism: Understanding a Tradition of Practice. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 252.
–: Review of King, Matthew W. 2019. Ocean of Milk, Ocean of Blood: A Mongolian Monk in the Ruins of the Qing Empire. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 557.
–: Review of Lau, Sin Wen. 2020. Overseas Chinese Christians in Contemporary China: Religion, Mobility, and Belonging. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 253.
–: Review of Li, Yuhang. 2020. Becoming Guanyin: Artistic Devotion of Buddhist Women in Late Imperial China. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 253–254.
–: Review of Salguero, C. Pierce and Andrew Macomber. ed. 2020. Buddhist Healing in Medieval China and Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 123–124.
–: Review of Schedneck, Brooke. 2021. Religious Tourism in Northern Thailand. Encounters with Buddhist Monks. Seattle: University of Washington Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 408–409.
–: Review of Schmiedl, Anne. 2020. Chinese Character Manipulation in Literature and Divination: The Zichu by Zhou Lianggong (1612–1672). Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 402–403.
–: Review of Scott, Gregory Adam. 2020. Building the Buddhist Revival: Reconstructing Monasteries in Modern China. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 403.
–: Review of Sheng, Kai. 2020. A History of Chinese Buddhist Faith and Life. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 256.
–: Review of Starling, Jessica. 2019. Guardians of the Buddha's Home: Domestic Religion in the Contemporary Jōdo Shinshū. Honululu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 124.
–: Review of Sterckx, Roel, Martina Siebert, and Dagmar Schäfer. 2019. Animals through Chinese History: Earliest Times to 1911. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 404.
–: Review of Suleski, Ronald. 2018. Daily Life for the Common People of China, 1850 to 1950. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 125.
–: Review of Swen, Litian. 2021. Jesuit Mission and Submission. Qing Rulership and the Fate of Christianity in China, 1644–1735. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 404–405.
–: Review of Wallace, Vesna A. 2020. Sources of Mongolian Buddhism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 257–258.
–: Review of Wang, Xing. 2020. Physiognomy in Ming China: Fortune and the Body. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 407.
–: Review of Wong, Dorothy C. 2018. Buddhist Pilgrim-Monks as Agents of Cultural and Artistic Transmission: The International Buddhist Art Style in East Asia, ca. 645–770. Singapore: NUS Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 407.
–: Review of Yang, Shao-yun. 2019. The Way of the Barbarians: Redrawing Ethnic Boundaries in Tang and Song China. Seattle: University of Washington Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 258.
–: Review of Yü, Chün-fang. 2020. Chinese Buddhism: A Thematic History. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 126.
–: Review of Zhang, Ying. 2020. Religion and Prison Art in Ming China (1368-1644): Creative Environment, Creative Subjects. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 407–408.
Dessì, Ugo. Review of Cao, Nanlai, Giuseppe Giordan, and Fenggang Yang. ed. 2021. Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion, Volume: 11: Chinese Religions Going Global. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 249–250.
–: Review of McMullen, James. 2020. The Worship of Confucius in Japan. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Asia Center. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 558–559.
–: Review of Victoria, Brian Daizen. 2019. Zen Terror in Prewar Japan. Portrait of an Assassin. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 406–407.
Dominguez Diaz, Marta. "Sufism in Modern Morocco." In: Lloyd Ridgeon, ed., Routledge Handbook on Sufism. Abington and New York: Routledge, 487–500.
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–: Review of Aslan, Ednan, Jonas Kolb, and Erol Yildiz. 2017. Muslimische Diversität. Ein Kompass zur religiösen Alltagspraxis in Österreich. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 475–482.
Figl, Johann. "Marxistische Religionskritik und die Gottesfrage: Christliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Atheismus – und ein vergleichender Blick auf den Buddhismus." In: Petrus Bsteh and Brigitte Proksch, eds., Monotheismus: Interreligiöse Gespräche im Umfeld moderner Gottesfragen im Anschluß an Hermann Stieglecker. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh/Brill, 330–347.
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Frąszczak, Grzegorz. Review of Albrile, Ezio. 2020. Misteri gnostici. Alle origini dei dualismi occidentali [Gnostic Mysteries. To the Origins of Western Dualisms]. Roma: WriteUp Site. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 244.
–: Review of Bauduin, Tessel M., Bauduin, Victoria Ferentinou, and Daniel Zamani. ed. 2018. Surrealism, Occultism and Politics: In Search of the Marvelous. New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 113.
–: Review of Ðào, Nguyên. 2020. Ảnh hưởng của Phật giáo trong Văn học cổ điển Việt Nam (Hán-Nôm) [Buddhist Influence on Vietnamese Classical Literature (Sino-Nom)]. Hà Nội: NXB Hồng Đức. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 399.
–: Review of Đinh, Hồng Hải. 2018. Các vị tổ [Revered Ancestors]. Hà Nội: NXB Thế Giới. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 119.
–: Review of Finstuen, Andrew, Anne Blue Wills, and Grant Wacker. ed. 2017. Billy Graham: American Pilgrim. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 114.
–: Review of Lackner, Michael. ed. 2018. Coping with the Future: Theories and Practices of Divination in East Asia. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 253.
–: Review of Laude, Patrick. 2020. Keys to the Beyond: Frithjof Schuon's Cross-Traditional Language of Transcendence. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 394.
–: Review of Ngô, Văn Doanh. 2019. Tượng cổ Champa – Những phát hiện gần đây [Champa Ancient Statues – Recent Findings]. TP Hồ Chí Minh: NXB Văn hoá—Văn nghệ. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 559.
–: Review of Nguyễn Hạnh. 2019. Văn hóa tín ngưỡng Việt Nam [The Culture of Vietnamese Beliefs]. TP Hồ Chí Minh: NXB Bạn Trẻ. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 401.
–: Review of Panin, Stanislav Станислав Панин. 2019. Философия эзотеризма. Эзотеризм как предмет исторической и философской рефлексии [Philosophy of Esotericism: Esotericism as a Field of Historical and Philosophical Reflection]. Moscow Mocквa: New Literary Review Hoвoe литepaтypнoe oбoзpeниe. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 245–246.
–: Review of Phạm, Thị Loan. 2019. Quá trình du nhập của nho giáo vào Việt Nam — Từ đầu công nguyên đến thế kỷ XIX [The Process of Introducing Confucianism to Vietnam: From the Beginning of the Common Era to the Nineteenth Century]. Hà Nội: NXB Chính Trị Quốc Gia Sự Thật. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 559.
–: Review of Poller, Jake. 2019. Aldous Huxley and Alternative Spirituality. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 246.
–: Review of Roukema, Aren. 2018. Esotericism and Narrative: The Occult Fiction of Charles Williams. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 246.
–: Review of Ruggiero, Mauro. 2019. Le muse ermetiche: Esoterismo e occultismo nella letteratura italiana tra fin de siècle e avanguardia [The Hermetic Muses: Esotericism and Occultism in Italian Literature between the Fin de Siècle and Avant-garde]. Milano: Jouvence. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 117.
–: Review of Tran, Nhung Tuyet. 2018. Familial Properties: Gender, State, and Society in Early Modern Vietnam, 1463–1778. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 562.
–: Review of Trần, Lâm Biền. 2018. Đồ thờ trong di tích của người Việt [Religious Objects among the Vietnamese Historical Heritage]. Hà Nội: NXB Thế Giới. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 257.
–: Review of Voss, Ehler. ed. 2020. Mediality on Trial: Testing and Contesting Trance and other Media Techniques. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 247.
Heller, Birgit. and Martin Groß, Yazan Falouji, Suman Pandey, and Karandeep Bhatia, "Interkulturalität und Interreligiosität [Interculturality and Interreligiousness]." In: Martin Groß and Thomas, ed. Demmer Interdisziplinäre Palliativemedizin. Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer, 15–38.
–: "Wissen, Weisheit und Geschlecht. Ambivalente Geschlechtskonstruktionen in Hindu-Religionen [Knowledge, Wisdom and Gender: Ambivalent Gender Constructions in Hindu Religions]." In: Anna-Katharina Höpflinger, Ann Jeffers, and Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati, eds., Handbuch Gender und Religion. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 307–325.
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–: "Der Trost der Mutter Erde. Kulturübergreifende Vorstellungen von mütterlichen Erdgöttinnen prägen unseren Umgang mit Geburt und Tod." In: Praxis Palliative Care 53: 46f.
–: "Die weibliche Totenklage als Trostbrücke. Frauentrauer als Ausdruck von Widerstande und universaler Solidarität." In: Praxis Palliative Care 53: 24–26.
–: and Andreas Heller. "Spiritual Care: Zwischen Selbstsorge und Sorge füreinander." In: DHZ – Deutsche Heilpraktiker Zeitschrift 8 (16): 62–66.
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–: and Andreas Heller. "Spiritual Care: Zwischen Selbstsorge und Sorge füreinander." In: Das Jahresheft Praxis Palliative Care / demenz 13: Sorge. Leitbild für eine neue Gesellschaft, 32–35.
Hendschrike, Barbara. Review of Bokenkamp, Stephen R. 2021. A Fourth-Century Daoist Family. The Zhen'gao, or Declarations of the Perfected, Volume I. Berkeley: University of California Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 551–552.
–: Review of Goossaert, Vincent and Xun Liu, ed. 2021. Daoism in Modern China: Clerics and Temples in Urban Transformations, 1860–Present. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 553.
–: Review of Roth, Harold D. 2021. The Contemplative Foundations of Classical Daoism. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 561.
Hödl, Hans Gerald. and Astrid Mattes, Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens.
–: "African and Amerindian Spirits: A Note on the Influence of Nineteenth-Century Spiritism and Spiritualism on Afro and African-American Religions." In: Lukas Pokorny and Franz Winter, ed. The Occult Nineteenth Century: Roots, Developments, and Impact on the Modern World. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 319–344.
–: Review of Gibson, Dawn-Marie and Herbert Berg. ed. 2017. New Perspectives on the Nation of Islam. New York and London: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 114–115.
–: Review of Givens, Terry L. 2017. Feeding the Flock: The Foundations of Mormon Thought. Church and Praxis. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 115.
–: Review of Guillory, Margarita Simon. 2018. Spiritual and Social Transformation in African American Spiritual Churches: More than Conjurers. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 393.
–: Review of Landry, Timothy R. 2019. Vodún: Secrecy and the Search for Divine Power. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 393–394.
–: Review of Riess, Jana. 2019. The Next Mormons: How Millennials Are Changing the LDS Church. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 395.
Katz-Wilfing, Yuval. "Wie ich Bible lese." Rund um die Bibel 4, 2021: 5.
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Kraler, Magdalena. "Tracing Vivekananda's Prāṇa and Ākāśa: The Yogavāsiṣṭha and Rama Prasad's Occult Science of Breath." In: Lukas Pokorny and Franz Winter, ed. The Occult Nineteenth Century: Roots, Developments, and Impact on the Modern World. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 373–397.
–: and K. Mullan: Review of Foxen, Anya P. 2020. Inhaling Spirit: Harmonialism, Orientalism, and the Western Roots of Modern Yoga. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Correspondences, 9 (1): 141–147.
Mayer, Patricia Sophie. "The 'Aum Incident' as a Catalyst for Societal Critique: An Analysis of Letters to the Editor of Asahi Shinbun on Aum Shinrikyō." Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, 13: 177–209.
–: Review of Kipnis, Andrew B. 2021. The Funeral of Mr. Wang: Life, Death, and Ghosts in Urbanizing China. Oakland, California: University of California Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 557–558.
Pokorny, Lukas. and Franz Winter, ed. The Occult Nineteenth Century: Roots, Developments, and Impact on the Modern World. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
–: Hans-Gerald Hödl, and Astrid Mattes, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens.
–: Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein, and Agnes Schick-Chen, ed. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, 13. Berlin: Sciendo.
–: "East Asian UFO Religiosity." In: Benjamin Zeller, ed. Handbook of UFO Religions. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 513–528.
–: "Japanese Buddhism in Austria." Journal of Religion in Japan, 10 (2–3): 222–242.
–: "Maitreya, Crop Circles, and the Age of Light: Benjamin Creme's UFO Thought." In: Benjamin Zeller, ed. Handbook of UFO Religions. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 295–311.
–: "Naikan aus religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive" [Naikan from the Perspective of the Study of Religions]. In: Sabine Kaspari, Margit Lendawitsch, and Franz Ritter, ed. Naikan. Eintauchen ins Sein. 40 Jahre Naikan in Europa. Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 26–56.
–: "Naikan in Austria. Background and Early Years, 1980–1986." In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes, and Lukas Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 161–218.
–: "Religion in Austria: An Annotated Bibliography of 2020 Scholarship." In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes, and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 245–309.
–: "Religion in Austria: Master's and Doctoral Theses Submitted at Austrian Universities 2020." In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes, and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 311–324.
–: "The Theosophical Maitreya: On Benjamin Creme's Millenarianism." In: Lukas Pokorny and Franz Winter, ed. The Occult Nineteenth Century: Roots, Developments, and Impact on the Modern World. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 195–220.
–: and Joseph Chadwin. "Chinese Buddhism in Austria." In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes, and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 113–160.
–: and Franz Winter. "Introductory Remarks." In: Lukas Pokorny and Franz Winter, ed. The Occult Nineteenth Century: Roots, Developments, and Impact on the Modern World. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1–12.
–: Review of Bair, Johannes and Wilhelm Rees. 2018. Staatlich eingetragene religiöse Bekenntnisgemeinschaften in Österreich. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes, and Lukas Pokorny, eds. 2021. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 491–496.
–: Review of Bowman, Paul. 2018. The Martial Arts Studies Reader. London and New York: Rowman & Littlefield. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 113.
–: Review of Broughton, Jeffrey L. with Elise Yoko Watanabe. 2021. Core Texts of the Sŏn Approach: A Compendium of Korean Sŏn (Chan) Buddhism. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 398.
–: Review of Halperin, David J. 2020. Intimate Alien: The Hidden Story of the UFO. Stanford: Stanford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 549.
–: Review of Heine, Steven. 2020. Flowers Blooming on a Withered Tree: Giun's Verse Comments on Dōgen's Treasury of the True Dharma Eye. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 554.
–: Review of Höbsch, Werner and Hugo Klingler. 2019. Buddhismus im Westen. Wien: Kirche im Dialog – Bereich Weltanschauungsfragen / Erzdiözese Wien. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes, and Lukas Pokorny, eds. 2021. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 325–329.
–: Review of Introvigne, Massimo. 2020. Inside the Church of Almighty God: The Most Persecuted Religious Movement in China. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 549–550.
–: Review of Kaineder, Katharina. 2019. Interkulturelles Zusammenleben afghanischer und österreichischer Familien. "Es war genial, aber es war ein Wahnsinn". Marburg: Tectum Verlag. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes, and Lukas Pokorny, eds. 2021. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 443–448.
–: Review of Kim, Hongkyung. 2018. The Analects of Dasan, Volume 3: A Korean Syncretic Reading. Translated with Commentary. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 122.
–: Review of Kim, Hongkyung. 2021. The Analects of Dasan, Volume 4: A Korean Syncretic Reading. Translated with Commentary. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 400–401.
–: Review of Leeb, Rudolf and Astrid Schweighofer. ed. 2020. Die Geburt der Moderne aus dem Geist der Religion? Religion, Weltanschauung und Moderne in Wien um 1900. Göttingen: V&R unipress. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes, and Lukas Pokorny, eds. 2021. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 337–346.
–: Review of Lopez Jr., Donald S. 2018. Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Buddhism and the West. Twentieth Anniversary Edition. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3): 408.
–: Review of Miura, Takashi. 2019. Agents of World Renewal: The Rise of Yonaoshi Gods in Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 123.
–: Review of Poller, Jake. ed. 2019. Altered Consciousness in the Twentieth Century. New York and London: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 116.
–: Review of Rees, Wilhelm and Stephan Haering. ed. 2020. Iuris sacri pervestigatio. Festschrift für Johann Hirnsperger. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes, and Lukas Pokorny, eds. 2021. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 455–463.
–: Review of Reinke, Jens. 2021. Mapping Modern Mahayana: Chinese Buddhism and Migration in the Age of Global Modernity. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 564.
–: Review of Westbrook, Donald A. 2019. Among the Scientologists: History, Theology, and Praxis. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 247.
–: Review of Wuerthner, Dennis. 2020. Tales of the Strange by a Korean Confucian Monk: Kŭmo Sinhwa by Kim Sisŭp. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (4), 2021: 562–563.
–: Review of Yun, Kyoim. 2019. The Shaman's Wages: Trading in Ritual on Cheju Island. Seattle: University of Washington Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 126.
–: Review of Zotz, Volker. 2007. Die Suche nach einem sozialen Buddhismus. Friedrich Fenzl und Jôdo Shinshû. Als Festgabe für Friedrich Fenzl zum 75. Geburtstag 2007. Luxembourg: Kairos Edition. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes, and Lukas Pokorny, eds. 2021. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 371–376.
Roubekas, Nickolas P. and Robert A. Segal, eds. The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Study of Religion, 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ and Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
–: "Between Reception and Deception: The Perennial Problem with Euhemerism." In: Syrithe Pugh, ed., Euhemerism and Its Uses: The Mortal Gods. London & New York: Routledge, 249–262.
–: and Leonardo Ambasciano. "The Year the World Became a Cognitive Historiographical Lab En Plein Air: Musings on the Covid-19 Pandemic as Two Editors Bid Farewell to the JCH." In: Journal of Cognitive Historiography 6 (1-2): 5–21.
–: Review of Charles W. King. 2020. The Ancient Roman Afterlife: Di Manes, Belief, and the Cult of the Dead. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 89.
–: Review of Kelly E. Shannon-Henderson. 2019. Religion and Memory in Tacitus' Annals. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2): 224–225.
–: Review of Catherine Conybeare and Simon Goldhill, eds. 2021. Classical Philology and Theology: Entanglement, Disavowal, and the Godlike Scholar. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2): 223–224.
–: Review of Sam Gill. 2020. The Proper Study of Religion: Building on Jonathan Z. Smith. In: Religion, 51 (4): 646–649.
–: Review of M. David Litwa. 2021. Posthuman Transformation in Ancient Mediterranean Thought: Becoming Angels and Demons. In: Religious Studies Review 47 (4): 526.
Saikia, Alisha. "Kyara in Japanese Religious Spaces." Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, 13: 257–297.
–: Review of Hammond, Kelly A. 2020. China's Muslims and Japan's Empire: Centering Islam in World War II. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (2), 2021: 251.
–: Review of Miyazaki, Fumiko, Kate Wildman Nakai, and Mark Teeuwen. 2020. Christian Sorcerers on Trial: Records of the 1827 Osaka Incident. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 123.
–: Review of Payne, Richard K. 2018. Language in the Buddhist Tantra of Japan: Indic Roots of Mantra. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (3), 2021: 401–402.
–: Review of Thomas, Jolyon Baraka. 2019. Faking Liberties: Religious Freedom in American-Occupied Japan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 125–126.
–: Review of Weiss, Richard S. 2019. The Emergence of Modern Hinduism: Religion on the Margins of Colonialism. Oakland, CA : University of California Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 550.
Schuster, Dirk. "Discussions about Atheism and Religion in the Austrian Communist Party (KPÖ) between 1918 and 1933." In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 219–244.
–: Review of Heschel, Susannah. 2018. Jüdischer Islam: Islam und jüdisch-deutsche Selbstbestimmung. Berlin: Matthes & Seitz. In: Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 73 (2): 172–173.
–: Review of Tesař, Jan. 2019. The History of Scientific Atheism. A Comparative Study of Czechoslovakia and Soviet Union (1954–1991). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. In: Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung 70 (1): 128–130.
–: Review of Sachslehner, Johannes. 2019. Bischof Alois Hudal. Hitlers Mann im Vatikan. Ein dunkles Kapitel in der Geschichte der Kirche. Wien and Graz: Molden Verlag. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 395–411.
–: Review of Vorstand der Gesellschaft für die Geschichte des Protestantismus in Österreich, ed. 2019. Jahrbuch für die Geschichte des Protestantismus in Österreich 132/133 (2016/2017). Reformationszeit und Protestantismus im österreichischen Gedächtnis. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 465–473.
–: Review of Scherzberg, Lucia. 2020. Zwischen Partei und Kirche. Nationalsozialistische Priester in Österreich und Deutschland (1938–1945). Frankfurt am Main and New York: Campus Verlag. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 505–510.
Segal, Robert A. and Nickolas P. Roubekas, eds. The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Study of Religion, 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ and Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
–: "Introduction." In: Robert A. Segal and Nickolas P. Roubekas, eds. The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Study of Religion, 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ and Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, xi–xvi.
–: "Funtionalism." In: Robert A. Segal and Nickolas P. Roubekas, eds. The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Study of Religion, 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ and Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 253–264.
–: "Myth." In: In: Robert A. Segal and Nickolas P. Roubekas, eds. The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Study of Religion, 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ and Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 348–360.
–: Review of Shands Stoltzfus, Regina and Tobin Miller Shearer. 2021. Been in the Struggle: Pursuing an Antiracist Spirituality. Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press. In: Times Higher Education (December 13).
Strube, Julian and Egil Asprem, eds. New Approaches to the Study of Esotericism (Supplements to Method & Theory in the Study of Religion 17). Leiden and Boston: Brill.
–: and Egil Asprem. "Esotericism’s Expanding Horizon: Why This Book Came to Be" & "Afterword: Outlines of a New Roadmap". In: Egil Asprem and Julian Strube, eds. New Approaches to the Study of Esotericism (Supplements to Method & Theory in the Study of Religion 17). Leiden and Boston: Brill, 1–19 & 241–251.
–: "Towards the Study of Esotericism Without the 'Western': Esotericism from the Perspective of a Global Religious History". In: Egil Asprem and Julian Strube, eds. New Approaches to the Study of Esotericism (Supplements to Method & Theory in the Study of Religion 17). Leiden and Boston: Brill, 45–66.
–: "Tantra as Experimental Science in the Works of John Woodroffe". In: Yves Mühlematter and Helmut Zander, eds. Occult Roots of Religious Studies: On the Influence of Non-Hegemonic Currents on Academia around 1900. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 132–160.
–: and Giovanni Maltese. "Global Religious History." Method & Theory in the Study of Religion 33 (3–4): 229–257.
–: "Rajnarayan Basu and His 'Science of Religion': The Emergence of Religious Studies through Exchanges between Bengali and Christian Reformers, Orientalists, and Theosophists." Method & Theory in the Study of Religion 33 (3–4): 289–320.
–: "Theosophy, Race, and the Study of Esotericism." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 89 (4): 1180–1189.
Thaler, Marleen. Review of Hafez, Farid. 2019. Feindbild Islam. Über die Salonfähigkeit von Rassismus. Wien: Böhlau Verlag. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 377–387.
Unterrainer, Human-Friedrich and Lewis, A. J., Galbally, M., Schindler, A., eds. Addiction and Attachment. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.
–: and J. Fuchshuber. "'Test Your Spirituality in One Minute or Less': Structural Validity of the Multidimensional Inventory for Religious/Spiritual Well-Being Short Version (MI-RSWB 12)." Frontiers in Psychology.
–: and K. Flenreiss-Frankl & J. Fuchshuber. "Die Beziehung zwischen Trauma, Traumafolgen und Persönlichkeitsstruktur: Eine Mediationsanalyse [The relationship between trauma, consequences of trauma and personality structure: A mediation analysis]." Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie.
–: et al. "Kreativität und Psychopathologie. Ein Überblick [Creativity and Psychopathology. A Review]." Rausch, 1/2: 101–109.
–: and K. Flenreiss-Frankl, J. Fuchshuber. "The Development of a Multidimensional Inventory for the Assessment of Mental Pain (FESSTE 30)." Frontiers in Psychology.
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–: et al. "The Swedish Version of the Multidimensional Inventory for Religious/Spiritual Well-Being: First Results From Swedish Students." Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 783761.
–: et al. "Attachment and Therapeutic Alliance in Substance Use Disorders: Initial Findings for Treatment in the Therapeutic Community." Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 730876.
–: et al. "Erste Vergleichswerte und faktorielle Struktur des Fragebogens zur Erfassung von seelischem Schmerz nach traumatischen Ereignissen (FESSTE-30) [Questionnaire for Assessment of Mental Pain after Traumatic Events (FESSTE-30): Preliminary Standard Values and Factorial Structure]." In: Fortschritte der Neurologie – Psychiatrie.
Voss, Gabriella. "In the Tortuous Shadows of Ethnic Policies: Two Case Studies of Chinese Cultural Heritage in Indonesia and Malaysia." Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, 13: 141–176.
–: Review of Feraro, Shai and Ethan Doyle White. ed. 2019. Magic and Witchery in the Modern West: Celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary of 'The Triumph of the Moon'.Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (1), 2021: 114.
–: Review of Feichtinger, Christian. 2019. Das geheiligte Leben. Körper und Identität bei den Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten. Göttingen: V&R unipress. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 331–336.
–: Review of Partridge, Christopher and Marcus Moberg, ed. 2017. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Popular Music. London and New York: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review, 47 (4), 2021: 523.
Wurzrainer, Robert. Review of Opratko, Benjamin. 2019. Im Namen der Emanzipation. Antimuslimischer Rassismus in Österreich. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 413–422.
Zoehrer, Dominic S. "From Fluidum to Prāṇa: Reading Mesmerism Through Orientalist Lenses." In: Lukas Pokorny and Franz Winter, ed. The Occult Nineteenth Century: Roots, Developments, and Impact on the Modern World. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 85–110.
–: "Das holistische Milieu - ein Gegenstand der künftigen Religionsbildung?" In: Pädagogische Horizonte, 4 (1): 85–100.
–: Review of Scharfe, Matthias. 2017. Religions- und Ethikunterricht im bekenntnisneutralen Staat. Ein Rechtsvergleich zwischen Österreich und Deutschland. Wien: Verlag Österreich. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes and Lukas Pokorny, eds. Religion in Austria, Volume 6. Vienna: Praesens, 483–489.
–: Review of Mächtig–Männlich–Mysteriös: Geheimbünde in Österreich. By Heiner Boberski, Peter Gnaiger, Martin Haidinger, Thomas Schaller, and Robert Weichinger. Innsbruck and Wien: Haymon, 2010. Pp. 312. Paperback, €12.95. ISBN: 978-3-85218-821-8. [Original edition: Salzburg: Ecowin Verlag, 2005. Pp. 319. Hardback. ISBN: 3-902404-16-7]. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas K. Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria Volume 7. Wien: Praesens, 591–600.
Baier, Karl. "Occult Vienna: From the Beginnings until the First World War." In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes, and Lukas Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 5. Vienna: Praesens, 1–76.
–: "Erste Worte. Gedanken zu Leo Zogmayers Wortbildern." [Kurzversion] In: Albert Gerhards and Stephan Winter, eds. IN CHURCH. Leo Zogmayer. Kunst für sakrale Räume. Regensburg: Schnell and Steiner, 165–168.
–: "The Therapeutic Mediologies of Animal Magnetism." In: Ehler Voss, ed. Mediality on Trial: Testing and Contesting Trance and other Media Techniques. Oldenburg: De Gruyter, 33–67.
–: "Romantischer Mesmerismus und Religion." In: Daniel Cyranka, Diana Matut, and Christian Soboth, eds. Finden und Erfinden. Die Romantik und ihre Religionen. Würzburg: Königshausen and Neumann, 13–54.
–: "Das okkulte Wien." In: Rudolf Leeb and Astrid Schweighofer, eds. Die Geburt der Moderne aus dem Geist der Religion? Religion, Weltanschauung und Moderne in Wien um 1900. Göttingen: V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 239–284.
–: Review of Schweighofer, Astrid. 2015. Religiöse Sucher in der Moderne. Konversionen vom Judentum zum Protestantismus in Wien um 1900. Berlin: De Gruyter. In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes, and Lukas Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 5. Vienna: Praesens, 385–388.
Chadwin, Joseph. "Overt and Covert Buddhism: The Two Faces of University-Based Buddhism in Beijing." In: Religions, 11 (3): 1–18.
–: "Speaking to My Ancestors: An Ethnographic Study of Lived Childhood Religion in Rural Gansu." In: Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, 12: 177–206.
–: Review of Bentor, Yael and Meir Shahar. 2017. Chinese and Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (3), 2020: 436.
–: Review of Billioud, Sébastien. 2018. The Varieties of Confucian Experience: Documenting a Grassroots Revival of Tradition. 2018. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (3), 2020: 436.
–: Review of Bryson, Megan. 2017. Goddess on the Frontier: Religion, Ethnicity, and Gender in Southwest China. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (1), 2020: 117.
–: Review of Clark, Anthony E. 2019. China Gothic: The Bishop of Beijing and His Cathedral. Seattle: University of Washington Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (4), 2020: 568–569.
–: Review of Clart, Philip, David Ownby, and Wang Chien-chuan. 2020. Text and Context in the Modern History of Chinese Religions: Redemptive Societies and Their Sacred Texts. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (4), 2020: 569.
–: Review of Fang, Litian. 2019. Chinese Buddhism and Traditional Culture. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (3), 2020: 437–438.
–: Review of Hoster, Barbara, Dirk Kuhlmann, and Zbigniew Wesołowski. ed. 2017. Rooted in Hope: Festschrift in Honor of Roman Malek S.V.D. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Two Volumes. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (2), 2020: 253.
–: Review of Ji, Zhe, Gareth Fisher,and André Laliberté. 2019. Buddhism After Mao: Negotiations, Continuities, and Reinventions. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (3), 2020: 439.
–: Review of Katz, Paul R. and Stefania Travagnin. 2019. Concepts and Methods for the Study of Chinese Religions III: Key Concepts in Practice. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (4), 2020: 571.
–: Review of Laamann, Lars Peter and Joseph Tse-Hei Lee. 2019. The Church as Safe Haven: Christian Governance in China. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (3), 2020: 440–441.
–: Review of Laliberté, André and Stefania Travagnin. 2019. Concepts and Methods for the Study of Chinese Religions I: State of the Field and Disciplinary Approaches. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (4), 2020: 573.
–: Review of Peng, Mu. 2020. Religion and Religious Practices in Rural China. Abingdon: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (2), 2020: 256.
–: Review of Névot, Aurélie. 2019. Masters of Psalmody (Bimu): Scriptural Shamanism in Southwestern China. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (2), 2020: 257.
–: Review of Scott, Gregory Adam and Stefania Travagnin. 2020. Concepts and Methods for the Study of Chinese Religions II: Intellectual History and Key Concepts. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (4), 2020: 575.
–: Review of Shani, Giorgio and Takashi Kibe. ed. 2020. Religion and Nationalism in Asia. Abingdon: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (2), 2020: 258.
–: Review of Song, Gang. 2019. Giulio Aleni, Kouduo richao, and Christian-Confucian Dialogism in Late Ming Fujian. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (4), 2020: 575.
–: Review of Vallor, Molly. 2019. Not Seeing Snow: Musō Soseki and Medieval Japanese Zen. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (4), 2020: 576–577.
–: Review of Vermander, Benoît, Liz Hingley, and Liang Zhang. 2018. Shanghai Sacred: The Religious Landscape of a Global City. Seattle: University of Washington Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (3), 2020: 444–445.
–: Review of Walsh, Michael J. 2020. Stating the Sacred: Religion, China, and the Formation of the Nation-State. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (4), 2020: 577.
–: Review of White, Chris. 2017. Sacred Webs: The Social Lives and Networks of Minnan Protestants, 1840s–1920s. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (1), 2020: 121.
–: Review of Xu, Zhiqiu. 2016. Natural Theology Reconfigured: Confucian Axiology and American Pragmatism. Abingdon: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (1), 2020: 121.
–: Review of Yang, Fenggang. 2018. Atlas of Religion in China: Social and Geographical Contexts. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (1), 2020: 122.
–: Review of Young, Stuart H. 2015. Conceiving the Indian Buddhist Patriarchs in China. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (2), 2020: 260–261.
–: Review of Zhang, Dewei. 2020. Thriving in Crisis: Buddhism and Political Disruption in China, 1522–1620. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (4), 2020: 578–579.
Dessì, Ugo. "Soka Gakkai International in Post-Apartheid South Africa." In: Religions, 11 (2020).
–: and Franciscu Sedda, eds. Glocalization and Everyday Life: Constraints and Incentives. Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation (Special Issue).
–: and Franciscu Sedda. "Glocalization and Everyday Life." Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation, 3 (2020): 1–13.
–: "Resonance as a Constraining Factor in the Glocalization of Religion." Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation, 3 (2020): 1–21.
–: Review of Smith, Wendy Hirochika Nakamaki, Louella Matsunaga, and Tamasin Ramsay. 2019. Globalizing Asian Religions: Management and Marketing. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 46 (4), 2020: 567.
Dominguez Diaz, Marta. "Sufism in Modern Morocco." In: Lloyd Ridgeon, ed., Routledge Handbook on Sufism. Abington and New York: Routledge, 2021, 487–500.
Endler, Johannes. "Holistic Energy Work in Austria." In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Astrid Mattes, and Lukas Pokorny, ed. Religion in Austria, Volume 5. Vienna: Praesens, 103–137.
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Frąszczak, Grzegorz. Review of Lê, Cung. 2018. Tinh thần nhập thế của Phật giáo Việt Nam (1945–1975) [Inclination Towards Social Engagement in Vietnamese Buddhism (1945–1975)]. Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh: NXB Tổng Hợp. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (2), 2019: 240.
–: Review of Ngô, V. Doanh. 2015. Phật viện Đồng Dương: Một phong cách của nghệ thuật Champa [The Đông Dương Monastery: The Unique Style of Champa Art]. Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh: NXB Văn Hóa-Văn Nghệ. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (2), 2019: 246.
–: Review of Nguyễn, Đăng Điệp and Đoàn Giang. ed. 2018. Văn học và văn hóa tâm linh [Literature and Spiritual Culture]. Hà Nội: NXB Khoa Học Xã Hội. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (4), 2019: 529.
–: Review of Nguyêñ, Hôǹg Dương. 2016. Những nẻo đường phúc âm hóa công giáo ở Việt Nam [Modes of Catholic Evangelization in Vietnam]. Thành Phó Hô ̀ Chí Minh: NXB Tôn Giáo. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (2), 2019: 241.
–: Review of Nguyêñ, Hữu Thông. 2017. Tượng thờ Hindu giáo: Từ đền tháp Chăm đến chùa miếu Việt [Hindu Sacred Statues: From Champa Shrines to Vietnamese Temples]. Huế́: NXB: Thuâṇ Hoá. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (2), 2019: 241–242.
–: Review of Nguyễn, N. Mai. 2017. Nghi lễ lên đồng: Lịch sử và giá trị [Lên đồng Ceremony: Its History and Its Evaluation]. Hà Nội: NXB Hà Nội. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (2), 2019: 246–247.
Heller, Birgit. "Können wir endlich den weiblichen Körper bedingungslos akzeptieren? Welche Einstellungen haben die großen Religionen zu unserem Körper und zur Sexualität? Kann das Christentum, das in der Vergangenheit eine stark körperfeindliche Einstellung hatte, zu einer positiveren Sicht der Leiblichkeit und Sexualität kommen? [Can we finally accept the female body unconditionally? What are the attitudes of the great religions to our body and to sexuality? Can Christianity, which in the past has had a strongly corporeal attitude, come to a more positive view of corporeality and sexuality?]" In: iTe. Das Magazin der Schweizer Kapuziner, 96, 2019: 14–17 [Simultaneously published in French as well].
–: "Religion." In: Gender Glossar / Gender Glossary.
–: "Weltreligionen und Geschlecht: Rollen, Bilder und Ordnungen der Geschlechter in vergleichend-systematischer Perspektive [World Religions and Gender: Roles, Images, and Hierarchy of the Sexes from a Comparative-Systematic Perspective]." In: Eva Labouvie, ed., Glaube und Geschlecht – Gender Reformation. Wien/Köln/Weimar: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019, 323–337.
–: "To Whom It May Concern: Humanity and Dignity in Interreligious Perspective." In: Brigitte Buchhammer, ed., Re-Learning to Be Human in Global Times: Challenges and Opportunities from the Perspectives of Contemporary Philosophy of Religion. Washington, D.C.: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 63–79.
Hödl, Hans Gerald. Review of Randall Balmer and Jana Riess, ed. 2016. Mormonism and American Politics. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (2), 2019: 233.
–: Review of Jonathan A. Stapley. 2018. The Powers of Godliness: Mormon Liturgy and Cosmology. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (2), 2019: 235.
–: Review of Larry E. Morris. 2019. A Documentary History of the Book of Mormon. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (3), 2019: 398.
–: Review of Hölscher, Lucian, ed. 2015 and 2016. Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte im deutschsprachigen Raum. Band 6/1: 20. Jahrhundert – Epochen und Themen and Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte im deutschsprachigen Raum. Band 6/2: 20. Jahrhundert – Religiöse Positionen und soziale Formationen. Paderborn: Schöningh. In: Theologische Revue, 115 (2), 2019: 121–124.
Pokorny, Lukas. and Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein, and Agnes Schick-Chen, eds. 2019. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, 11, Berlin: De Gruyter/Sciendo.
–: Review of Ames, Roger T. and Jinhua Jia. ed. 2018. Li Zehou and Confucian Philosophy. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (3), 2019: 401.
–: Review of Ashcraft, W. Michael. 2018. A Historical Introduction to the Study of New Religious Movements. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (2), 2019: 229.
–: Review of Choe Yoon, Inshil. 2018. A Place to Live: A New Translation of Yi Chung-hwan's T'aengniji, the Korean Classic for Choosing Settlements. Translated, Annotated, and with an Introduction. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (3), 2019: 402–403.
–: Review of Chryssides, George D. and Benjamin E. Zeller. 2014. The Bloomsbury Companion to New Religious Movements. London: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (2), 2019: 229–230.
–: Review of Cusack, Carole M. and Pavol Kosnáč. ed. 2017. Fiction, Invention and Hyper-reality: From Popular Culture to Religion. London: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (3), 2019: 397.
–: Review of Gallagher, Eugene V. 2017. 'Cult Wars' in Historical Perspective: New and Minority Religions. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (2), 2019: 231.
–: Review of Goossaert, Vincent. ed. 2013. Critical Readings on Chinese Religions. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (3), 2019: 404.
–: Review of Halkias, Georgios T. and Richard K. Payne. ed. 2019. Pure Lands in Asian Texts and Contexts: An Anthology. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (3), 2019: 404–405.
–: Review of Harrington, L. Michael. 2019. The Yi River Commentary on the Book of Changes. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (3), 2019: 405.
–: Review of Hong, Sŏng-min 홍성민. 2016. Kamjŏng'gwa todŏk: Sŏngnihag'ŭi todŏk kamjŏngnon 감정과 도덕: 성리학의 도덕 감정론 [Emotions and Morality: The Theory of Moral Emotion in Neo-Confucianism]. Sŏul 서울: Somyŏng ch'ulp'an 소명출판. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (2), 2019: 239.
–: Review of Introvigne, Massimo. 2018. The Plymouth Brethren. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (3), 2019: 398.
–: Review of Jorgensen, John. 2018. The Foresight of Dark Knowing: Chŏng Kam Nok and Insurrectionary Prognostication in Pre-Modern Korea. Translated, Annotated, and with an Introduction. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (3), 2019: 405–406.
–: Review of Robertson, David G. 2016. UFOs, Conspiracy Theories and the New Age: Millennial Conspiracism. London: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (2), 2019: 231.
–: Review of Salguero, C. Pierce. ed. 2017. Buddhism and Medicine: An Anthology of Premodern Sources. New York: Columbia University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (3), 2019: 406–407.
–: Review of Urban, Hugh B. 2015. Zorba the Buddha: Sex, Spirituality, and Capitalism in the Global Osho Movement. Oakland: University of California Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (2), 2019: 232.
–: Review of van Eck Duymaer van Twist, Amanda. 2015. Perfect Children: Growing Up on the Religious Fringe. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (1), 2019: 232.
–: Review of Wei, Xin and James B. Lewis. 2019. Korea's Premier Collection of Classical Literature: Selections from Sŏ Kŏjŏng's Tongmunsŏn. Translated, Annotated, and with an Introduction. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (4), 2019: 532.
–: Review of Yi, Chong-sŏng 이종성. 2016. Yulgok'kwa Noja: "Sunŏn"'e kwanhan ch'ŏrhak'chŏk mosaek 율곡과 노자:『순언』에 관한 철학적 모색 [Yulgok and Laozi: A Philosophical Investigation Into the Sunŏn]. Taejŏn 대전: Ch'ungnam taehakkyo ch'ulp'an munhwawŏn 충남대학교출판문화원. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (3), 2019: 407.
Roubekas, Nickolas P. "Unexpected Encounters: Aristides the Philosopher, Friedrich Max Müller, and the Origins of Religion." In: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, 73.1, 2019: 1–16.
–: ed., Theorizing "Religion" in Antiquity. Sheffield, UK and Bristol, CT: Equinox Publ., 2019.
–: "Theorizing About (Which?) Origins: Herodotus on the Gods." In: Nickolas P. Roubekas, ed., Theorizing "Religion" in Antiquity. Sheffield, UK and Bristol, CT: Equinox Publ., 2019, 129–149.
–: "Whither Shall we Go? Tertullian and Christian Identity Formation." In: Nickolas P. Roubekas, ed., Theorizing "Religion" in Antiquity. Sheffield, UK and Bristol, CT: Equinox Publ., 2019, 289–306.
–: "Thrēskeia: From Etymology to Ideology and the Academic Study of Ancient Greek Religion." In: Journal of Hellenic Religion 12: 39–59.
–: Review Essay of William B. Parsons. 2016. Religion: Social Religion. In: Religious Studies Review 45 (2), 2019: 135–137.
–: Review of Jon Stewart. 2018. Hegel's Interpretation of the Religions of the World: The Logic of the Gods. In: Reading Religion.
–: Review of Hugh B. Urban and Greg Johnson, eds. 2019. Irreverence and the Sacred: Critical Studies in the History of Religions. In: Studies in Religion / Sciences Religieuses 48 (2): 322–324.
–: Review of Christopher M. Driscoll and Monica R. Miller. 2019. Method as Identity: Manufacturing Distance in the Academic Study of Religion. In: Researcher. European Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2): 141–142.
–: Review of Sarah Iles Johnston. 2019. The Story of Myth. In: Religious Studies Review 45 (4): 514.
–: Review of Martyn Hudson. 2019. Critical Theory and the Classical World. In: Religious Studies Review 45 (4): 514.
Segal, Robert A. Review of Jay Waxler. 2019. Our Non-Christian Nation: How Atheists, Satanists, Pagans, and Others are Demanding Their Rightful Place in Public Life. In: Times Higher Education (19 September 2019).
Unterrainer, Human-Friedrich. et al. "Sense of Coherence is Linked to Post-Traumatic Growth after Critical Incidents in Austrian Ambulance Personnel." In: BMC Psychiatry, 19.89, 2019: 1–11.
–: et al. "The Role of Mindfulness and Self-Compassion in Clinical Psychiatric Rehabilitation: A Clinical Trial." In: Mindfulness, 2019.
–: et al. "Influence of Spiritual Dimensions on Suicide Risk: The Role of Regional Differences." In: Archives of Suicide Research, 2019.
–: et al. "Validation of the Multidimensional Inventory for Religious Spiritual Well-Being with Iranian Samples." In: Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 2019.
–: and M. Hiebler-Ragger. "Addiction as an Attachment Disorder: A Review of Results, Conceptual Issues and Clinical Implications in Poly Drug Use Disorder." In: Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2019.
–: und A. Kimmerle. 2019. "Die Rolle der Spiritualität in der Behandlung von Suchterkrankungen: Ein systematischer Überblick [The Role of Spirituality in Addiction Treatment: A Systematic Review]." In: Neurotransmitter 30 (0-1): 29–34.
–: et al. 2019. "Suicide and Personality Traits: A Multicenter Study of Austrian and Italian Psychiatry Patients and Students." In: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.
–: et al. 2019. "Do Primary Emotions Predict Psychopathological Symptoms? A Multigroup Path Analysis." In: Frontiers in Psychiatry (Special Issue on Addiction and Attachment).
–: et al. 2019. "The Influence of Attachment Styles and Personality Organization on Emotional Functioning after Childhood Trauma." In: Frontiers in Psychiatry (Special Issue on Addiction and Attachment).
–: et al. 2019. "Psychobiology of Attachment and Trauma – Some General Remarks From a Clinical Perspective." In: Frontiers in Psychiatry (Special Issue on Addiction and Attachment), 10, 914.
Zoehrer, Dominic. Review of Shai Feraro and James R. Lewis, ed. 2017. Contemporary Alternative Spiritualities in Israel. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (2), 2019: 230.
–: Review of Anya P. Foxen. 2017. Biography of a Yogi: Paramahansa Yogananda and the Origins of Modern Yoga. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (2), 2019: 230.
–: Review of Emily Ogden. 2018. Credulity: A Cultural History of US Mesmerism. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (3), 2019: 399.
–: Review of Kocku von Stuckrad. 2019. Die Seele im 20. Jahrhundert. Eine Kulturgeschichte [The Soul in the 20th Century: A Cultural History]. Leiden and Boston: Brill/Wilhelm Fink. In: Religious Studies Review, 45 (4), 2019: 525.
Baier, Karl. with Phillip A. Maas and Karin Preisendanz, eds. Yoga in Transformation: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
–: "Yoga within Viennese Occultism: Carl Kellner and Co." In: Karl Baier, Philipp A. Maas and Karin Preisendanz, eds., Yoga in Transformation: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Göttingen: Vienna University Press V&R unipress, 387–439.
Dominguez Diaz, Marta. "The Būdshīshiyya’s Tower of Babel: Cultural Diversity in a Transnational Sufi Order." In: Sipra Mukherjee, ed. The Languages of Religion: Exploring the Politics of the Sacred, London and New York: Routledge, 154–174.
–: "The Struggle to Be Seen: Muslim–Christian Relations and Religious (In)Visibility at the Hispano–Moroccan Borderland." In: Journal of Contemporary Religion, 33 (3), 2018: 527–548.
Figl, Johann. "Ökologie und Buddhismus." in: Zeitschrift für Religions- und Missionswissenschaft, 102 (1/2), 2018: 28–40.
–: "Innerstes aller Religionen: Das Heilige und die Heiligen." In: Jahrbuch der Diözese Gurk 41 (2018): 36–39.
–: "Einheit der Religionen: Konzepte europäischer Religionsphilosophie und des Sufismus (im Westen) [The Unity of Religions: Concepts from the European Philosophy of Religion and (Western) Sufism]." In: Erdal Toprakyaran et al., eds. Dem Einen entgegen: Christliche und islamische Mystik in historischer Perspektive, Berlin und Wien: LIT, 219–236.
–: "Globaler Atheismus - Folge verfehlter Glaubensvermittlung und einseitiger interreligiöser Begegnungen? [What does reform in religions mean? (Introduction and Overview)]" In: Religionen unterwegs, 24 (4), 2018: 4–9.
–: "Die Rede von Gott in der Religionswissenschaft [God's Speech in Religious Studies]." In: Chibueze Udeani and Klaus Zapotoczky, eds., Die Rede von Gott: Interdisziplinäre und interkulturelle Zugänge, Berlin: LIT, 2018, 139–156.
Frąszczak, Grzegorz. Review of Đặng, VănThắng, ed. 2017. Các trung tâm tôn giáo thuộc văn hóa Óc Eo ở Nam bộ [Religious Centres of the Óc Eo Culture in Southern Vietnam]. Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh: Nhà Xuất Bản Đại Học Quốc Gia. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (3), 2018: 350.
–: Review of Đỗ, Hương Giang. 2017. Triết học Phật giáo Việt Nam thời Trần [Buddhist Philosophy during the Trần Dynasty]. Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh: XB Khoa Học Xã Hôi. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (4), 2018: 496.
–: Review of Hoang, Chung Van. 2017. New Religions and State's Response to Religious Diversification in Contemporary Vietnam: Tensions from the Reinvention of the Sacred. Cham: Springer International Publishing. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (1), 2018: 118–119.
–: Review of Huỳnh, Ngoc̣ Thu. 2017. Đạo Cao Đài Ở Nam Bộ Và Các Mối Quan Hệ [Cao Đài in Southern Vietnam and Its Interrelations]. Thành Phó Hồ Chí Minh: NXB Đại Học Quốc Gia. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (1), 2018: 119–120.
–: Review of Nguyễn, Ngoc̣ Thơ. 2017. Tín Ngưỡng Thiên Hậu Vùng Tây Nam Bộ [The Worship of Goddess Mazu in the Southwestern Part of Southern Vietnam]. Hà Nội: NXB Chính Trị Quốc Gia Sự Thật. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (1), 2018: 120–121.
–: Review of Nguyễn, Thi ̣Tâm Anh, Phan Đình Duñg, Lê Thi ̣ Ngoc̣ Điêp̣ , et al. ed. 2017. Tín ngưỡng dân gian [Folks Beliefs]. Thành Phô ́ Hô ̀ Chí Minh: Nhà xuât́ văn hóa - Văn nghệ. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (3), 2018: 353.
–: Review of Thích, Hạnh Tuệ. 2018. Nghiên cứu về Trúc Lâm tông chỉ nguyên thanh [A Study of the Twenty-four Units Text on the Principles of Trúc Lâm School].Hà Nội: Nhà Xuất Bản Khoa Học Xã Hội. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (3), 2018: 354–355.
–: Review of Thích, Hạnh Thành, ed. 2016. Biên niên sử Thiền tông Việt Nam (1010–2000) [Annals of the Vietnamese Thiền Lineage (1010–2000)]. Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh: NXB Hồng Đức. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (4), 2018: 489–490.
–: Review of Trần, Quang Dũng. ed. 2017. Tín Ngưỡng Thờ Mẫu Tứ Phủ – Chốn Thiêng Nơi Cõi Thực [Beliefs and Worship of Mother Goddess in the Four Palaces Shrine – The This-worldly Sacred Palace]. Thành Phó Hồ Chí Minh: Nhà Xuất Bản Thế Giới. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (2), 2018: 239–240.
–: Review of Trần, Văn Chánh and Bùi Thanh Hải, ed. 2017. Phật giáo Hòa Hảo: Một tôn giáo cận nhân tình trong lòng dân tộc [Hòa Hảo Buddhism: A Human-Centered Religion at the Heart of the People]. Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh: Nhà Xuất Bản Tổng Hợp. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (4), 2018: 494.
Heller, Birgit. "Autorität ist nichts für Frauen. Judentum, Christentum, Islam, Hinduismus und Buddhismus – in allen Weltreligionen waren und sind Frauen nicht gleichberechtigt. [Authority is not for Women. Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism—Women were and are not considered as equal in all world religions]." In: Ursache/Wirkung, 3, 2018: 19–21.
–: and Andreas Heller. Spiritualität und Spiritual Care. Orientierungen und Impulse, 2. ergänzte und erweiterte Aufl [Spirituality and Spiritual Care: Orientations and Impulses. Vol. 2: Supplemented and extended Edition]. Bern: Hogrefe, 2018.
–: and Karl-Heinz Steinmetz, eds., Spiritualität und Körper [Spirituality and Body]. Das Jahresheft Palliative Care/demenz/Praxis Pflegen 10. Hannover, 2018.
Hödl, Hans Gerald and Lukas Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria, Volume 4, Vienna: Praesens, 2018.
Pokorny, Lukas.
and Franz Winter, eds., Handbook of East Asian New Religious Movements, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018.
–: "Korean New Religious Movements: An Introduction." In: Lukas Pokorny and Franz Winter, eds., Handbook of East Asian New Religious Movements, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018, 231–254.
–: "The Unification Movement." In: Lukas Pokorny and Franz Winter, eds., Handbook of East Asian New Religious Movements, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018, 321–342.
–: and Franz Winter. "East Asian New Religious Movements: Introductory Remarks." In: Lukas Pokorny and Franz Winter, eds., Handbook of East Asian New Religious Movements, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018. 3–13.
–: and Hans-Gerald Hödl, eds., Religion in Austria, Volume 4, Vienna: Praesens, 2018.
–: "Austrian Unificationists Meet Their Messiah: The 1969 European Blessing, Its Context, and Aftermath." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria, Volume 4, Vienna: Praesens, 2018, 1–51.
–: and Sara Kuehn. "On Inayati Female Visions in Austria: Female Leadership in the Western Sufi Tradition." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria, Volume 4, Vienna: Praesens, 2018, 53–114.
–: and Sang-Yeon Loise Sung. "'Today Vienna, Tomorrow All of Europe': The History of the Vienna Korean Church." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria, Volume 4, Vienna: Praesens, 2018, 161–204.
–: and Dominic Zoehrer. "Austrian Unificationist Perspectives vis-à-vis the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, with an Annotated Bilingual Translation of the Text." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria, Volume 4, Vienna: Praesens, 2018, 205–288.
–: et al., eds., 2018. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, Volume 10, Berlin: Sciendo.
–: Review of Broughton, Jeffrey L. with Elise Yoko Watanabe. 2017. The Letters of Chan Master Dahui Pujue. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (2), 2018: 236.
–: Review of Choi, Mihwa. 2017. Death Rituals and Politics in Northern Song China. New York: University of Oxford Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (4), 2018: 491.
–: Review of Fetzer, Joel S. and J. Christopher Soper. 2013. Confucianism, Democratization, and Human Rights in Taiwan. Lanham: Lexington Books. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (4), 2018: 490.
–: Review of Flath, James A. 2016. Traces of the Sage: Monument, Materiality, and the First Temple of Confucius. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (3), 2018: 350–351.
–: Review of Formoso, Bernard. 2010. De Jiao. A Religious Movement in Contemporary China and Overseas: Purple Qi from the East. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (1), 2018: 118.
–: Review of Hon, Tze-ki and Kristin Stapleton. ed. 2017. Confucianism for the Contemporary World: Global Order, Political Plurality, and Social Action. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (2), 2018: 238–239.
–: Review of Huang, Chun-chieh. 2015. East Asian Confucianisms: Texts in Contexts. Goettingen and Taipei: V&R unipress and National Taiwan University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (1), 2018: 119.
–: Review of Ivanhoe, Philip. J. 2017. Oneness. East Asian Conceptions of Virtue, Happiness, and How We Are All Connected. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (4), 2018: 493–494.
–: Review of Li, Jian and Hou-mei Sung. 2017. Terracotta Army: Legacy of the First Emperor of China. Richmond and Cincinnati: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and Cincinnati Art Museum. Religious Studies Review, 44 (4), 2018: 495–496.
–: Review of Molendijk, Arie L. 2016. Friedrich Max Müller & The Sacred Books of the East. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (4), 2018: 491–492.
–: Review of Pang-White, Ann. A. 2018. The Confucian Four Books for Women. A New Translation of the Nü Sishu and the Commentary of Wang Xiang. Translated with Introductions and Notes. New York: Oxford University Press. Religious Studies Review, 44 (3), 2018: 353–354.
–: Review of Queen, Sarah A. and John S. Major. 2016. Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn. Attributed to Dong Zhongshu. Edited and Translated. New York: Columbia University Press. Religious Studies Review, 44 (3), 2018: 354.
–: Review of Robinson, David M. 2016. Seeking Order in a Tumultuous Age: The Writings of Chŏng Tojŏn, a Korean Neo-Confucian. Translated and with an Introduction. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (1), 2018: 122.
–: Review of Samuels, Jeffrey, Justin Thomas McDaniel, and Mark Michael Rowe. 2016. Figures of Buddhist Modernity in Asia. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (1), 2018: 125.
–: Review of Saussy, Haun. 2017. Translation as Citation: Zhuangzi Inside Out. New York: University of Oxford Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (4), 2018: 496.
–: Review of Sin, Ch’ang-ho 신창호. 2015. Yulgok Yi I'ŭi kyoyungnon: Chosŏn'ŭi chidoja kyoyuk'kwa kungmin kyoyungnon ihae율곡 이이의 교육론: 조선의 지도자교육과 국민교육론 이해 [The Educational Theory of Yulgok Yi I: Understanding Leadership Education and People's Educational Theory in Chosŏn]. Sŏul 서울: Kyŏngin munhwasa 景仁文化社. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (1), 2018: 122.
–: Review of Solé-Farràs, Jesús. 2014. New Confucianism in Twenty-First Century China: The Construction of a Discourse. New York and London: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (1), 2018: 122–123.
–: Review of Swain, Tony. 2017. Confucianism in China: An Introduction. London: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (4), 2018: 490–491.
–: Review of Takenaka, Akiko. 2015. Yasukuni Shrine: History, Memory, and Japan's Unending Postwar. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (4), 2018: 497–498.
–: Review of Wu, Jiang and Greg Wilkinson. 2017. Reinventing the Tripitaka: Transformation of the Buddhist Canon in Modern East Asia. Lanham: Lexington Books. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (4), 2018: 494–495.
–: Review of Yu, Sŏng-sŏn 유성선 and Yi Nan-suk 이난숙. 2015. Yulgok'ŭi "Sunŏn": Yuhakcha'ŭi Noja "Todŏkkyŏng" ihae 율곡의『순언(醇言)』유학자의 노자『도덕경』이해 [Yulgoks "Sunŏn": The Confucian Understanding of Laozi's Daodejing]. Sŏul 서울: Kyŏngin munhwasa 景仁文化社. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (2), 2018: 240.
Roubekas, Nickolas P. "Introduction: The Persistence of Comparison." In: Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, 30 (2): 137–140.
–: and Leonardo Ambasciano, 2018. "Editorial: Back in Business." In: Journal of Cognitive Historiography, 4 (1): 5–9.
–: "Should We Define Our Categories? On Jennifer Larson's Understanding Greek Religion." In: Journal of Cognitive Historiography, 4 (1): 42–46.
–: "Theory in Distress? On Being 'Critical' with Everything." Method & Theory in the Study of Religion.
–: "Response to Thesis 12." In Russell T. McCutcheon, "Religion" in Theory and Practice: Demystifying the Field for Burgeoning Academics. Sheffield, UK and Bristol, CT: Equinox, pp. 199–202.
–: "The Insularity of the Study of Ancient Religions and 'Religion'." In: Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 47 (2): 2–7.
–: "On Finding Common Ground: A (Very Brief) Reflection on a So What? Question." In: Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 47 (2): 10–11.
–: Review of M. David Litwa. 2016. Desiring Divinity: Self-Deification in Early Jewish and Christian Mythmaking. In: Religion.
–: Review of Varto, Emily Varto, ed. 2018. Brill's Companion to Classics and Early Anthropology. In: Reading Religion.
–: Review of Stefano G. Caneva. 2016. From Alexander to the Theoi Adelphoi: Foundation and Legitimation of a Dynasty. In: Religious Studies Review 44 (3): 331.
–: Review of Andrej Petrovic and Ivana Petrovic. 2017. Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion. Volume 1: Early Greek Religion. In: Religious Studies Review 44 (3): 332.
–: Review of Peter T. Struck. 2016. Divination and Human Nature: A Cognitive History of Intuition in Classical Antiquity. In: Religious Studies Review 44 (4): 466.
Sung, Sang-Yeon Loise and Lukas Pokorny. "'Today Vienna, Tomorrow All of Europe': The History of the Vienna Korean Church." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria, Volume 4, Vienna: Praesens, 2018, 161–204.
Unterrainer, Human-Friedrich. et al. "Increased Attachment Security Related to Early Therapy Drop-Out in Substance Use Disorders." In: BMC Research Notes, 11.
–: et al. "Personality Influences the Relationship Between Primary Emotions and Religious/Spiritual Well-Being." In: Frontiers in Psychology, 9.
–: et al. "Depressive Symptoms and Addictive Behaviors in Young Adults After Childhood Trauma: The Mediating Role of Personality Organization and Despair." In: Frontiers in Psychology 9.
Yang, Mei. Review of Chén, Lái 陈来. 2013. Yǒuwú zhījìng: Wáng Yángmíng zhéxué de jīngshén 有无之境:王阳明哲学的精神 [Between Being and Non-being: The Spirit of Yangming Philosophy]. Běijīng 北京: Běijīng Dàxué Chūbǎnshè 北京大学出版社. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (3), 2018: 349-350.
–: Review of Guō, Qíyŏng 郭齐勇. 2017. Xiàn dāngdài xīn rúxué sīcháo yánjiū 现当代新儒学思潮研究 [The Study of Contemporary New Confucianism]. Běijīng 北京: Rénmín chūbǎnshè 人民出版社. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (4), 2018: 497.
–: Review of Xu, Zhangrun. 2017. The Confucian Misgivings: Liang Shu-Ming's Narrative About Law. Singapore: Springer. In. Religious Studies Review, 44 (2), 2018: 240.
–: Review of Yao, Xinzhong. 2017. Reconceptualizing Confucian Philosophy in the 21st Century. Singapore: Springer and Higher Education Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 44 (1), 2018: 124.
Zoehrer, Dominic and Lukas Pokorny. "Austrian Unificationist Perspectives vis-à-vis the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, with an Annotated Bilingual Translation of the Text." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria, Volume 4, Vienna: Praesens, 2018, 205–288.
–: Review of Franz Höllinger and Thomas Tripold. 2012. Ganzheitliches Leben: Das holistische Milieu zwischen neuer Spiritualität und postmoderner Wellness-Kultur. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria, Volume 4, Vienna: Praesens, 2018: 307–322.
Baier, Karl. "NS-Mystik und militanter Zen. Die Geschichte einer Konvergenz am Beispiel Graf Dürckheims [National Socialist Mysticism and Militant Zen: The History of a Convergence Focussing on Count Dürckheim]." Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft, 25/1: 90–132.
–: and Almut-Barbara Renger, 2017. "Einleitung [Introduction]." Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft, 25/1: 1–5.
Figl, Johann. "Das 'Heilige' im Kontext einer 'Spiritualität ohne Gott' [The 'Holy' in the Context of 'Spirituality without God']." In: Thomas Schreijäck and Vladislav Serikov, eds. Das Heilige interkulturell: Perspektiven in religionswissenschaftlichen, theologischen und philosophischen Kontexten, Ostfildern: Matthias-Grünewald, 195–207.
–: "Re-Formation als Strukturprinzip der Religionsgeschichte [Re-formation as Structural Principle of the History of Religions]." Historisches Jahrbuch, 137: 7–23.
–: "Rezeption zentraler Themen Friedrich Nietzsches [The Reception of Friedrich Nietzsche's Themes]." In: Yulia V. Sineokaya and Ekaterina A. Poljakova, eds., Friedrich Nietzsche: Legacy and Prospects. Moscow: LRC Publishing House, 593–604.
Frąszczak, Grzegorz. Review of Trương, Văn Chung. 2016. Tôn giáo mới. nhận thức và thực tế [New Religions: Perceptions and Reality]. Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh: Nhà Xuất Bản Đại Học Quốc Gia. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (2), 2017: 200.
–: Review of Kato, Atsufumi. 2016. Weaving Women's Spheres in Vietnam: The Agency of Women in Family, Religion and Community. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (1), 2017: 76–77.
Heller, Birgit. "Beziehungen zwischen Diesseits und Jenseits – Vom Sozialcharakter des Todes in religiös-kulturellen Traditionen und in der Moderne [Relationships between This World and the Hereafter: On the Social Character of Death in Religio-cultural Traditions and Modernity]." Vol. 1: Sterben and Tod, eds. Marina Richter and Michael Nollert, 1–21.
–: "'Wir sitzen alle im selben Boot und sind letztlich alle Betroffene': Über die unmittelbare Praxisnähe der geisteswissenschaftlichen Todesforschung. ['We are all in the same boat and ultimately everyone is affected': On the Immediate Practical Relevance of Death Studies within the Humanities]." In
–: ed. Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society. Vol. 5: Religion, Transformation and Gender. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
–: "Images of God/dess, Devotees and Trans-sex/gender in Hindu Traditions." Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society 5: 235–257.
–: "Bedeutung religiös-kultureller Unterschiede in Palliative Care [The Meaning of Religious-Cultural Differences in Palliative Care]." In: Barbara Steffen-Bürgi et al. eds., Lehrbuch Palliative Care. 3. vollst. überarb. Aufl. Bern 2017, 510–517.
–: "Autonomie versus heteronome Humanität? Moderner Würde-Diskurs und interreligiöse Perspektiven." In: Clemens Sedmak ed., Menschenwürde: Vom Selbstwert des Menschen (Grundwerte Europas 7). Darmstadt, 2017, 219–236.
–: "Der Tod und die Trauer – Gender-Aspekte." In: Heller, Andreas ed., Trauer leben. Das Jahresheft (Praxis Palliative Care/demenz). Hannover, 2017, 39–43.
–: "Wie Religionen rituell in der Trauer helfen." In: Heller, Andreas ed., Trauer leben. Das Jahresheft (Praxis Palliative Care/demenz). Hannover, 2017, 48–51.
–: "Der Tod – ein Übergang in eine andere Existenzform. Jenseitsvorstellungen in den Religionen [Death: A Transition to Another Form of Existence. Afterlife in Religions]." In: Jens Beutmann ed., Tod und Ritual: Kulturen von Abschied und Erinnerung. Begleitband zur gleichnamigen Sonderausstellung im Staatlichen Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz 16. November 2017 bis 21. Mai 2018. Dresden, 25–34.
Hödl, Hans Gerald. "Aladura: Ritualwandel in Westafrikanischen Kirchen [Aladura: Transformation of Ritual in West-African Churches]." In: Hans Gerald Hödl, Johann Pock and Teresa Schweighofer, eds. Christliche Rituale im Wandel: Schlaglichter aus theologischer und religionswissenschaftlicher Sicht, Vienna: V & R Unipress, 41–61.
–: and Johann Pock, Teresa Schweighofer, eds. Christliche Rituale im Wandel: Schlaglichter aus theologischer und religionswissenschaftlicher Sicht [Christian Rituals in Flux: Perspectives from Theology and Religious Studies], Wien: V & R Unipress.
Kuehn, Sara. Monsters or Bearers of Life-Giving Powers? Trans-Religious Migrations of Ancient Western Asian Symbolism. With a Foreword by Lokesh Chandra. New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Co-Published: D. K. Printworld (50 full colour illustrations).
–: "Pilgrimage as Muslim Religious Commemoration: The Case of Ajvatovica in Bosnia-Herzegovina." In: Ingvild Flaskerud, and R. J. Natvig, eds. Muslim Pilgrimage in Europe, New York: Routledge, 98–117.
–: "On the Transcultural and Transreligious Dimension of the so-called 'Sēnmurw'." In: G. Lutz and J. Olchawa, eds. Ein Hildesheimer Drachen-Aquamanile des 12. Jahrhunderts. Objekte und Eliten in Hildesheim, 1130 bis 1250, vol. 1. Regensburg, 105–128.
Pokorny, Lukas. "A Feminising Revolution: The Unification Movement and the 'Age of Women'." Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 5: 214–234.
–: "'Nusiel Unbound': The Archangel and the Fall in Unification Thought." In: Zohar Hadromi-Allouche and Áine Larkin, eds. Fall Narratives: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, London und New York: Routledge, 90–104.
–: Review of Billioud, Sébastien and Joël Thoraval. 2015. The Sage and the People: The Confucian Revival in China. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (3), 2017: 295.
–: Review of Broughton, Jeffrey L. with Elise Yoko Watanabe. 2015. The Chan Whip Anthology: A Companion to Zen Practice. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (4), 2017: 420.
–: Review of Buswell Jr., Robert E. 2016. Numinous Awareness is Never Dark: The Korean Buddhist Master Chinul's Excerpts on Zen Practice. Translated, Annotated, and with an Introduction. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (4), 2017: 420-421.
–: Review of Fürlinger, Ernst. 2013. Moscheebaukonflikte in Österreich: Nationale Politik des religiösen Raums im globalen Zeitalter. Göttingen: V&R unipress. In: Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft, 25 (1), 2017: 162-164.
–: Review of Jorgensen, John. 2015. A Handbook of Korean Zen Practice: A Mirror on the Sŏn School of Buddhism (Sŏn'ga Kwigam). Translated and with an Introduction. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (4), 2017: 423-424.
–: Review of Kelleher, M. Theresa. 2013. The Journal of Wu Yubi: The Path to Sagehood. Translated, with Introduction and Commentary. Indianapolis and Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (3), 2017: 298.
–: Review of Kendall, Laurel, Jongsung Yang, and Yul Soo Yoon. 2015. God Pictures in Korean Contexts: The Ownership and Meaning of Shaman Paintings. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (4), 2017: 424.
–: Review of Kim, Hong-ch’ŏl 김홍철. 2016. Han'guk sinjonggyo taesajŏn 한국신종교대사전 [Encyclopedia of Korean New Religions]. Sŏul 서울: Tosŏ ch'ulp'an mosi'nŭn saram'dŭl 도서 출판 모시는 사람들. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (2), 2017: 199.
–: Review of Kim, Jung-Yeup. 2015. Zhang Zai's Philosophy of Qi: A Practical Understanding. Lanham: Lexington Books. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (4), 2017: 424-425.
–: Review of Lee, Gyungwon. 2016. An Introduction to New Korean Religions. Seoul: Moonsachul. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (2), 2017: 198.
–: Review of McBride II, Richard D. 2017. Doctrine and Practice in Medieval Korean Buddhism: The Collected Works of Ŭich'ŏn. Translated, Annotated, and with an Introduction. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (4), 2017: 427.
–: Review of Pak, Kwang-su 박광수. 2012. Han'guk sinjonggyo'ŭi sasang'gwa chonggyo munhwa 한국신종교의사상과종교문화 [The Thought and Religious Culture of Korean New Religions]. Sŏul 서울: Chimmundang 집문당. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (2), 2017: 199-200.
–: Review of Pak, Kwang-su 박광수, Pak Sŭng-gil 박승길, et al. 2017. Han'guk sinjonggyo'ŭi sahoe undongsa'jŏk chomyŏng 한국신종교의 사회운동사적 조명 [An Illumination of the History of Korean New Religious Social Movements]. Sŏul 서울: Chimmundang 집문당. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (4), 2017: 428.
–: Review of Pak, Kwang-su 박광수, Yun Sŭng-yong 윤승용, et al. 2015. Han'guk sinjonggyo chihyŏng'gwa munhwa: chonggyo undong'ŭi yŏksa'jŏk chŏn'gae'wa sasang'ŭi sidae'jŏk pyŏnhwa 한국신종교 지형과 문화: 종교운동의 역사적 전개와 사상의 시대적 변화 [Topography and Culture of Korean New Religions: The Historical Development and Doctrinal Transformation of Religious Movements]. Sŏul 서울: Chimmundang 집문당. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (4), 2017: 428.
–: Review of Reinders, Eric. 2015. Buddhist and Christian Responses to the Kowtow Problem in China. London and New York: Bloomsbury. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (3), 2017: 300.
–: Review of The Daesoon Academy of Sciences. ed. 2016. Daesoon Jinrihoe: A New Religion Emerging From Traditional East Asian Philosophy. Yeoju: Daesoonjinrihoe Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 43 (2), 2017: 198-199.
–: (with) Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein, and Agnes Schick-Chen, eds., Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, 9, Vienna: Praesens, 2017.
Roubekas, Nickolas P. An Ancient Theory of Religion: Euhemerism from Antiquity to the Present, New York & London: Routledge.
–: "How Did Religion Start?" In: Aaron Hughes and Russell T. McCutcheon, eds. Religion in 5 Minutes, Sheffield, UK and Bristol, CT: Equinox, 43–46.
–: Review of Smith, Mark S. 2016. Where the Gods Are: Spatial Dimensions of Anthropomorphism in the Biblical World. New Haven: Yale University Press. In: Reading Religion.
–: Review of Barton, Carlin A. and Boyarin, Daniel. 2016. Imagine No Religion: How Modern Abstractions Hide Ancient Realities. New York: Fordham University Press. In: Critical Research on Religion 5 (2), 217–221.
–: Review of Berzon, Todd S. 2016. Classifying Christians: Ethnography, Heresiology, and the Limits of Knowledge in Late Antiquity. Oakland, Californa: University of California Press. In: Reading Religion.
–: Review of Stroumsa, Guy G. 2015. The Making of Abrahamic Religions in Late Antiquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In: Religion.
–: Review of Edwards, Mark. 2015. Religions of the Constantine Empire. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In: Religion.
–: Review of Macrae, Duncan. 2016. Legible Religion: Books, Gods, and Rituals in Roman Culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. In: Reading Religion.
–: Review of John Scheid. 2016. The Gods, the State, and the Individual: Reflections on Civic Religion in Rome. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. In: Religious Studies Review 43 (4): 398–399.
–: Review of Mary Lefkowitz. 2016. Euripides and the Gods. New York: Oxford University Press. In: Religious Studies Review 43 (4): 397.
–: Review of Larry W. Hurtado. 2016. Destroyer of the Gods: Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World. In: Religious Studies Review 43 (4): 406–407.
Baier, Karl. "Theosophical Orientalism and the Structures of Intercultural Transfer: Annotations on the Appropriation of the Cakras in Early Theosophy." In: Julie Chajes, Boaz Huss, eds. Theosophical Appropriations: Esotericism, Kabbalah, and the Transformation of Traditions, Jerusalem: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press Beer Sheca, 309–354.
–: Sr. M. Johanna Lauterbach: "'Gefühle mit der Autorität unbedingten Ernstes': Eine Studie zur religiösen Erfahrung in Auseinandersetzung mit Jürgen Habermas und Hermann Schmitz ['Emotions with the Authority of Unconditional Sobriety': A Study about the Religious Experience with Reference to Jürgen Habermas and Hermann Schmitz]." Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 2: 597–600.
–: "'Das Evangelium der Entspannung': Euroamerikanische Entspannungskultur und die Genese des modernen Yoga [The Gospel of Relaxation: Euro-American Relaxation Culture and the Genesis of Modern Yoga]." Entspannungsverfahren. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Entspannungsverfahren (DG-E e.V.). 33: 45–63.
–: "'Nicht-duales Bewusstsein und göttliche Schizophrenie': Ken Wilbers Erleuchtungsdenken ['Non-dual Consciousness and Divine Schizophrenia': Ken Wilber's Thoughts on Enlightenment]." In: Almut-Barbara Renger, ed. Erleuchtung: Kultur- und Religionsgeschichte eines Begriffs, Freiburg/Basel/Wien: Herder, 203–233.
–: "Henri Le Saux und die katholische Theologie der Mystik seiner Zeit [Henri Le Saux and the Catholic Theology of Mysticism in his Time]." In: Ulrich Winkler, Bettina Bäumer, eds. Unterwegs zu den Quellen des Seins: Die Relevanz des Lebens und Denker von Henri Le Saux/Abhishiktananda, Innsbruck: Tyrolia-Verlag, 89–121.
–: "Modelle der Meister-Schüler-Beziehung im Christentum [Models of the Relationship between Master and Student in Christianity]." In: Almut-Barbara Renger, Jeong-hee Lee-Kalisch, eds. Meister und Schüler. Master and Disciple: Tradition, Transfer, Transformation, Weimar: VDG, 307–324.
–: Foreword, in: Elliott Goldberg, ed. The Path of Modern Yoga: The History of an Embodied Spiritual Practice, Rochester/Toronto: Cananda, xi–xii.
Figl, Johann. "Das Wissenschaftsverständnis von Religionswissenschaft und ihren Subdisziplinen [The Scientific Understanding of Religious Studies and Its Subdisciplines]." In: Rauf Ceylan and Coskun Saglam, eds. Die Bedeutung der Religionswissenschaft und ihrer Subdisziplinen als Bezugswissenschaften für die Theologie (Reihe für Osnabrücker Islamstudien, Bd. 26), Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 31–49.
–: "Erleuchtung und Inspiration: Friedrich Nietzsches Verständnis und Kritik dieser Begriffe [Enlightenment and Inspiration: Friedrich Nietzsche’s Understanding and Critique of these Terms]." In: Karl Baier and Almut Barbara Renger, eds. Erleuchtung: Kultur- und Religionsgeschichte eines Begriffs, Freiburg: Herder, 137–158.
–: "Buddhismus im Alltag: östliche Praktiken in der westlichen Kultur [Buddhism in Daily Life: Eastern Practices in Western Culture]." In: Alfred Bellebaum and Robert Hettlage, eds. Religion: Spurensuche im Alltag, Wiesbaden: Springer, 203–231.
Freregger, Sandra Yvonne. "Nietzsches Denken der Freundschaft und das Politische." In: Renate Reschke, ed. Nietzscheforschung: Jahrbuch der Nietzsche-Gesellschaft, Berlin: De Gruyter, 141–149.
Heller, Birgit. Von Jenseitsreisen und Nahtoderfahrungen: Das Jahresheft Praxis Palliative Care – Demenz [On Travelling to the Hereafter and Near-death Experiences: The Yearbook Palliative Care Practice – Dementia], Hannover: Netzwerk Pflegen in der Vincentz Network GmbH & Co. KG.
–: Claudia Wenzel, and Andreas Heller. "Psychotherapie in Hospizarbeit und Palliative Care [Psychotherapy in Hospice and Palliative Care]." Psychotherapie im Alter, 13 (2): 139–149.
–: "'Sterbekulturen': Interreligiöse Dimensionen von Sterben, Tod und Trauer ['Cultures of Dying': Interreligious Dimensions of Dying, Death, and Grief]." bestattungskultur. Das Magazin des Bundesverbandes Deutscher Bestatter, 68 (9): 10–12.
–: "'Spiritual Care': Die Wiederentdeckung des 'ganzen' Menschen ['Spiritual Care': The Rediscovery of the Human Being as a 'Whole'].” Tattva Viveka. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft, Philosophie und spirituelle Kultur, 23 (66): 26–33.
–: "Die Jenseitsreise: Sinn und Zweck der Erzählungen." In: Von Jenseitsreisen und Nahtoderfahrungen: Das Jahresheft Praxis Palliative Care – Demenz, Hannover: Netzwerk Pflegen in der Vincentz Network GmbH & Co. KG 2016, 7–8.
–: "Jenseits, Raum und Zeit." In: Von Jenseitsreisen und Nahtoderfahrungen: Das Jahresheft Praxis Palliative Care – Demenz, Hannover: Netzwerk Pflegen in der Vincentz Network GmbH & Co. KG 2016, 62–63.
Hödl, Hans Gerald. with Valerie Krb, "The Milk of Human Kindness and the Burning Bosom: A Case Study on Mormon Conversion Narratives in Vienna." In: Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas Pokorny, eds., Religion in Austria, Vol. 3, 161–214.
–: "Reversed Racism: Fundamentalist Genealogies in African-American Religions." Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 2 (2): 131–153.
Kuehn, Sara. "The Eclipse Demons Rāhu and Ketu in Islamic Astral Sciences." In: Dmitriy Antonov, and Olga Khristoforova, eds. In Umbra: Demonology as a Semiotic System, 5, Moscow: Indrik, 211–244.
–: "An Unusual Large Circular Compartmented 'Stamp Seal' of the Goddess with Animals: Some Thoughts on the Religious Symbol System of the Central Asian Bronze Age Culture of Bactria-Margiana.: In: Nadezhda Dubova, ed. Transactions of the Margiana Archaeological Expedition: In Memory of Professor Victor Sarianidi 6, Moscow, 305–322.
–: "Vestiges of the Ourobóros in Medieval Islamic Visual Tradition." In: Rolf A. von Stucky, Oskar Kaelin, and Hans-Peter Mathys, eds. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 169–182.
Pokorny, Lukas, Rudiger Frank, Ina Hein, and Agnes Schick-Chen, eds. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies, 8, Vienna: Praesens.
–: "Naikan aus religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive [Naikan from the Perspective of the Study of Religions]." In: Wolfram Reiss, ed. Selbstbetrachtung hinter Gittern: Naikan im Strafvollzug in Deutschland und Österreich, Marburg: Tectum Verlag, 25–54.
–: Review of Adler, Joseph A. 2014. Reconstructing the Confucian Dao: Zhu Xi’s Appropriation of Zhou Dunyi. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 42 (1): 55–56.
–: Review of Baffelli, Erica. 2016. Media and New Religions in Japan. London and New York: Routledge. In: Religious Studies Review, 42 (4): 310.
–: Review of Brotons, Arnaud, Yannick Bruneton, and Nathalie Kouamé. eds. 2011. État, religion et répression en Asie: Chine, Corée, Japon, Vietnam (XIIIe–XXIe). Paris: Karthala. In: Religious Studies Review, 42 (2): 133–134.
–: Review of Chung, Edward Y. J. 2016. A Korean Confucian Way of Life and Thought: The Chasŏngnok (Record of Self-Reflection) by Yi Hwang (T’oegye). Translated, Annotated, and with an Introduction. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 42 (2): 134.
–: Review of Daiber, Karl-Fritz. 2014. Religion in multikulturellen und multireligiösen Staaten Ostasiens. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. In: Religious Studies Review, 42 (1): 56.
–: Review of Dunn, Emily. 2015. Lightning from the East: Heterodoxy and Christianity in Contemporary China. Leiden and Boston: Brill. In: Religious Studies Review, 42 (2): 135.
–: Review of Hammond, Kenneth J. and Jeffrey L. Rickey. eds. 2015. The Sage Returns: Confucian Revival in Contemporary China. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 42 (1): 56–57.
–: Review of Hoskins, Janet Alison. 2015. The Divine Eye and the Diaspora: Vietnamese Syncretism Becomes Transpacific Caodaism. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 42 (1): 57.
–: Review of Muller, Charles A. 2015. Korea’s Great Buddhist-Confucian Debate: The Treatises of Chŏng Tojŏn (Sambong) and Hamhŏ Tǔkt’ong (Kihwa). Translated and with an Introduction. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. In: Religious Studies Review, 42 (1): 58.
–: Review of Olberding, Amy. ed. 2014. Dao Companion to the Analects. Dordrecht: Springer. In: Religious Studies Review, 42 (3): 225.
–: Review of Park, Albert L. 2015. Building a Heaven on Earth: Religion, Activism, and Protest in Japanese Occupied Korea. In: Religious Studies Review, 42 (3): 226.
Roubekas, Nickolas P. Review of Hughes, Aaron W. 2014. Theorizing Islam: Disciplinary Deconstruction and Reconstruction. New York: Routledge. In: Contemporary Islam, 10 (1): 119–121.
–: Review of Eidinow, Esther und Kindt, Julia, Hg. 2015. The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In: Revista Clássica, 29 (2), 2016: 221–224.
Saarinen, Sampsa A. "Desire and Mortality: Nietzsche on Luther and the Need for God." In: Renate Reschke, ed. Nietzscheforschung: Jahrbuch der Nietzsche-Gesellschaft, Berlin: De Gruyter, 79–90.