I particularly welcome applications for M.A. and Ph.D. research linked to the areas of my immediate specialisation. These include more specifically East Asian religions; new religious movements; millenarianism; religion in Austria; and Asian diasporic, alternative, and new religion in the West. I am also happy to consider projects pertaining to the areas of my wider teaching, which includes comparative religion; Germanic (Norse) religions; and religion and literature.
Prospective supervisees are requested to prepare a 5-7 pp. (M.A.) or 10-15 pp. (Ph.D.) research proposal comprising the following:
- title of research
- research question(s)
- description of research
- tentative table of contents
- research schedule
- provisional bibliography
All my Ph.D. supervisees are required to attend the semestral research seminar. Supervision meetings take place regularly in person or via Skype. Ph.D. students must bring along or acquire a working proficiency in the relevant languages for the research.
Major Areas of Supervision
East Asian Religions
Whereas my main research interests lie in Confucianism with a focus on Korean Neo-Confucianism (specifically yulgokhak 栗谷學) and the issues of life and death and the supernatural, as well as Confucian spirituality, I offer supervision on the full range of East Asian religions past and present. Here East Asia comprises China/Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam, but I am also intrigued by the manifestation of East Asian religions (especially Confucianism) and the Theravāda in the countries of Southeast Asia. East Asian religions therefore relate to all religious phenomena with a notable historical heritage in the said countries, such as Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Shintō, and the variegated folk religious traditions (e.g., musok 무속, Đạo Mẫu). Text-based as well as ethnographic research is welcome, as are different approaches, be they historical, cultural, or social-scientific.
New Religious Movements
A large part of my work concerns the study of East Asian new religious movements with an emphasis on three areas, namely millenarianism and ethnocentrism in East Asian groups (see below); glocalised articulations in the West (especially in Europe and Austria) (see below); and the Unification Movement. New religious movements are understood here as religious institutions (also including esoteric and alternative-religious currents) that have developed in the past two centuries or so. I am happy to offer research supervision on all aspects of new religiosity from all perspectives using different methodologies. In this respect, the Religious Studies department hosts a growing library collection of primary materials connected to a number of new religious movements, with the aim to especially support research students in this area.
I have a long-standing interest in the millenarian dimension of new religious movements from a doctrinal point of view. Millenarianism is defined here as a belief focussing upon an all-embracing salvational transformation of the current world order. At present, I am particularly focused on exploring the distinctive ethnocentric and soteriological elements of the broad spectrum of millenarian expression of East Asian new religious movements. Another prime question of my research is how millenarian thinking sanctions and facilitates the versatile mundane (i.e., social, political, and economic) engagement of these groups. Supervision is offered on the above but also the wider field of millenarian studies, including historical and anthropological research beyond the context of (East Asian) new religious movements, and the nexus between catastrophic millenarianism and violence.
Religion in Austria
Much of my more recent research is committed to map the largely uncharted domain of religious pluralism in Austria past and present. I am passionate about a wide range of subjects connected to this topic but have assigned special attention over the years to Asian diasporic and new religions. My research usually combines examining the movements (micro-)historically and social-scientifically, utilising a broad methodological arsenal ranging from archival to varied qualitative research. Together with Hans Gerald Hödl, I established the book series Religion in Austria (RiA) in 2012 as a venue to disseminate pioneering related scholarship both domestically and to an international readership. I would be delighted to take over supervision of research projects dealing historically and/or social-scientifically with any aspects within the wider field of religion in Austria past and present. Suitable research may also involve comparative, transregional, or Austrian diasporic studies. The most distinguished graduates in this area will be solicited to submit their research results to RiA.
Asian Diasporic, Alternative, and New Religion in the West
This is a regional extension to Western societies in general of the supervision area above but here limited to Asian diasporic, alternative, and new religion. Supervision can be offered to research pertaining to the (glocalised) development and contemporary manifestation of these forms of religious currents/institutions with a particular focus on the situation in Europe. The research may draw on a variety of methodologies and choose from the full range of approaches employed in Religious Studies. Comparative studies are especially welcome.
Current supervision comprises
Altankhuyag, Baasansuren (commenced in 2022). Mongolische Religionsgemeinschaften in Österreich [Mongolian Religious Communities in Austria], M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Bauer, Nicole Maria. Heilung zwischen Medizin und Bibel. (Neu-)Inszenierung und Institutionalisierung des römisch-katholischen Exorzismus in Österreich [Healing between Medicine and the Bible: (Re-)staging and Institutionalisation of Roman Catholic Exorcism in Austria], Dr. habil. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Czerny, Julia (commenced in 2025). The USPW Community: Origins, Development, and Divergence from the Unification Church, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Frąszczak, Grzegorz (commenced in 2012). The Cao Đài Esoteric Doctrines and Practices and Their Impact on the Believer’s Daily Life, Ph.D. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Hammer, Christoph (commenced in 2024). Children of Convert Buddhists in Austria, Ph.D. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Huỳnh, Cao Nhựt Quang (commenced in 2022). Poetic Instructions on Prophecy: An Annotated Translation of Hòa Hảo Buddhism's Sấm Giảng Thi Văn, Ph.D. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Jetzinger, Michael (commenced in 2024). Christliche Millenarismen im Mittelalter [Christian millenarianism in the Middle Ages] (History/Catholic Religious Education), University of Vienna
Jonuzi, Nasfie (commenced in 2024). Zur Funktion von Träumen und deren Deutung in islamischen Kontexten. Traditionelle und aktuelle Interpretationsansätze [On the Function of Dreams and Their Interpretation in Islamic Contexts: Traditional and Current Approaches to Interpretation], M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Kohlndorfer, Andreas Jörg. Grüne Esoterik. Eine Untersuchung grünesoterischer Literatur zum Themenbereich der Anastasia-Bewegung (Anastasianismus) auf konkrete esoterische und rechte politische Einflüsse und Vergleich zu einem braunesoterischen Werk aus dem Bereich der "Ufologie" [Green Esotericism: An Examination of Green Esoteric Literature on the Subject of the Anastasia Movement (Anastasianism) for Specific Esoteric and Right-wing Political Influences, and a Comparison with a Brown Esoteric Work from the Field of "Ufology"], M.Th. (Protestant Theology), University of Vienna
Martínez, Pablo Andrés (commenced in 2024). Rome. Tobacco Initiation in the Tradition of the Onanya of the Shipibo People, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Nguyen, Trang T. D. (commenced in 2024). Paving the Path toward Unlearned Wisdom: The "Revived" Trúc Lâm School as a New Tradition of Contemporary Vietnamese Buddhism, Ph.D. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Popov, Elena (commenced in 2023). Ritual Practices and Personal Transformation in Santo Daime: An Ethnographic Study of Concentração and Cura Rituals in Austria, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Saikia, Alisha (commenced in 2020). A Study of Dolls from a Religious Studies Perspective: From Soul Bearers to Alternative Healers, Ph.D. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Sinani, Barbora (commenced in 2023). Religion im digitalen Zeitalter. Das Phänomen religiöser Influencer in den sozialen Netzwerken [Religion in the Digital Age: The Phenomenon of Religious Influencers in the Social Networks], M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Tschojer, Nico (commended in 2025). Clara und der magnetische Schlaf. Eine Betrachtung des Mesmerismus bei Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling [Clara and Magnetic Sleep: A Consideration of Mesmerism in Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling], M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Voss, Gabriella (commenced in 2018). The Concept of Healing in Contemporary Dance, Ph.D. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Waldl, Elisabeth (commenced in 2022). Die säkulare Szene in Österreich. Der Kampf für Laizität im Namen der Konfessionsfreien [The Secular Scene in Austria: The Fight for Laïcité in the Name of Non-Denominationalists], M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Wasisto, Muhammad Adiz (commenced in 2024). From Myth to Politics: The Evolution of the Millenarian Vision of Ratu Adil (Just Ruler) in Javanese Political Thinking, Ph.D. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Zoehrer, Dominic (commenced in 2016). Prāṇa and Quantum: How Vital Agency is Reimagined in the Field of Energy Healing, Ph.D. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna
Completed supervision and/or past examination of graduate and postgraduate research include
Zwettler, Katharina. 2025. Was passiert, wenn das erwartete Millennium ausbleibt? Zum Umgang mit millenaristischen Fehlerwartungen. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung [What Happens When the Expected Millennium Fails to Materialise? Dealing with Millenarian Expectations of Failure. A Comparative Study, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Chadwin, Joseph. 2024. Long for One's Ancestors, Miss One's Home: An Ethnographic Study of Everyday Lived Chinese Popular Religion, Ph.D. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna, Supervisor
Ebner, Josephine. 2024. Christian Zen in Austria: History and Contemporary Developments, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Erich, Katharina. 2023. "Und wenn es nicht wahr ist, so ist es doch gut erfunden!" Auf den Spuren der Esoterik in der Gegenwartsliteratur mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Barbara Frischmuth und ihr Werk ["Even if it is not true, it is a very good fabrication!" Tracing Esotericism in Contemporary Literature with Special Attention to Barbara Frischmuth and Her Work], M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Hammer, Christoph. 2023. Geschichte und Gegenwart der Karma-Kagyü-Schule in Österreich [History and Current Situation of the Karma-Kagyü School in Austria], M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Jetzinger, Michael. 2023 Apokalyptische Tendenzen in Zeiten von Pandemien [Apocalyptic Tendencies in Times of Pandemics], M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Reichel, Franz. 2023. The Foundation and Development of the Taiwanese New Religious Movement Wéixīn Shèngjiào 唯心聖教, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Roubekas, Nickolas P. 2022. Graeco-Roman Religions and the Academic Study of Religion: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Religious Ideas, Discourses, and Practices of Graeco-Roman Antiquity, Dr. habil. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna, Mentor
Holder, Eva Elisabeth. 2022. The Role of Music in Church Services of the Freikirchen in Österreich, with Special Focus on the Congregations Located in Vienna, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Unterrainer, Human-Friedrich. 2021. The Multidimensional Measurement of Religious/Spiritual Well-Being: Recent Developments in Scale Validation and Clinical Applications, Dr. habil. (Psychology of Religion), University of Vienna, Mentor
Yahyaie, Alice. 2021. Operation Werewolf, Radical Traditionalism and Julius Evola’s Doctrine Put into Practice, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Katz, Juval. 2020. "And the souls they have made": The Reincarnations of Genesis 12:5 in Jewish Law and Theology, Ph.D. (Jewish Studies), University of Vienna, Co-supervisor (with Gerhard Langer, University of Vienna)
Lenhart, Simon Adam. 2020. Existentialistischer Dhamma: Ñāṇavīra Theras (1920–1965) Notes on Dhamma und die Herausbildung des existentialistischen Theravāda, M.A. (Religionswissenschaft), Universität Wien [Existentalist Dhamma: Ñāṇavīra Thera's (1920–1965) Notes on Dhamma and the Development of Existentialist Theravāda], M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Schönberger, Sarah-Allegra. 2020. Vaiśravaṇa. Dämonischer Wächter und Herr der Reichtümer: Ikonographische Transformationen im Kulturtransfer zwischen Indien und dem sino-japanischen Raum [Vaiśravaṇa. Demonic Guardian and Lord of Wealth: Iconographical Transformations in the Cultural Transfer Between India and the Sino-Japanese Area], Ph.D. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna, Examiner
Edinger, Nikolaus. 2019. Die Sathya Sai-Bewegung in Wien und Österreich [The Sathya Sai Movement in Vienna and Austria], M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Pastollnigg, Markus. 2019. Auto-Orientalismus, Antiamerikanismus und Zivilisationskritik von Fujii Nichidatsu [Auto-Orientalism, Anti-Americanism and Civilisational Criticism in the Works of Fujii Nichidatsu], M.A. (Buddhist Studies), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Schromm, Gundel. 2019. Om statt Amen: Die Ansichten von AnhängerInnen indischer Neureligionen über die römisch-katholische Kirche [Om Instead of Amen: The Views of Followers of Indian New Religions towards the Roman-Catholic Church], M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Karner, Beate. 2018. Zum aktuellen Verständnis des Fastens in der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche in Österreich [On the Current Understanding of Fasting in the Austrian Protestant Lutheran Church], M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Kigen, Samuel Kipkemei. 2018. Totemism Re-examined: A Study of Totems and Their Relevance Today with Special Reference to the Keiyo Community in Kenya, Th.D. (Catholic Theology), University of Vienna, Examiner
Dlubatz, Swen. 2016. Confucianism, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Its Implication and Interconnection for Modern Businesses, Business Management and Business Strategy in Japan and China, M.A. (East Asian Economy and Society), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Black, Ashleigh. 2016. Why Is Creationism Compatible with Science? With Regards to the Origins of Life and the Origins of the Universe, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Fuchsberger, Markus. 2016. The Historical Emergence of the Modern Category of Religion: Applying the Method of Genealogy to the Discourses on Civility and Barbarity by Timothy Fitzgerald, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Hassan, Merryn. 2016. Jung Applied to Comparative Chinese Mythology, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Paterson, Catherine. 2016. Tylor and Durkheim: An Application to Buddhism, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Pyne, Hannah. 2016. Freud, Weber and Modern Methodism: An Application of Theories to the Beliefs of Dawlish Methodist Church, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Racasan, Andrei. 2016. Would the Sainsbury’s Organization Constitute a Religion According to Durkheim?, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Bortner, Robin. 2015. Between Reason and Revelation: The Emergence of Occult Tarot, M.Litt. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Chadwin, Joseph. 2015. Early Daoist and Buddhist Soteriology: A Comparison, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Supervisor/Examiner
Hassan, Ali Rassul. 2015. The Political Discourse of Islamic Reform and Modernity, Ph.D. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Co-supervisor (with Dawoud El-Alami, University of Aberdeen)
Naushahi, Aisha. 2015. What are Rituals? A Critical Examination to the Differing Approaches to Rituals, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Sharp, Thomas. 2015. DIY Punk Rock as a Religion: An Exploration of the Similarities between Traditional Religious Expression and the DIY Punk Subculture in Scotland, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Szabó, Anna Gabriella. 2015. Ethnic Policies toward People of Chinese Descent in Indonesia and Malaysia, M.A. (East Asian Economy and Society), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Foster, Fiona. 2014. Assessing Canon Brian Mountford's Proposal for Christian Atheism in Light of Relatable Theories of Religion and Spirituality Without the Belief in God, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Heyes, Britannia. 2014. Humanist Ethics: A Christian or Atheist Monopoly?, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Hill, Christine. 2014. How Does the Concept of Spirituality Support or Contradict the Secularization Thesis?, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Jones, Rebecca. 2014. Women and Zar: An Examination of the Roles and Functions of the Shamanic Practice of Zar in North Africa, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Milanowska, Joanna. 2014. 'It's Just a Couple of Angels Having a Slap-Fight': Perception of Religious Themes in Supernatural, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Parker, Bethany. 2014. The Silenced Wife: A Feminist Exploration of Domestic Violence within the Context of Christian Churches, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Thomas, Ciara. 2014. The Exploration of a Post-Ikeda Soka Gakkai International, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Supervisor/Examiner
Wilson, Claire. 2014. The Notion of Bodhisattva: Meditations in the Early Mahāyāna and the Sōka Gakkai, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Supervisor/Examiner
Freeman, Zoe Jade. 2013. Incongruent Existence: To be Queer and Religious?, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Graham, Fabian Charles. 2013. Contemporary Tang-ki and Ling-ji Mediumship in Singapore and Taiwan: A Comparative Study of Two Folk Taoist Religious Landscapes, Ph.D. (Anthropology), SOAS, University of London, External Examiner
Hutchison, Clare Margaret. 2013. The Universal Peace Federation and Its Doctrinal Underpinnings, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Supervisor/Examiner
Jaggard, William. 2013. Culinary Confucianism: An Investigation into Chinese Culture from the Perspective of the Analects and Food, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Supervisor/Examiner
Vacher, Stephen. 2013. Environmentalism and Unification Thought, M.Litt. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Supervisor/Examiner
Ambrose, Tom. 2012. The Religious Dimensions of the Juche Idea of North Korea, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Supervisor/Examiner
Frąszczak, Grzegorz. 2012. "Namu-myōhō-renge-kyō": The Sōka Gakkai in Aberdeen City and Shire, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Supervisor/Examiner
Gerrard, Rebecca. 2012. An Analysis of the Axial Age and Its Implications for Eastern Religions, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Nawaz, Jasmin. 2012. How Pullman's His Dark Materials Trilogy is not an 'Anti-Theology' but a Foray into Existentialism and Spirituality without God, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Phillips, Lynne. 2012. The Role of Women in Christianity, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Rang, Seon-Young. 2012. Die Transferabilität traditionell konfuzianisch geprägter Erziehung und Wertevermittlung in die westliche Kultur: Eine qualitative Untersuchung am Beispiel der zweiten Generation südkoreanischer Migranten in Wien [The Transferability of Traditional Confucian-minded Education and Value Creation into Western Culture: A Qualitative Exploration Using the Example of Second Generation South Korean Immigrants in Vienna], M.A. (Global Studies), University of Vienna, Supervisor/Examiner
Rodgers, Catherine. 2012. Blessed Virginity: An Evolution of Virginity in Western Christianity, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Roy, Leslie Cargill. 2012. Theorising Religious Incongruence: Psychological Process and Structural Influence Involving Cognitive Dissonance within Religious Belief Systems, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Vacher, Stephen. 2012. Is Confucianism a Viable Option for the Future of China?, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Supervisor/Examiner
Yang, Mei. 2012. Olympic Ideology and the 2008 Torch Relay in British and Chinese Elite Media: A Critical Discourse Analysis, Ph.D. (English), University of Aberdeen, Internal Examiner
Griffin, Morwenna Clair. 2011. Buddhism in a Western Context. Triratna and the Pursuit of Adaptation: A Case Study of the London Buddhist Centre in Bethnal Green, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Supervisor/Examiner
Haokip, Jangkholam. 2011. A Theological Study of Identity among the Tribal People of North-East India with a Special Reference to the Kukis of Manipur, Ph.D. (Theology), University of Aberdeen, Internal Examiner
Norman, Amy. 2011. Educate, Agitate and Organise: The Consequences of B. R. Ambedkar's Engaged Buddhism, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Examiner
Silverwood, Fergus Lee. 2011. Mystic White Pyjamas: Training the Body to Train the Mind. Experiences of a Scottish Dojo on the Issue of Spirituality in Shotokan Karate, M.A. (Religious Studies), University of Aberdeen, Supervisor/Examiner