Visiting Scholar
Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Joanna Malita-Król is a Research Assistant and a lecturer at the Institute for the Study of Religions, Jagiellonian University, Kraków (Poland). She holds an M.A. (2013) in Comparative Culture Studies and Ph.D. (2019) in Religious Studies. She also received the JASSO scholarship (2015) at Kobe University (Japan). She researches contemporary Pagan religions in Poland, devoting numerous articles and her first book on the traditional Wiccan milieu: Polscy wiccanie. Studium religii przeżywanej (Polish Wiccans: A Study of Lived Religion, Kraków 2021). Currently, she explores ritual places of contemporary Pagans, especially reasons of choosing particular locations (see, e.g., "On Choosing the Place: The Open Wiccan Rituals in the City of Warsaw," Nova Religio 2021). Her teaching comprises of both religious and cultural studies, including contemporary Paganism, Japanese culture with The Tale of Genji, popular culture, and Religious Studies methodology. While at the Department in the 2022 summer semester, she co-ordinates a course on "Introduction to Contemporary Paganism."