FWF Fellow (2020–2022)





Yuval Katz-Wilfing is an FWF postdoctoral fellow, working on a project in conjunction with the Institute of Iranian Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. His main academic interests relate to the history of ideas, identity construction, development of the soul concept, conversion, Hebrew philology, Jewish history, rabbinics, interreligious phenomena, and interreligious dialogue. He obtained his Ph.D. (2020) in Jewish Studies from the University of Vienna with a thesis on the reception history of Genesis 12:5, where he traced the development of the ideas of soul and conversion in Jewish thought. He also holds an M.A. in Religious Studies (2013) from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and a B.Sc. in Computer Science (2001) from the Tel Hai College. He has worked for many years as a chip designer and project manager, working on robust computer networks for the Orion spacecraft, self-driving vehicles, and wind energy projects. He is active in the Vienna Jewish community. He regularly organises various events for both adults and children's education, also teaching Talmud, Mishnah, and other Jewish texts. He is the CEO of the Austrian Committee for Christian-Jewish Co-operation and is regularly lecturing and writing about inter-religious dialogue from a Jewish perspective. He lives with his wife and three children in Vienna.