Media Inquiries

For media appearances of our core team, please use the following information:

Lukas K. Pokorny is Professor and Chair in Religious Studies and Head of the Department of Religious Studies, University of Vienna. His expertise comprises East Asian religions; New Religious Movements; Millenarianism; and new and alternative religion in Austria.

Birgit Heller is Professor of Religious Studies at the Department of Religious Studies, University of Vienna, and President of the Austrian Society of Religious Studies. Her expertise comprises Comparative Religion (conceptions of wo/man; death, mourning, and afterlife); Hindu Religions; Gender Studies; and applied religious studies with a focus on religious and spiritual dimensions of palliative care.

Hans Gerald Hödl is Professor of Religious Studies at the Department of Religious Studies, University of Vienna. His main areas of research are West African and Afro-American Religions, Mormonism, Ritual Studies, Theory of Sacrifice, Critique of Religion (Friedrich Nietzsche), and Aesthetics of Religion.

Karl Baier is Professorial Research Fellow at the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Vienna. His expertise comprises alternative religion (especially nineteenth and twentieth century); Mesmerism; Occultism; modern Yoga; and Psychedelics.

For more information and contact details, please see the respective webpages of our staff members.
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